PLE Updates
January 23, 2025

January 23, 2025
Principal's Message
Pine Lane Crew,
We are now three weeks into the third quarter. January has definitely been a cold month so far. It looks like next week may be a bit warmer. I am looking forward to that.
Teachers are working diligently to leverage our iReady assessment data to adjust instruction to better meet the needs of our students. We are also continuing to dive into what good writing looks like, specifically how to use what we read to communicate. To support your child in this, see if they can tell you what a “Gist” statement is and how to use the acronym “TIDE” to organize their writing.
At North, we are also starting a school-wide initiative with our classes to improve student culture and behavior. Mr. Spencer has created an incentive program to encourage our crew to Practice Safety, Accept accountability, Work hard, and Show Respect. Our overall goal in this is to improve school culture and minimize behavior incidents. This initiative will run through Spring Break. We will be tracking behavior data during this time and comparing it to last year through the same period of time. If this is successful, we will look to run the same program with our South campus as well. We also hope that you too can tap into this work at home and that it is supportive of your parenting as you seek to develop strong community members who are capable and able to maintain strong interpersonal relationships.
As we consider the collaborative responsibility that families and schools have in equipping and empowering the next generation, Dr. Daniel Amen’s work has been highlighted for me. He has focused on raising mentally strong kids and has worked with Dr. Charles Fey at Love and Logic. Here are a couple of clips of his work that might be helpful to you as parents: Interview on the Jay Shetty Podcast and #1 Foundation to Raising Mentally Strong Kids. He too has lots of content concerning brain development and brain health on his YouTube Channel: AmenClinics. This is content that I have always been curious about and will continue to explore. I hope it is helpful to you as well.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and next week is a full 5 day week of school!
Chris Stairs
Pine Lane Elementary
Upcoming Dates
- January 29th: PLEA Freddy's Spirit Night 4-8pm 11140 S Twenty Mile Road
- February 4th -6th: 2nd Grade CogAT Testing
- February 7th: Love and Logic Parenting Class
- February 10th - Deadline to order Valentines Grams
- February 10th -12th: 6th Grade PLUM
- February 13th: Classroom Celebrations
- February 14th: No School Students Staff
- February 17th: President's Day no school
- February 18th: PLE Talent Show Rehearsal
- February 19th: PLE Talent Show
- February 26th: PLE SAC Meeting
Save the Date - May 22nd 630pm
6th Grade Continuation:
Once again, this year, we ar planning a special celebration for our 6th graders as they transition to the next phase of their academic journey.
We will host a continuation ceremony at Sierra Middle School on Thursday, May 22, 2025, from 6:30 PM to approximately 7:30 PM
Bus Cancelations
- January 27th - (no cancellations)
- February 3rd - 146 & 186
- February 10th - 145 & 183
- February 18th - 141
- February 24th - 142
StuCO Updates
Valentine Candy Grams $1.50 each
Send someone a little love!
Tell a friend, staff member or fellow Crew Member how much you care!
On Sale Now through February 10th
Your Choice of a World's Finest Chocolate Bar or Ring Pop
All Orders need to be placed online using the link below.
You can order up to 3 Candy Grams per order.
***Please make sure to select the correct price point for 1, 2 or 3 Grams***
If only one is ordered and paid for, yet you fill out 3 forms only the 1st one will receive a candy gram
Chocolate Bar Sales $1
StuCO is selling Chocolate Bars for their fundraiser!
$1.00 each
Available in Almond, Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Caramel, WF Crisp and Wafer
Sale Ends 2/6
24/25 Yearbooks
It's Time to Order your 2024-2025 Yearbook today!
- Visit ybpay.com to order yours today!
- School code: 9759125
- Cost = $23
- Due by: April 4th
- Price after 4/4 = $30
Love and Logic Parenting Class
Our Next Class is February 7th!
- 9:30am - 11:00am
- South Campus Mobile
Please check in at the office before heading to the mobile.
Complete information and schedule is available here: PLE Love and Logic Parenting Classes 24/25
PLE 2025 Talent Show
PLE Talent Show is Coming!!!
Submit Your Audition Video By
Friday, January 31, 2025
Do you love to sing, dance, play an instrument, tell jokes, do martial arts, gymnastics or are really great at some other talent? Upload a video of your talent show audition to this Google Form. (or scan QR Code) Audition submissions should be 3 minutes or less in length. Google Sign up and video submission must be turned in by midnight, Friday, January 31st.
STEM Fair 2025
Pine Lane will be hosting a STEM fair beginning on March 7, 2025. This is a time for Pine Lane students to create a STEM project that interests them.
We will introduce the STEM fair in STEM class during the month of January. Then the project should be worked on and completed at home.
- Projects will be on display from Monday March 10 - Thursday March 13, 2025.
- Please plan to take them home on Friday March 14.
Complete details and registration information is available using the link below:
WE need volunteers to judge the STEM fair on
FRIDAY March 7 from 11 - 4 at both campuses.
We are looking for any adult who can use a rubric, college students, and HS students who need volunteer hours
2nd Grade CogAT Testing
February 4th, 5th & 6th
DCSD is committed to implementing equitable practices to increase access to advanced/gifted learning opportunities. Based on state and national recommendations and requirements, we implement Universal Screening for students in 2nd grade in February.
As part of this process, ALL students in 2nd grade who have not been identified for gifted programming will take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) on Tuesday, February 4th, Wednesday, February 5th, and Thursday, February 6th from 9:45-10:45 am. This assessment indicates the level and pattern of cognitive development of a student in comparison to grade and age mates. These general reasoning abilities, which start developing at birth and continue through early adulthood, are influenced by experiences gained both in and out of school.
If your child is already identified for gifted programming, they will not participate in this universal screen testing. Your Gifted Education Facilitator will contact you directly with more detailed information about this process.
Please see the following for additional information linked below:
CDC - January 2025 Letter
We know there’s nothing more important than making sure your children stay healthy and learning all year long. Getting vaccinated is an important part of keeping kids in school, as it prevents them from catching and spreading diseases that can make them sick. The letter below includes important information about Colorado’s school vaccine requirements, as well as other resources. Please take a few minutes to review this information.
Recess and Weather
Recess is an integral part of school, and all students will be expected to participate. During periods of inclement weather, please be sure your child comes to school with appropriate clothing, including boots, hats, gloves, socks, coat, etc. Children will go out unless there is precipitation, lightning, or the temperature (with wind chill considered) falls below 20 degrees.
Field Trips
Upcoming Field Trips
- February 12th - 4th Grade History Colorado Center - (rescheduled from November Snow Day)
- March 6th - 1st Grade Denver Museum of Nature & Science
- March 25 - 5th Grade Colonial Lady (Onsite presentation - This fee is included in Ameritown)
- April 2nd - Discovery Ameritowne
- April 10th - 3rd Grade Denver Mint
- April 21st - 5th Grade Ameritowne
Please ensure to register students in a timely manner and by the Deadlines to ensure your studnets are able to participate.
Complete details and registration links are available using the link below:
PLEA Updates
Freddy's Spirit Night - January 29th
Support Pine Lane
- Jan 29, 2025
- 4:00pm-8:00pm
- Share on social media
- 11140 S Twenty Mile Road
- Parker, CO 80134
- Directions
Ways to support this fundraiser
- Pine Lane will receive 15% of fundraiser sales* during this fundraiser.
To Participate
- Online: Order on the Freddy's mobile app or website using the code GIVEBACK.
- In person at the restaurant, tell the cashier of your participation (before payment) or show the fundraiser flyer below to the cashier (before payment).
Digital Code
GIVEBACK*DoorDash, Uber Eats, GrubHub and Google orders, gift card sales and delivery fees excluded.
Before and After School
2nd Semester Updates
- Pokemon Battle Academy
Still Accepting Registrations
- Guitar Club - All Grades
- Ukulele Club - All Grades
- Choir - 3rd - 6th Grade
- Lego Robotics Club - 2nd and 3rd Grade
- Mad Science K-5
Complete information can be found using the link below.
Chap Feeder Area Events
DCSD Community Updates
Upcoming Discounted Community Events Include:
- National Western Stock Show - 1/11 - 1/26/25
- Back to the Future/DCPA - 2/7/25 2/9/25
- Mean Girls/DCPA - 2/28/25, 3/2/25
- The Wiz/DCPA - 4/25/25, 4/26/25
General link to purchase tickets or for more information is: https://www.foundationdcs.org/community-events
North and South Office Contact Information
In order for us to serve you in an efficient and timely manner, please make sure you are contacting us using the numbers below and saving Pine Lane North or Pine Lane South in your contacts.
If you google Pine Lane you are only being giving the North Campus office.
- South Campus - Pre K - 3rd Grade
- Office: 303-387-8325
- Attendance: 303-387-8327
- North Campus 4th - 6th Grade
- Office: 303-387-8275
- Attendance: 303-387-8277