Burns Park Family Newsletter
January 26, 2025
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From the Principal
Happy Lunar New Year to those who will be celebrating this 15 day event.
Lunar New Year begins on Wednesday, January 29th. This celebration marks the start of a new moon after the end of a cycle of 12 lunar months. The new year of a lunisolar calendar is typically determined by the first, second or even third new new moon after the winter solstice, or after an equinox.
This week on Wednesday we will have an Early Release Day. Students will be dismissed at 1:00. Please make an end of day plan with your student and family should pickup be different from normal.
Upcoming Events
1/29 Lunar New Year Begins
1/29 Early Dismissal 1:00
1/31 Embry to Winter Survival
2/10 NAAPID Day (Families are invited to have Lunch with their student)
Take care & Be well,
Principal Bullock
Previous Family Newsletters
NWEA Testing Continues
Y5/Kindergarten Round Up
IDT applications for Young 5s, for the 2025-26 school year will be accepted from Tuesday, January 7 - Thursday, February 13.
Burns Park Players
From The Burns Park PTO
Hello Penguin Families, We’re excited for the warmer temperatures and a full week of school! Our next PTO Meeting will be on Tuesday, Feb. 11 at 7 p.m. via Zoom. YEARBOOKS ON SALE NOW! Order your Burns Park Yearbook by Friday, March 21. Yearbooks are $14. Visit inter-state.com/order and enter code 91504W to order online or return the form sent home to the BP Office with cash/check payable to Burns Park Elementary School. Lost the form? Send an envelope with the cash/check and your students name and teacher’s name. You can also donate a book to a Penguin-in-need! Donations must be made separately. For online orders type "Donate Book" instead of a student's name. For cash/check orders send a separate envelope to school with "Donated Book" on the envelope. Questions? Contact yearbook@bpepto.org. VOLUNTEER UPDATE Disability Awareness Workshop - On Friday, February 21 we will need volunteers from 8:45 am to 12:30 p.m. No experience working with people with disabilities is necessary. You will be provided training upon arrival, and will have easy to follow activity instructions to oversee students as they participate in activities. Please click here for examples of some activities you'll help facilitate. Lunch will also be provided for workshop volunteers. Sign up to volunteer before, during or after the event here. Please contact the DAW co-chairs Shannon Hautamaki (smhred12@gmail.com) and Asha Hitihami Mudiyanselage (ashahitihami@gmail.com) with any questions. Morning Library Check In & Shelving - Looking for a quick and easy way to volunteer? 30 minute slots are available each morning after drop off. Sign up here. Fifth Grade Capstone - We need help planning the last week of school activities for our fifth graders. Help make sure our kids get a memorable and fun filled send off from Burns Park Elementary. We will split up the tasks among the volunteer group with a goal of making it very manageable for everyone. If you can find a few minutes to help out, please reach out to Ellen Delonis at ellendelonis@mac.com for more info. BURNS PARK RUN ANNOUNCEMENTS Registration is now open for the 47th Annual Burns Park Run! The run will take place on Sunday, April 27 at 8:30 a.m. Sign up or learn more here. The Burns Park Run, sponsored by Probility, is the major fundraiser for the Burns Park PTO and is organized and staffed by volunteers. Known for its family-friendly atmosphere, the 5K and 10K races annually draw 1,000 to 1,500 runners aged 5 to 90 years, with over 200 elementary school kids running the 5K. For the youngest of participants, there is a separate 1/2 mile Fun Run around the park. Burns Park Run Sponsors - If you own or work at a business that would be interested in sponsoring the event, we have many different levels and would welcome your support. Please email rachel.ufer@gmail.com to get in before marketing begins! CALL FOR YEARBOOK PHOTOS We are in desperate need of photos for the yearbook from: 5th Grade Classes Band/Orchestra Field Trips Classroom activities, etc. Specials Art Music Library PE PLTW Theater Please share any photos you may have of your Penguins in action during Burns Park activities using this link. To upload photos: click on the down arrow to find your child’s grade folder. No identifiers are needed, but please tag your photos with the classroom’s “Teacher name – event.” For example: “Hane – Lansing Field trip.” Please do not include Rec & Ed sport photos. Have questions? Contact us at yearbook@bpepto.org. Your Burns Park PTO, Kory Zhao, President
Burns Park Run Volunteers - The 47th Annual Burns Park Run will take place on April 27 at 8:30 am and we’re in need of a variety of volunteers. Cheer runners on as a Course Marshall at intersections throughout the race route, hand out medals, arrange brunch, help with a/v and table set up, help with registration, bicycle with the lead runners, AND MORE! You need to be at least 14 years of age, but no other experience is necessary! Click here to learn more and sign up.
Michelle Ding, President-Elect