Sundays From The Mesa # 4
September 2nd - 6th
September is here!
Dear Alta Mesa Families,
It was another busy week here at Alta Mesa making sure our students understand the routines and procedures in their classroom and during unstructured time. It is wonderful to see so many students helping each other and working on following the school rules. We are off to a great start to the school year!
The month of September begins our Habit of the Month and as a district we will focus on Habit Number One which is "Be Proactive". This habit teaches us that while we can't control everything around us, we always have the power to choose our response. By focusing on what we can control - like our attitudes, words, and actions - we can help our children (and ourselves!) learn to take responsibility for choices and build a positive, productive school experience.
Thank you to EVERYONE who turned in the Beginning of Year forms. We are 100% current on these forms. Way to go!
We concluded our Site Council nominations. Please click on the BALLOT to cast your vote by Friday, September 6th.
Just a reminder that Picture Day is Friday, September 6th.
There is no school tomorrow, Monday, September 2nd in remembrance of Labor Day. I hope you are able to enjoy the extra day off.
See everyone Tuesday morning!
Thank You,
Courtney Haedrich
Principal-Alta Mesa School
No School Monday, September 2nd - Labor Day
One way to jumpstart a PROACTIVE year is establishing good rhythms for excellent attendance in 2024/2025. September is Attendance Awareness Month, and we're highlighting the importance of consistent attendance for ALL of our students - TK and up! Regular attendance helps build a strong foundation for learning, social development, and future success. Did you know: if your child is going to be absent, you can reach out to the school office to arrange Independent Study to earn credit for attendance while you are gone. By building a family focus on great attendance, you are telling your students that they can proactively create lifelong habits of responsibility and commitment.
Beginning Of The Year Information
Parent Portal Log-In
All parents, including new parents, should have logged into the Parent Portal at some point already. Why do you need to create a parent account? This is a secure platform through which you will view your child's teacher/class, receive your child’s report card, complete enrollment, and complete the necessary beginning-of-the-year school forms like your child's emergency card. In the future, this is also how state testing results will be communicated.
Click HERE for the link to the parent portal. If you cannot log-in successfully, please call our school's office at 224-4130. Be sure to keep your log-in information in a safe but accessible place.
Opt In To Receive Newsletters Via Text Message
Riffle Raffle
The Riffle Raffle is our classroom teachers main fundraiser for the year. The ticket sales are facilitated by our Alta Mesa Parent Club. If you are interested in selling tickets, please sign the ticket request form that will go home with your student on Monday, Aug 26th. Once we have a signed ticket request we will issue tickets to students starting Tuesday, Aug 27th.
All proceeds go to the classroom teachers Booster Club account to be used for many things including field trips and the purchase of classroom materials.
Upcoming School Events
Picture Day - September 6th
Studio 530 Photography will be doing all their ordering online. There will no longer be pre-orders or packets that go home. All orders will be done AFTER pictures have been taken. There are a lot of benefits to this new system. 1) Parents will be able to view pictures before they buy them. 2) Parents will be able to fully customize backgrounds.
Here are the steps:
- Each student will get their picture taken on picture day and will be given a slip to take home to their parents/guardians
- A few days later parents will be able to use the slip that was sent home to register and order pictures
- If orders are placed within the first week of pictures being taken, no shipping costs will be added
Cross Country: Jimmy Havlina & Keeley Tuggle
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays 2:15 - 3:00
**When meets start practices will be Tuesdays and Wednesdays**
All meets start promptly at 3:00pm
9/19 @ Lassen View
9/26 @ Alta Mesa
10/3 @ Parsons
10/10 @ Boulder Creek
STEM Club: Dana Randolph
Meeting Dates:
3rd - 5th Grade - Tuesdays 2:30 - 3:30
9/03, 9/10, 9/17, 9/24, 10/01, 10/08
1st - 3rd Grade - Thursdays 2:30 - 3:30
9/05, 9/12, 9/19, 9/26, 10/03, 10/10
Garden Club: Devin Lindsley & Cate Richards
All Meetings will be Wednesdays 2:30 - 3:30 - Except Wednesday, September 11
9/04, 9/18, 9/25
10/02, 10/09, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30
11/06, 11/13
12/04, 12/11, 12/18
1/15, 1/22, 1/29
2/05, 2/12, 2/26
3/05, 3/12, 3/19
4/02, 4/09, 4/23, 4/30
Important Dates
Minimun Day Mondays - Dismissal 1:23
09/02: Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
09/04: Board of Education Meeting
09/06: Fall Picture Day
09/11: Booster Club Meeting
09/24: 5th Grade Field Trip - Lassen
10/02: Board of Education Meeting
10/09: Booster Club Meeting
10/11: Fall Picture Makeup Day
Breakfast & Lunch Menus
School Maps
In The Community
General School Information
Alta Mesa School
Alta Mesa is a Preschool-5th Grade, as well as Mrs. Vice's 6th-8th Graders. At Alta Mesa, we believe that every student deserves a safe, enjoyable learning environment with exceptional instruction. Our caring, highly qulaified staff is committed to meeting the individual needs of each student in all academic areas. We believe that in order for students to grow intellectually and attain academic success, we must also address their social, emotional, and physical needs. We have been recognized for the past 5 years as a Capturing Kids Hearts National Showcase School. For more information you can follow us on facebook @altamesaschool or go to our website
Address: 2301 Saturn Skyway, Redding Ca. 96002
School Phone: (530) 224-4130
Principal - Courtney Haedrich
School Secretary - Kaylene Elliott
Student Services Clerk - Michelle Poland