Mina Family Star
September 2024
A Note From Your Proud Principal
To My Awesome Mina Families-
It is hard to believe that it is already September. I want to express my sincere gratitude for all your patience and support during the first few weeks of school. We have welcomed almost 800 students in a building that was built for 750, so we are experiencing growing pains to say the least.
Just a few reminders:
Our school day starts at 7:30am. By law, if a student isn’t in their seat at 7:30am, they are considered tardy. We are required to track tardy students and how much instructional time they are missing each time. If it becomes a daily issue, we will ask that you put them on the bus or have truancy get involved.
The same goes for checking your child out early. Students may not be signed out after 2:30pm. We are required to track leave early students as well and how much instructional time they are missing. Once again, if this is an issue then it will be turned over to truancy.
All of this to say, we value our instructional time and want to protect it as much as possibly. We know if students are here, arrive late or are signed out early, they are missing out on vital instruction. It is a team effort and we would appreciate your help in making sure your students are present and on time every day.
As a final reminder, we ask that you follow the directions for arrival and dismissal. Students are either car riders or bus riders, unless you live within a mile of school and have gotten permission from me to be a walk up. This is for the safety and security of our campus, to limit the number of adults coming on campus. If you have any questions about this, please let me know.
Finally, I want to say a huge thank you for having your child prepared and ready to exit the car in the mornings and collecting them quickly in the afternoon. We are getting faster and less time you are having to wait in the car.
As always, I am always available by email or a call away if you have any questions or concerns.
Emily Allen
Your Principal
Family Calendar
- 9/2 - Labor Day Holiday
- 9/6 - Grandparent's Breakfast - RSVP here
- 9/16 - Crazy Sock Day
- 9/17 - wear your pj's
- 9/18 - wear your workout gear
- 9/19 - Jersday (wear your game day jersey or favorite athletic shirt)
- 9/20 - BISD Spirit wear
- 9/20 - Book Fair Preview, Chris Barton author visit
- 9/25 - Open House, Book Fair open 4:30-6pm
- 9/26 - Picture Day
Curriculum Calendars
Please share the following information with your families in your next campus newsletter.
Communications to families regarding recent CDC changes to COVID-19 protocols
The 2024-2025 Academic Calendar is now available online - www.bisdtx.org/calendar
Parents - Your child’s STAAR test results should be released by TEA on July 24, 2024
Here is information on how to locate your child’s STAAR test results in the Family TEA Portal:
Sample Family Email 2024 Access Results (Pg 1 English, Pg 2 Spanish)
Counseling Corner
About us
Email: eallen@bisdtx.org
Website: https://www.bisdtx.org/Domain/20
Location: 1204 Farm Street, Bastrop, TX, USA
Phone: 512-772-7640
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/117392841648141