Royal Decree Family Newsletter
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November Family Newsletter
Upcoming Events
Nov. 1 - DGS Spirit Day/Popcorn at Lunch
Nov. 3 - Daylight Savings
Nov. 4 - DGS Parents Club Meeting (7:00 pm)
Nov. 5 - Election Day - No School
Nov. 11 - Red, White, and Blue Spirit Day in Honor of Veterans Day
Nov. 15 -
- SIP 1/2 Day Student Attendance (7:39-11:15 am)
- Progress Reports Issued
Nov. 19 -
- DGS 4th Grade Music Program (6:00 pm)
- DGS 5th Grade Music Program (7:00 pm)
Nov. 20 - Board of Education Meeting at DHS (6:00 pm)
Nov. 27-Nov.29
- No School - Happy Thanksgiving!
November Staff Birthdays
November 1 - Jennifer Gehling
November 12 - Michaela Rychener
November 24 - Rosemary Ardner
November 27 - Brandi Schneider
November 30 - Sarah Lamb
Daylight Savings Ends
Set your clocks back one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night, November 3rd, and you'll be all set!
On time attendance is important and necessary for learning. If your child will be absent due to an appointment or is ill, please notify the office by 8:00 am each day.
You can call the office or email your absence to: Mrs. Kamin lkamin@dunlapcusd.net and Mrs. Sullivan msullivan@dunlapcusd.net.
Please make sure your child is prepared and dressed appropriately for outside recess. Students will go outside for recess anytime the temperature is 15 degrees or above (including wind chill).
Parents cannot request that students stay inside based solely on the temperature. It is important for the students to get outside and play when possible during the winter months.
Any child who is exempt from physical education for medical reasons will not be allowed to participate in outdoor recess activities. Re-injury on the playground could occur. Arrangements for indoor recess in the main office or a supervised classroom will be made.
Birthday Treats
To promote a positive, safe, and healthy lifestyle and classroom learning community; birthday celebrations at school will not include treats or favors from home. Teachers will choose to celebrate students in their classroom in grade and age appropriate ways.
Title I Information
Dunlap CUSD #323 receives Federal Title I, Part A Funds to help ALL students meet challenging state academic standards. Title I Funds are allotted to school districts based on what is called a "poverty indicator" and in Dunlap CUSD #323's case, we utilize Free or Reduced Lunch recipients in order to receive our allotment.
Regardless of whether or not your child(ren) receive free or reduced lunch, ANY student with an identified need to receive an intervention is eligible for services purchased with Title I, Part A Funds. In our district, Dunlap Grade is considered "Targeted Assistance" wherein Title I, Part A Funds can be used for only those students identified as needing academic or social-emotional learning support. The services provided would be above and beyond what the district provides for all elementary buildings by means of the Board-approved curriculum and support systems.
Ridgeview Elementary, Wilder-Waite Grade, and Dunlap Valley Middle Schools are "Schoolwide Support" buildings wherein Title I Funds can be used to supplement the academic and social-emotional learning curriculum and district-provided materials as identified through needs assessments that help determine, based on multiple data points, where additional support is needed.
Dunlap CUSD #323 believes that the partnership between schools and families is crucial in order for all students to achieve success. The Department of Education, the Federal Agency that oversees and disburses the Funds, requires school districts to hold annual parent engagement meetings to look over the Parent and Family Engagement Policy and to sign the "Title I Parent Compact."
As an initial measure to engage families and gather feedback, we are hosting initial Title I Informational Meetings virtually to get stakeholder feedback on the Parent Engagement Policy and Title I Program Offerings through this Google Form. We appreciate your time and feedback as we continue to work to offer the best learning environments for our students. Additional Family Engagement Nights will be announced through the upcoming school year.
The Dunlap CUSD #323 Title I Director is Dr. Matt Andrews (Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction, and Human Resources), mandrews@dunlapcusd.net. If you have any Title-I specific questions that don't relate to the services your student receives at his/her home building, please feel free to reach out to Dr. Matt Andrews with any questions.
A Note from the President
Our next meeting will be on Monday, Nov. 4th at 7:00 pm in the DGS Café. Please note
that the meeting is on Monday and not our regular Tuesday due to the Election! So get out
and VOTE!
We had an excellent turnout for our Sept. and Oct. meetings. It was great to see
both familiar and new faces. We hope you can join us again!
Annalee Huntington
DGS Parents Club President
Book Fair Wrap Up
The Fall Book Fair was a Royal success. The PC Book Fair Committee did a great job planning and hosting the event! Thanks to all the Royal Families that sent in coins for the Coin War. All those individual coins added up, and we raised a lot of money ($1,284.79) to purchase books for Mrs. Rychener’s Birthday Bookshelf. She is so well stocked with books for kids in all grades and reading levels, that the PC might have to buy her another bookshelf!
Thank you to everyone who came out to the Book Fair and purchased books! Your support allows the Parents Club to get books into the hands of so many Royals!
Lilli in 5D won the candy guessing game with a winning guess of 227. The actual number of candies was 226. Lilli and four friends enjoyed breakfast with Mrs. Rychener the following week.
Donuts with Dudes Wrap Up
Donuts with Dudes was a major success! Many donuts were eaten and our Royals enjoyed the special time with their Dudes. Thank you to those that helped plan, setup, serve, and tear down! We can’t put on events like this without your support!
DGS Spirit Wear Orders
DGS spirit wear is here! The DGS Parents Club is excited to offer even more options to show your school spirit. New this year, choose from eight different designs as well as multiple colors and shirt types. In addition, we have added an option to order and pay online. Don’t miss your opportunity to stock up on spirit wear or get a head start on your holiday shopping! All orders must be placed by Nov. 1st. Paper order forms went home two weeks ago. If you can’t find your form, no worries, you can view the online store HERE: https://decentdesigns.myshopify.com/collections/dunlap-grade-school-spirit-wear
Staff Appreciation
Thank you to all the DGS families that have donated goods and/or money to help us provide meals for the SIP ½ day and Parent Teacher Conferences. We have received very positive feedback and gratitude for the meals. We have another SIP ½ day lunch that we will be providing on Friday, Nov. 15th. Keep an eye out for the Sign Up Genius to see how you can help show our teachers and staff how much we appreciate them. The sign up will be posted on the DGS Facebook page as well as our new Parents Club website on the “Volunteer Opportunities” tab.
Believe it or not, the Carnival Planning Committee is already planning and working on the 2025 Carnival. Mark your calendars because you won’t want to miss it! Carnival will be on Saturday, February 22, 2025 from 3:00-7:00 pm. Our Carnival is our biggest fundraiser that the Parents Club sponsors each year with all profits going back to the school for designated projects. If you are interested in helping us plan this year's Carnival events, please send us an email at: dunlapparentsclub@gmail.com
Working on this committee is a great way to meet a lot of other parents. It’s fun, and it’s really rewarding when the event all comes together!
Caterpillar Volunteer Service Match
Is there a Caterpillar employee in your household? Have you heard about the Caterpillar Volunteer Service Match? Check out this great way your volunteer hours can be turned into money for the DGS Parents Club.
https://www.caterpillar.com/en/company/caterpillar-foundation/volunteerism.htmlSpace Camp
Each year, Dunlap 5th graders are invited to attend a field trip to NASA's Space Camp. If you are interested in sending your son/daughter, but missed the Space Camp informational meeting, please email jconlee@dunlapcusd.net