Weekly Email
First Week BACK!
It has been so good for my soul to see you guys this past week! Your smiles and excitement for school starting has brought me JOY. I also want you to know that I recognize this week has some of us feeling very anxious. Please know we will go slow and practice social distancing and wearing PPE.
Lyndsie Luna
PD - Updates
Classrooms -Summer School is Over
Drop Off and Dismissal
Virtual Learning Platform
We are currently looking at about 150 students virtual. This number is not set in stone. Data services are still cleaning it all up to make sure the numbers are correct. On Friday it looked like we even had a bigger number than this.
Goliad Elementary
Email: shannon.klepac@saisd.org
Location: 120 East 39th Street, San Angelo, TX, USA
Phone: (325) 659 - 3660