Your Daily Break
A dash of Mindfulness-based SEL for each day of the week!
Welcome to the Week of May 11th!
Week Nine!
Thank you for staying strong, grounded, and present!
Liane Benedict & Kate Ginney
What if you spent every day looking for One Beautiful Thing? What a small difference this little daily movement can make in our day. Check the blog for this daily music challenge to help you get started!
These are the lucky cats belonging to Japanese husband/wife team photographer Ryo Yamazaki and fiber artist Hiromi Yamazaki, collectively known as Rojiman. The pair collect the hair the cats shed, then turn them into fun headgear for their felines.
Take time to relax, recharge, and remember your strengths with these fun coloring pages. Free PDFs to share with anyone!
The Healthy Mind Platter: Seven daily essential mental activities to optimize brain matter and create well-being.
In response to the growing uncertainty and heightened stress during this unprecedented time, Sounds True has created this special digital care package to help you navigate the coming days with mindfulness, compassion, and presence.
Weekend Vibes
Getting extra deliveries in the mail? Feeling thankful for your postman/woman? Here's a short list of suggestions on how to show your gratitude. We reached out to our postmaster to ensure our gestures are acceptable (ex: not allowed to accept $).