The Star Gazer Special Update
For Shaw Families {1/31/23}
AMI Day Tomorrow, Tuesday 1/31/23
The district has made the decision to call tomorrow an AMI day. An AMI day is considered a school day. Please see the information below about AMI plans:
Because student's do not have their devices at home, we are asking them to complete the choice boards shown below. These are full of technology free options to practice the skills students have been learning and to have some time for creativity. Teachers will be checking Seesaw and email throughout the day but many of them do not have their school devices at home either. They will send you a Zoom link for the times listed below. However, they will not be teaching a lesson. This time is only for you to be able to reach out and connect with them if you have an issue finding or completing these activities.
These choice boards will be posted on Seesaw and Social Media tomorrow morning . Here is a link to the folder where these will be housed.. Below is a previous of the activity but I realize the font is too blurry to read.
Stay warm and off the roads if you can!
About Shaw
Dori Little, Assistant Principal
Email: shawinfo@sdale.org
Website: shaw.sdale.org
Location: 4337 Grimsley Road, Springdale, AR, USA
Phone: 479-750-8898
Facebook: facebook.com/Shawstars