GES Grey Wolf Gazette
January 31st, 2025
Principal's Corner
We have had a large number of students out with illnesses, including some confirmed cases of influenza. Please be sure to monitor your child for signs of illness before sending them to school. Students need to be symptom free/fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.
We are trying to get out for recess any day we can so continue to send students in with hats, gloves, boots and snow pants. A big thank you to those who have recently donated winter wear for us to lend out to those who need it. Remember, the weather can change very quickly!
Kindergarten Registration
PTO News
Super exciting! We have earned the most in Box Tops that we have in the last few years! We are currently at $333.80 with plenty of time to still reach our goal of $500 this school year! Thank you to those scanning your receipts! Every little bit helps us fund experiences and supplies for our students!
There is a Refer a Friend BONUS this month - when you share your referral code, found in the app when you click on your account in the top right, then click on "invite friends." BOTH you and your friend earn a $5 bonus when they scan their first receipt within 14 days!
There are also lots of bonuses for the month of February! Check the app for quantities to earn the bonuses, but Annie's, Progresso, Totino's, Betty Crocker, Pillsbury, Chex Mix/Bugles, Old El Paso, Reeses's Puffs and Cinnamon Toast Crunch products can all earn BONUS Box Tops. You can also earn 20 Bonus Box Tops when you purchase any combination of 4 Box Tops products!
As always, if you have any issues or questions, please reach out!
Have a great weekend!
Kelly Shirk
GES PTO Box Tops Coordinator
Lunch Links
Lunch & Breakfast Menus https://www.fdmealplanner.com/
Online Payments https://linqconnect.com/main
February 3-7: Library
February 4: Deliberative Session at CVHS Gym 6:00pm
February 19: PTO 6:00pm
February 24-28: Winter Recess
Classroom Happenings
First Friends 1
We are learning a lot about what winter animals do to survive the cold. A lot was shared by all during circle time about bears and who has had a bear in their yard or not. We are reading books by the author Jan Brett. She has written several great children’s books with winter stories and animals. We read The Hat and made a 'hedgie' project. Walking the trail in the woods and looking for tracks is a special activity. We are lucky to have nice woods and trails. We made snow catchers and took them outside while it was snowing. The wind was blowing hard. We are scientists and predict how long it will take ice to melt in our room. It took all day for the ice and icicles to melt. We are also experimenting with objects that sink or float.
The afternoon students made their own patterns for the pattern box. We are matching numbers to numerals, counting in the teens and talking about things that begin with the letter G. Mary did a fun lesson with herb paint and made the big curve for letter writing.
Ms. Trish
First Friends 2
In PS2 this week, we worked on learning more about Arctic animals. We watched a little video on beavers. We learned how they use their teeth, saw a baby beaver called a kit, and inside a beaver lodge. We learned about the AABB pattern using our calendar. All of our students are learning to spell their names. We continue to notice all the birds that come to our window and are amazed how much bird seed we go through.
The afternoon kids learned the letter Nn and the number 5. We also made noodle necklaces. We had reading buddies with our second grade friends. We learned some different shapes like cylinder, cone, sphere and cube. Ms. Alisa came in to talk to us about sharing and regulating ourselves with good listening ears, voices quiet, eyes watching, and body calm. PK2 students worked hard at rhyming and patterns this week.
Ms. Colleen
Kindergarten & 1st Grade
Kindergarten has finished up our measurement unit in math. The great part about this curriculum is that it cycles back and revisits the concepts we have been learning, so we are sure to use measurements in other ways. This week was really all about comparing numbers using greater than, less than or equal to. Everyone has done a great job with the concept. On Thursday, we used many different materials to demonstrate all of our math measurement concepts (longer, taller, shorter, more, fewer, heavier and lighter). We also had a special visit from Maggie's family on Monday to teach us all about Lunar New Year and some of their traditions of how they celebrate. We did a snake craft, listened to some stories, shared clementines as a snack, and even received red envelopes with a small treat. It was a great afternoon!
First grade is working to make subtraction problems easier to solve. We are using different models like unifix cubes, 5 group drawings and number paths. I would say that this group is great with so many different models, but number lines are really a preferred way to solve subtraction and addition equations.
Ms. Hodgen
First grade finished their knowledge unit on astronomy and has moved on to study the history of the Earth. We have enjoyed learning songs about the planets, sun, moon and especially the dwarf planets.
Kindergarten has only one letter of the alphabet left and is looking forward to a letter party next week to celebrate. Kindergarten has been working to put sounds together and pull sounds apart to read and write words.
Ms. Harrington
2nd Grade
It was another great week in 2nd grade. In math, we explored naming different quadrilaterals, decomposing shapes and cubes. We spent time building cubes with toothpicks and marshmallows. Some of the math vocabulary we discussed was vertex, edge and face. In literacy, we learned about the vowel teams of ee, ea and ey. We have also been working on synonyms and antonyms. The kids also read books with our pre-k reading buddies. In science, we talked about what the molecules inside a solid, liquid and gas are like. We completed a visual using Cheerios.
Ms. Quinn
3rd Grade
3rd grade had a busy week learning the break apart and distribute method for solving multiplication and division problems. Students are practicing their multiplication facts daily. The more fluent they are, the easier it is to multiply and divide, using the distributive property. In literacy, we learned all about the point of view of the narrator in a story. We compared the classic tales of the Three Little Pigs with the True Story of the Three Little Pigs. Students identified the characters and their traits, setting, conflict, solution, and the differences in the point of view from the pigs and the wolf. We wrapped up our social studies unit on Greenfield with a great walk into the center of town on Wednesday afternoon. We have been taking a closer look at the history behind some important landmarks. It was a great opportunity for students to see what we have been talking about. We also compared the historical photos we have seen to the buildings and landmarks today!
Ms. Cook
4th Grade
Happy Friday! This week in fourth grade, we worked on completing our social studies geography unit and a math topic on multiplication using the distributive property. Your children have these assessments in their backpacks today. We have started learning about the Abenaki tribe and moved on into our division topic with the distributive property as a strategy. We will continue working with the Harris Center next week. The weather has pushed off some of our lessons. We are continuing to write about Amelia Earhart using the SRSD model. The students also enjoyed some time in the snow during recess. I hope you all enjoy your weekend!
Ms. Slossar
Wellness Week at GES
This week, students learned how to jump rope. This is a lifelong activity and great exercise. Students were encouraged to "turn first, then jump." Many students were able to try "tricks" such as skipping, heel taps, twists, side swings and criss cross. Students also enjoyed turning and jumping the "long" rope. Some students even used hula hoops as a jump rope...very cool. I was very impressed by their efforts. We also played eye tag, turtle tag, everyone is it tag and card sharks. In addition to jump rope, we also learned about using medicine safely and the immune system. Students all agreed that we need to wash our hands, eat healthy foods, get at least 60 minutes of movement daily, and plenty of sleep to keep our bodies healthy. We had a fun week! Thank you for encouraging healthy choices.
Mrs. Parker
A Note from our Counselor
In recent classroom counseling lessons, Kindergarten students continued their exploration of feelings: recognizing feelings by “reading” clues that indicate how someone is feeling, such as facial expression, body language, and what the person does or says.
First graders continued their exploration of empathy and how we can use kindness and compassion as forms of “empathy in action.” We talked about ways to show kindness to others, such as asking someone if they would like to join an activity, asking someone if they would like help and asking someone if they are okay, among other actions. Students also learned the sign for kindness in American Sign Language (ASL). Ask your student to show you the ASL sign for kindness.
Second grade students have been exploring ways to show kindness, such as asking someone if they want/need some help, asking someone if they are okay, and asking someone if they would like to join an activity or game. Ask your child to describe ways they can show empathy by doing something kind for someone at school or home.
Third graders explored “my kind of kindness” and the fact that different people prefer different forms of kindness in various situations. For example, after spilling a plate of pasta with sauce in the lunchroom, a student may wish to be left alone because of being embarrassed or upset, but a different student may be happy to get an offer of help from a classmate. Similarly, some students may welcome kind assistance with a challenging task, but others may prefer to figure things out on their own. Ask your student about their understanding of the differences among people with respect to the type of kind actions they prefer in various situations and at different times.
Fourth graders continue to explore different perspectives and points of view, and how our perspective and how we respond to a situation can change when we get more information. After hearing from someone about their reasons for an action, we can gain insight into their choices and develop empathy for them even when we may not share their feelings or thoughts. Ask your child if they can think about a different perspective or point of view at times when they feel disappointed or frustrated by another person’s choice or decision.
Ms. Gregg
Contact Information
Email: shilliard@conval.edu
Website: https://ges.conval.edu
Location: 860 Forest Road, Greenfield, NH, USA
Phone: (603) 547-3334