Newsletter Issue 4
Term 1 - 20 March 2024
Principal’s Update
Kia ora, Nameste, Talofa, Konnichiwa, Guten Tag, Gidday, Vannakkam, ni Hao, Kia orana, Hola, Salam, Sa wat deekha, Dia Dhuit, Goeie Dag, Bonjour, Καλημέρα, Mālō e lelei, Greetings everyone
We would like to begin by wishing ‘Ramadan Mubarak!’ to our Muslim families for whom Ramadan began on 13 March and who may be fasting until 10 or 11 of April. This is considered a period of spiritual growth, and is considered to be one of the holiest of months.
Easter & Final Newsletter for Term 1
With the school closed for the Easter break between Friday 29 March and Tuesday 2 April (inclusive), this is the final newsletter for Term 1. With all that is going on in the school and what is coming up, it is a big one!
Paid Union Meetings - Thursday 4 April
A reminder to please complete the form that is four items below this update to let us know of your intentions for your child for the upcoming paid union meetings.
Annual Plan
Our annual plan for the 2024 year is now published HERE on the Our People - Our Board page of our school website. Our school teachers and leaders are currently working on their action plans for achieving our goals over the year.
Student Learning
Formal learning programmes are well established now in all hubs and there are many exciting learning experiences taking place across the school.
When I visited Hub 5 Learning Through Play there were students pruning the undergrowth so that they can more easily retrieve their balls, some working through the technological challenges of building outdoor forts or rope swings, some creating snail habitats (having researched what snails need), some taking care of their school grounds, some composing musical creations and some baking! In fact our teaching team has been enjoying the Hub 5 baking in our last two staff meetings!!
Students across the school have created videos and posters to inform other students about their learning; Hub 1 created some fabulous posters following their inquiry into the undersea world to remind us what to do with our rubbish. Hub 5 students provided information about the refreshed Aroha Achievements (old Bell Challenge) via video and all tamariki and kaiako are learning a range of new waiata and karakia to start their day (or their staff meeting!).
The first of our First Language Hui, for students who speak Mandarin, was a huge success. The students were able to connect and participate in a Tech challenge speaking in their own home language.
I recently also visited Hub 4 just in time to see them sharing their ‘taonga’ - a special artefact to them that connected them to their family history and heritage. It was amazing to hear the students talking about such interesting stories they knew, or had learned about their whānau.
Professional Learning
Our teaching team have also been learning. We attended an excellent staff meeting on understanding ADHD, run by one of our own kaiako, our junior teachers have been refreshing their Better Start Literacy Approach knowledge and we have had teachers attending Mathematics networks, sessions on supporting English Language Learners and a ‘Building Young Writers’ session with the Wellington Literacy Association.
Staff Update
As you are aware, the end of this term marks the end of a 29 year tenure at Bellevue School for our wonderful Office Manager Michele Clarke.
We are pleased to announce that we have appointed Alice Potts as Bellevue’s Office Manager from the start of Term 2. Alice has a wealth of experience in administrative, customer experience, team management and training/facilitator roles including with the NZ Police and Ministry of Justice.
She has a passion for, and is experienced in, working with a diverse range of people and is looking for 'a role in a community oriented school' so she can spend more time with her two primary and intermediate aged children. Alice won our appointment committee over with her warmth, confident but calm manner and strong values. We think she will be a great fit for our team, students and community.
Also, on the staff front a reminder that the end of this term marks the beginning of two terms Parental Leave for Cassie Woodhouse as she and her husband are expecting a new member of their family. During these two terms we are fortunate to have Jean Goodhall, both a parent and a regular relieving teacher in our school stepping into the role of whānau teacher for Room 9. Jean has already established great relationships with our students and staff and shows great commitment to maintaining a sense of normality in Hub 4. We are also grateful to Rene Senekal, who will be taking the role of Sports Leadership in Cassie’s absence. If your child is in Hub 4 and you have concerns during Term 2-3 that you are unable to resolve with your child’s whānau teacher, then please contact Deeann (DP Year 4-6) for year 4 students and Anne Smith (DP Year 0-3) for Year 3 students.
Swimming Sports - Advance Notice
Unfortunately Primary Sport Wellington has made the decision not to continue with the Northern Zone Swim Sports from 2024. This is based on a number of factors including the cost. The swimming sport event costs almost half of Primary Sport Wellington’s funding for the whole year, while the cost of buses for schools is also a challenge. It is becoming increasingly difficult to book pools for events like this and there is a noticeable decrease in the number of students who are able to swim well enough to participate competitively. Of course, if your child is part of a swimming club, they will still have opportunities to take part in competition swimming. The upcoming Year 5-6 friendly Ki o Rahi tournament is one of a number of initiatives that Sport Wellington are looking at to provide alternative events for our students.
This will not affect Bellevue’s annual swimming lessons across the school in Term 4 - we are fortunate to be one of the few schools in our area who are presently successful in securing lessons for all children every year.
Eating Time
It has been noted by our teaching team that some students are not eating enough to fuel them through their learning in the eating time. We have adapted our break times in the following two ways to support this:
A two minute warning bell now goes before the end of the break bell. This is to ensure students get back to their lunchbox in time to start eating on time.
‘Feed and Read’ is being trialled as a quiet time to encourage students to eat quietly - thus focusing more on fuelling their bodies than the social interactions.
Meeting With Our Team
A reminder that, as per the outline of our new reporting processes, the three way conferences that used to be held at the end of Term 1, are now scheduled for the end of next term. If you wish to talk to your child’s teacher about anything prior to this, however, please do feel free to contact them to make a time.
It is exciting to see so many families now connected to Seesaw which will form the main communication channel for teaching and learning this year. If you have not yet connected to your child’s portfolio, please do speak to your child’s whānau teacher about this. Family feedback on learning is enormously powerful in motivating our students.
Road Patrol
Being a Road Patroller is a much anticipated leadership opportunity for our older students and we place great value on keeping our community safe while they are crossing our busy and challenging road to and from school.
This year, we have really struggled for parent assistance for this which has meant we frequently have teachers and leaders having to fill in on the crossing. This is a big ask for the teaching team who have to come out of class early and our leadership team are often heading straight into, or leading, meetings immediately after school. If giving up half an hour of your week from 8.25 - 9am or 2.50 - 3.15pm on any day to support our student leaders then we urge you to get in contact with Nadine who organises this for our kura - nadine@bellevue-newlands.school.nz
First Pōwhiri of the Year
This week we are excited to hold our first pōwhiri for the year to welcome our new students and staff tomorrow. With the guidance of Tessa and Whaea Jayjay, this also provides an opportunity to strengthen our understanding of tikanga and refine our protocols.
Coming Up Before The End Of Term
April is Autism Acceptance month and we will be recognising this in school.
To read more and find out how to participate visit:
Autism Acceptance Month – Autism New Zealand
Our school cross country event is scheduled for Monday (25 March) with a postponement date of Wednesday 27 March and the Year 5-6 Ki o Rahi tournament will be held on Tuesday (26 March, pp 28 March)
Just before the end of the term some of our Hub 5 students will participate in the extension Maths opportunity ‘Otago Problem Solving Challenge’.
Until our next newsletter we wish our families a happy Easter break.
Ngā mihi mahana
Remember to take a look at the Bellevue Website for longer term information (Parent Portal) or follow our closed group Facebook Page for quick updates or reminders.
Hub 1 digging for 'Fossils' in last Friday's Discovery Time.
Hub 5 snail habitats, learning with Sarah and taking care of the grounds - Ka rawe!
To assist our families with locating our Attendance Procedures, please note that the below link now takes you to a 'quick link' onour website to the Attendance Procedures in PDF form.
Haere mai ki te kura o Bellevue. Welcome to the following students and their whānau. It is great to have you in our Bellevue Learning Community.
Room 2 - Shanzay
Room 15 - Aviana
Thank You
- A big thank you to Ashton & Stefanie from Ray White who have kindly sponsored some additional sets of stationery to support families who were not able to provide these this year.
- Thank you also to Teresa and Erin who ran two 'Have a Go' Netball sessions this week so that our students could get a feel for the sport. If your child is interested there is a form in the Sports Notices section you may wish to complete.
Username bellevue-newlands, password 'grow'
Paid Union Meeting for teachers - Your Support Please
The NZEI are holding Paid Union Meetings this term as they continue to advocate for the learning conditions in our schools.
In order to allow for our teaching team to attend these with minimal disruption to the classroom programmes, our Bellevue teaching staff will be attending the same session - 2-3pm on Thursday 4 April.
We are therefore requesting that those families who are able to, please collect their child from school on Thursday 4 April at 1.10pm (the start of second play). Students who are not able to be picked up will remain at school under the supervision of Annette and staff not attending the meetings. An alternative programme will be run for these students. Please use THIS LINK to notify us of the plan for your child this afternoon before 8am on Wednesday 3 April, so we can plan for safe student supervision.
Please note that we ask all children in Years 1-3 to be picked up from their classroom by an adult (unless they can walk home with an older sibling). For our students in Year 4-6 we require approval via this form prior to 8am on Wednesday 3 April to allow them to walk home. Students’ safety remains our top priority. Thank you for your ongoing support of our team.
Te Reo Tuatahi
As we continue to grow our understanding and knowledge of Pepeha, we explore the concepts of iwi and hāpu as well as the concept of waka and migration to Aotearoa. This includes both migratory waka from long ago that carried iwi Māori to Aotearoa, as well as looking at how tauiwi ancestors and whānau traveled to settle in Aotearoa New Zealand.
KO ______ TE MAUNGA.
KO _______ TE WAKA.
KO ______ TE IWI.
KO ______ TE HAPŪ.
NŌ ______ AHAU.
KO ______ TŌKU MĀMĀ.
KO ______ TŌKU PĀPĀ.
KO ______ AHAU.
Questions you might discuss with your child/ren to support their in class learning are
What communities are important to our whānau/family?
How did our tīpuna/ancestors arrive in Aotearoa?
Life Education Visit
The Life Education visit has been postponed.
We are in the process of re-booking and will advise you when we have the new dates.
New Entrants—Enrol Now!
We encourage you to enrol your preschoolers as soon as they turn 4. This assists with future planning for our kura and classes. Out of zone enrolment applications close approximately six months prior to commencement date so it is important to submit these early to ensure you are in the ballot. We accept up to five out of zone new entrant applications per term.
Important information about the Bellevue School enrolment scheme (zone)
If you have preschoolers at home that you are planning to enrol at Bellevue School in the future, here are a few important things to know and put into action:
1. If you are living outside of the Bellevue School enrolment zone, then your preschooler(s) will need to be processed as an out of zone application. Please let us know, if you haven’t already, of any future enrolments at Bellevue School from your family. It helps greatly with our planning to know well in advance. And if we know then we can also prompt you as to when you need to get your out of zone application in.
2. It is very important that out of zone applications are received by the application deadline of Friday 29 March 2024 , for enrolment from Saturday 22 July 2024 to Friday 27 September 2024. We cannot accept any out of zone applications if they are not received by the deadline advertised for the enrolment period your child is due to start school in. The deadline can sometimes be up to six months prior to your child actually starting school.
3. Even if your preschooler(s) are in zone, please get your enrolment in to us as soon as possible to enable us to plan ahead. We need this information to be able to work out how many out of zone applications we can accept in each enrolment period.
If you have any questions or are unsure about anything, please call the school office and talk to Amanda.
Attendance at School
Whilst we appreciate that overseas holidays are a valuable time for families to connect and relax, we do ask that, where possible, these are undertaken during school term holidays. We are concerned at the high number of children who had a very late start back at school this term and the number of requests we receive for holidays during term time. The Ministry of Education requires schools to report on students with an unjustified absence of more than 5 days in a row, which includes holidays during term time. The visual below highlights the impact on student’s learning time of frequent absences or lateness.
Absences - a friendly reminder
If your child is going to be absent from school please let us know by phoning the school (04 4787037) between 8.30am and 9.00am, stating your child's name, their whānau class number and the reason for their absence. All absences are reported to the office and followed up. The Ministry of Education requires the school to state the reason for any absences from school as well as to note patterns of unexplained absence. We may request to sight a copy of the appointment details if your child needs to be away from school for a medical appointment during school time. To assist us with this, please email proof of your appointment time to the office as verification for MOE attendance records. Thank you for your understanding and helping us with these requirements.
Increasingly we have students picked up early from school with no reason given.
Please note that the Education Act requires that the principal approve requests to leave school early for tuition or other good reason. We request that you email Annette principal@bellevue-newlands.school.nz and office@bellevue-newlands.school.nz if your child will be picked up early as a one off or regular event (for tuition for example) a week in advance as per student Attendance policy:
http://bellevue-newlands.schooldocs.co.nz/ (username: bellevue-newlands, password 'grow' - search Student Attendance).
If no reason is given, this is noted on our student management system and we follow up with patterns of unexplained absence.
Vision & Hearing Screening - Opt out form
The school offers free vision and hearing screening through Hutt Valley DHB on an annual basis. If you wish to opt out of this for your child, please click the link below to complete the opt out form. If you do not complete the form below we will assume you are opting in.
The Vision/Hearing Technician visit was cancelled due to the Technician being unwell. This will be re-scheduled and we will advise you of the new dates when they have been organised.
Breakfast at Bellevue
We have a few students who, at times, need a little bit of extra kai at Bellevue to set them up for learning.
Our plan is to have a small stock of bread, storable items such as spreads or muesli bars and also fresh fruit that we can offer students if/when they come without. We are conscious that we are so well supported by families we may get a huge supply all at once - more than we can store! So, we will pop this reminder into our newsletters mid term 2, 3 and 4. If you are able to help with the provision of any of the items above (if you have a fruit tree in your garden for example!) at any time throughout the year, please drop off items to our office. We will then share these out between our hubs so that teachers can provide when needed.
If at any time providing breakfast is a struggle for your family, please feel free to have a quiet word with anyone on our team that you are comfortable talking with so we can make sure that we offer something discreetly for your child.
Whakawhanaungatanga Fridays
This next Whakawhanaungatanga is this Friday ( 22 March).
During Whakawhanaungatanga Fridays children are:
1. Learning in rich and authentic contexts, relevant to their own experiences and interests.
2. Developing dispositional skills, such as collaboration, risk taking, and leadership.
3. Living values that we hold dear at Bellevue School, such as empathy, integrity, resilience, and creativity.
We warmly invite whānau to come along and play, explore and learn alongside your child/ren during any of the sessions this year. There is no need to commit in advance and you are welcome to stay for as little or as long as you are able. We would love to see you. Sessions will run this year from 11:50am - 1:05pm on any of these days. On arrival, please head to the office and you will be able to find where your child/ren will be for the afternoon.
Library News
We have a great team of librarians who have settled into their roles with a number working towards their librarian awards.
A big thankyou to the Cooke family who have donated a new fiction book to our library:-
'The Grimmelings' by Rachael King.
We're also lucky to have been donated two fiction books by Wellington author Karah Sutton:-
'A wolf for a spell' and 'The song of the swan'.
Library Award
Congratulations to Anam and Landy for completing their Librarian Bronze Award.
AA Insurance Big Little Sponsor
If you would like to nominate our school to win $10,000 worth of sports equipment, please click on the link below. The more nominations we get the greater the chance of us winning!
Sports News
Whole School Cross Country Trials:
On Monday 25 March (Wednesday 27 March pp) we will be running our whole school Cross Country Trials. These are invitational for those children who wish to be considered for Northern Zone Cross Country (Years 4-6), or the Amesbury Invitational Cross Country (Years 1-3).
The approximate timings of the runs will be:
9.20am - Year 1
9.40am - Year 2
10am - Year 3
10.30am - Year 4
11.45am - Year 5
12.20pm - Year 6
Outside of these times, children will be in their classrooms doing their usual learning programmes. Whānau are warmly invited to come and watch if you wish!
Whole School Athletics Day:
On Wednesday 6 March, tamariki enjoyed a fantastic day of Athletics around the school. Our school values were on display throughout the day, with everyone giving it their best shot and having lots of fun in the process. Everybody should feel incredibly proud of their resilience! An extra congratulations goes to those Year 4-6 students who have qualified for Northern Zone Athletics in Term 4:
Year 4: Mataio, Raid, Omobola, Eva, Sebastian, Jayden, Makbel and Jack
Year 5: Krish, Adam, Gauri, Tanika, Harrison, Caleb, Grace, Harvie, Toby, Amy and Emily
Year 6: Lucas, Harley, Molly, Fei, Milan, Danting, Luke, Zachariah, Savannah, Rishika, Aaron, Yolandy
Netball Registrations are now open!
Registrations for netball are now open and close on 28th March. Any questions, please email Erin and Teresa on netball@bellevue-newlands.school.nz
Year 1 and 2 Netball Registration Form
Year 3 and 4 Netball Registration Form
Year 5 and 6 Netball Registration Form
Let’s Get Movin’ in March!
Movin’ March has started, and everyone is invited to take part in the Walk or Wheel (WOW) Passport Challenge all through March. If your child walks/wheels to or from school their Passport will be stamped. A full Passport gets them a prize, and they can complete as many Passports as they wish throughout March. Walking or wheeling to school is a great way to get active, kick start learning for the day AND take care of the environment. If you live too far away, why not ‘Park and Stride’? Tamariki can walk or wheel from Link Road or Kenmore Street and still get their passport stamped.
Miniball in Term 2:
Is your child in Year 3 - 6 and interested in playing Miniball in Term 2? If so, please follow this link to sign up by Friday 22 March!
This is our platform to publish great writing from students across the school.
Please pop onto our website here to view a collection of great writing from our students.
Has anyone noticed that it is only 3 weeks until the end of Term 1 2024? Eeeeeek!
It feels like we only started the school year 2 weeks ago!!
Our update this week is ‘short and sweet’ -
Juicies for Cross Country Day – Monday 25 March
Orders are closed.
We will be handing out a remarkable 240 Juicies to our students next week!
If the Cross Country run is delayed, Juicies will be handed out on the postponement date which is
Wednesday 27 March, rain or shine, even if the run does not go ahead.
Spring Bulb Fundraiser – Orders closing Wednesday 27 March
We have received 4 online banking payments without corresponding forms for their order.
If this might be you, please be in touch with Rebecca at fundraisers@bellevue-newlands.school.nz
to ensure that we capture your order correctly.
End of Term Pizza – Friday 12 April
Our classic End of Term Pizza lunch will be happening on the last Friday of term.
Order forms will be available online (by preference) and also sent home in print during March.
FUNdraisers Committee Meetings
If you missed the update, at the end of 2024, the Year 6 children of three of our stalwart committee
members will be leaving Bellevue School.
If you have capacity to take on being an incredibly valued member of our community and
committee, please join us! You can contact Rebecca by email for information at
Community Notices
We will be operating from the school hall from 15-26 April (excluding ANZAC Day). All enquiries to linda@kapaikidz.co.nz or 021 409641.
The Winter Wonder Project
Important Dates
Tuesday 19 & Wednesday 20 March
Hearing/Vision Technician at school
(Cancelled due to illness. We will advise you when this has been re-scheduled)
Thursday 21 March
Pōwhiri for new Bellevue students and staff 10.30am
Friday 22 March
Whakawhanaungatanga Friday 11.50am - 1.05pm
Monday 25 March
School Cross Country - pp Wednesday 27 March
Tuesday 26 March
NZ Year 5-6 Ki-o-Rahi - pp Thursday 28 March
Wednesday 27 March
Combined Schools Board Event - Ngā Hau e Whā o Paparārangi - 6 - 7pm
Thursday 28 March
Bellevue Board Meeting 6.30 - 8.30pm
Friday 29 March
Good Friday - school closed
Monday 1 April
Easter Monday - school closed
Tuesday 2 April
Easter Tuesday - school closed
Wednesday 3 April - Friday 12 April
Life education Van visit in school (Has been cancelled, will advise new dates when re-booked)
Thursday 4 April
Paid Union Meetings for Teachers 2-3pm
Friday 12 April 2024
FUNdraisers Pizza lunch
Last day of term 1
Monday 29 April
First day of term 2
Tuesday 14 May
NZ Cross Country - pp Thursday 16 May
Friday 17 May
Whakawhanaungatanga Friday 11.50am - 1.05pm
Thursday 23 May
Junior Invitational Cross Country
Bellevue Board Meeting 6.30 - 8.30pm
Newsletter proudly sponsored by
Email: office@bellevue-newlands.school.nz
Phone: 04 4787037