Oak Leaf Weekly Update
River Oak Charter School
3rd Grade Chalk Drawing
2nd Grade Chalk Drawing
1st Grade Chalk Drawing
Happy Friday ROCS Community!
Here are a few reminders:
Independent Study: please call our school immidiately to be sure you have finished your IS forms and that you have forms going forward. Also, please reach out to your teachers to understand the kind of work they expect from your child. Thank you so much!
COVID: Please be sure your child wears a mask that fits correctly, and if you have a positive in your household, please communicate with our school so we are aware and can plan accordingly.
Substitute Teachers: Thank you so much to those of you who are signing up to sub at ROCS!
Winter Garden Clean Up: Thank you so much to those of you who are interested in supporting our garden! I will be emailing you about a Wednesday after school project!
Coffee Connection: Please see below the invite for Coffee with the Principal!
We hope you enjoy the beautiful weekend!
Virtual School Event February 5th
Sweet Saturdays Event on 2/5/22
Mendocino County Library Presents: “A Gathering of Hearts” on Saturday, February 5th, from 10:30 – 11:15 a.m., Zoom ID: 892 4675 6550 The program includes story-telling, circle games, and a puppet play. All are welcome. A free event sponsored by Ukiah Valley Friends of the Library and River Oak Charter School.
ROCS Current Fundraisers:
Class 6: Purchase wall calendar with class 6 student art work. Beautiful Waldorf drawings. $20 in the front office.
Class 7: Popcorn Fridays- $2 for a bag of buttery popcorn after school starting 1/7/22
Class 8: Every Friday- Order Pizza for lunch! Delivered from Slam Dunk Pizza, receive cheese or pepperoni. $5 each slice. Cash or check in the front office only.
Connect with the Principal over ZOOM
River Oak Charter School
Email: kmccullough@riveroakcharterschool.org
Website: www.riveroakcharterschool.org
Location: 555 Leslie Street, Ukiah, CA, USA
Phone: (707) 467-1855
Facebook: www.facebook.com/riveroakcharter