Bulldog Nation Insider- 01/13/25
Our weekly newsletter with important information!
Principal's Corner
Happy New Year Bulldog Nation Families,
We had a great visit from Dr. Trujillo last Wednesday, as well as our TUSD Media Department, who got some great footage for our new and improved website (coming soon). Our Student Council did a great job of our Bulldog Belief Assemblies, and we are looking forward to Awards Night this Thursday for our students who earned Principal's List, Honor Roll & Golden Ticket. Morning Activities on the Platt is on hold again this week due to the colder weather. Please make sure your child has a Navy or White Hoodie for school each day.
Check out the Link below to recognize our Amazing Teachers and Staff for going above and beyond!
Yours in the service of education,
Luke van Schie, Principal
This Week at Mansfeld
Monday- BOOST Begins Again
Thursday- 2nd Quarter Awards Night- 6th Grade 6PM, 7th Grade- 6:30PM, 8th Grade 7PM
Friday- Principal's List Free Dress
Upcoming Events
January 9th - Site Council 4:30PM & PTSO 6PM- Library
January 10th - $1 Free Dress Day
January 16th - Awards Night- 6th Grade 6PM, 7th Grade 6:30PM, 8th Grade 7PM
January 20th- MLKJr Day- No School
January 24th - Reward Field Trips
January 25th - AZ Hockey Game v Utah- $10 PTSO Fundraiser
January 29th - PD Day- No School for Students
February 6th - Site Council 4:30PM & PTSO 6PM- Library
February 13-14th- Parent Teacher Conference 1/2 Days- Dismissal at 12:16PM
February 13th- Drop In PT Conferences 6:00-7:30PM- Cafeteria.
February 18th - CogAT (UHS) Testing 7th Grade
February 20-21st - Rodeo Break- No School
February 25th - Q3 Math Benchmark Test
February 27th - Q3 ELA Benchmark Test
March 1st- Bulldog Saturday (Campus Beautification) 9am-12noon.
March 7th - Grading Day- No School
March 7-16th- Spring Break- No School
Any events that are BOLD are new events to this newsletter.
UofA Ice Hockey Game- PTSO Fundraiser
UofA vs Utah- January 25th @ 1PM at the TCC
The University of Arizona's Ice Hockey Team has partnered together with out PTSO to do a fundraiser for their January 25th game against Utah. Tickets will be $10 and 50% of the proceeds will go towards Mansfeld. If you are interested, please click the link below and complete the form to express your interest.
Girls Underwater Robotics Club
Mansfeld STEM+ Highlights
Teacher Appreciation: I caught you!
Mansfeld has an incredible Positive Behavior Intervention System of bulldogger point rewards for students, where they are recognized and can spend points on prizes and experiences. We also want to recognize all of our Amazing teachers and staff at Mansfeld! Please fill out this short Teacher Appreciation form and we will share your recognition at our Wednesday Meeting. Each teacher/ staff that is recognized is also placed into weekly drawings for prizes! Help out your favorite teacher/ staff and show some appreciation!!
New Semester Classes
Many classes at Mansfeld are semester based and we are excited for new opportunities and forming new relationships! Check in with your students about any schedule changes they have. If any additional changes are needed please work with our amazing counselors and we will always try to accommodate requests.
Tucson High Early College Academy
8th Graders! As you consider where to go to high school here is an incredible program and opportunity at Tucson High just down the street!
The Badger Early College Academy (BECA) program allows students to take a minimum of 36 Pima Community College credits here on campus, earning their Arizona General Education Certificate (AGEC). This is transferable to all in state Universities, as well as some New Mexico Universities.
Learn more by going to the BECA Website.
STEP-UP Schools Expo
Hello, families! Tucson Unified School District and Mansfeld invite you to our annual STEP-UP Schools Expo! . . .
Thursday, January 23rd, at the Tucson Convention Center- Exhibition Hall from 5:30 to 7:30 pm.
Come and discover all that TUSD has to offer!
Meet our School Principal, learn about the academic programs we offer, and more.
Entrance and Parking are free!
Enjoy student performances and register your child onsite!
Join us, Thursday, January 23rd at the TCC. . . STEP UP Schools Expo!