Ed Briefs

September 5, 2024
In this episode of Coffee with Calvin, Dr. Watts sits down with Chief Learning Officer DeNelle West to discuss Gwinnett County Public Schools' focus on preparing students for any future they choose.
Check out the September Team GCPS Spotlight!
Check out the quarterly digital publication recognizing the hard work and achievements of Team GCPS members! Be sure to share your submissions for the next edition of Spotlight in December. Submissions are due by November 29!
The Blueprint in Action focus for the months of August, September, and October is College and Career Readiness. During these months we will be spotlighting how we are preparing students for the college and career of their choice, specifically highlighting the efforts in GCPS to meet these objectives in our strategic plan. Learn more about...
- Maxwell Fire and Police training programs
- Meet the Lanier HS Sea Cows All-Girls Underwater Robotics Team
Do you have a story aligned to one of the four Blueprint implementation focus areas for 2024-25? We want to share it on our website, through GCPS TV, and social media as part of our 2024-25 Blueprint In Action Campaign! All GCPS staff can submit stories and photos to be reviewed and considered for a web story, Focus Moment video, or social media post. Submit your story today!
EDUCATION WEEK: College and Career Readiness
As the premier source of news, information, and analysis in K-12 education, Education Week believes that an equitable—and excellent—education for all students is possible. It empowers its readers to make that goal a reality through in-depth reporting, research, and actionable insights you can put to work in classrooms immediately. Gwinnett County Public Schools offers domain-based access to all faculty, staff, and leadership within the district. Learn more about Education Week, and learn about using your profile in this video.
Search these great Ed Week resources on College & Workforce Readiness, including education news, analysis, and opinions about preparing students for high school graduation and what happens afterward.
Every Day Counts
Did you know?
Chronic absenteeism means missing 10% or more of days in a school year – i.e., 18 days out of 180 days in a school year or around two days per month. This includes both excused and unexcused absences.
September is Attendance Awareness month, begining now through the whole school year we will provide information, facts and resources in Ed Briefs and GCPS Links each month!
Support the Annual Community-Based Mentoring Program Golf Tournament on October 14th!
Proceeds from the 13th Annual Golf Tournament support our students by offering opportunities for career readiness, leadership workshops, scholarships, college visits, community engagement, and financial literacy education. Learn more about the Community-Based Mentoring Program and this special event.
GCPS invites staff and community to participate in the review of the AKS curriculum
Gwinnett County Public Schools invites GCPS families, Gwinnett County residents, students, and GCPS staff members to participate in the school district’s review of the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) curriculum from September 3 through September 26. The public may review proposed standards online, offering feedback on AKS that have been developed to align the curriculum with the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) and/or Georgia Performance Standards (GPS). Please review the list of courses with AKS under review and provide feedback. Comments will be accepted through Thursday, September 26.
What is a Business Email Compromise (BEC) Attack?
A BEC attack is a cybercrime in which attackers use email fraud to target organizations, typically for financial gain. The primary purpose of a BEC attack is to trick employees into taking actions that benefit the attackers, such as transferring funds, sharing sensitive information, or providing access to internal systems. Learn more about how to spot and prevent a BEC attack.
Mark your calendar: Community School Coordinators’ Appreciation Week is September 16-20
GCPS recognizes its Community School Coordinators for their role in working together with their high school principals and other school staff members. They support their cluster learning communities with targeted programming that benefits students and positively impacts the surrounding community. Learn more about GCPS’ Community Schools. #CoordinatorsRock!
Staff Notes
Employee Giving – American Heart Association
Our school district is #4 in Georgia for student participation in the Kids Heart Challenge and the American Heart Challenge. This year, we are excited to host a District Level Heart Challenge for all GCPS staff to join in as we kickoff the 2024-25 school year activities!
Show your support by texting GCPSHasHeart to 41444 or ordering online now! T-shirts are $25 each. They will be delivered at the November Leadership I Meeting to school and team leaders.
Don’t forget to wear red on Friday, September 6 to help us kick off this impactful month. Thank you for helping us fuel the mission of creating a community of lifesavers here in Gwinnett! ❤
Interested in bringing the Kids Heart Challenge to your school in 2024-25? Contact Holly Marbut at holly.marbut@heart.org or 678-963-8164. This initiative not only promotes healthy living but also fosters a sense of community among our schools.
Amazon Classroom Supply Vouchers Empower GCPS Teachers for the 2024-25 School Year
The Business and Finance team has distributed $300 Amazon Classroom Supply Vouchers electronically to all classroom teachers across the district. This collaboration with Amazon Business Programs supports more than 12,000 GCPS teachers by providing resources for purchasing classroom materials for the 2024-25 school year. Teachers received their vouchers ahead of Amazon Business Educator Deal Days, which took place from Monday, August 19, through Friday, August 23. Principals and teachers were also provided with instructions and an FAQ to ensure a smooth rollout of this program for FY2025. The funds are valid for use from the date of issue until May 31, 2025.
The PROPEL Project is leveling up GCPS Paraprofessionals
As part of the continued investment into Team GCPS, the GCPS Human Resources & Talent Management department is pleased to announce an advanced degree opportunity for paraprofessionals who currently hold a Bachelor's degree (or instructional clerks working directly with students). The PROPEL project, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, will allow paraprofessionals in the district to work towards earning a Master's of Arts in Teaching (MAT).
Candidates receive salary and benefits via terms of employment with the district. However, through the PROPEL (Partnership for Residency Opportunities for Paraprofessionals, Educators, and Leader) grant they receive a $5,000 stipend that may be used as determined by the candidate, including educational expenses. P2T residents complete the MAT in Special Education (Adapted OR General Curriculum) and must have a work assignment that aligns with their degree program.
Information sessions for the Georgia State University PROPEL Project will be held on the following dates, via Zoom:
Tuesday, September 10, 10 a.m.
Wednesday, October 16, 5 p.m.
Thursday, November 14, 8 a.m.
GCPS Policy on Staff Endorsement of Products and Companies
Policy GAG prohibits employees from endorsing any company, product, or service that may be offered for sale to schools, parents, or students. This includes both written and verbal endorsements.
Even though vendors may request testimonials, such actions are considered endorsements and are not allowed under this policy. Endorsements can influence others’ perceptions and create conflicts of interest.
Examples of Prohibited Endorsements:
- Praising a product publicly on blogs, videos, or social media.
- Writing recommendations for textbooks or resources.
- Participating in promotional events or webinars.
- Providing testimonials for marketing materials, video or written.
- Writing positive reviews on public platforms.
- Sharing or liking promotional posts on social media.
- Accepting gifts and then endorsing the company’s products.
Policy GAG ensures that all decisions remain unbiased and fair. By avoiding endorsements, we maintain an equitable environment for everyone in our district. Thank you for adhering to this policy and supporting our district’s standards.
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
We can all help prevent suicide. The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.
988 Fast Facts
- 988 is confidential, free, and available 24/7/365, connecting those experiencing a mental health, substance use, or suicidal crisis with trained crisis counselors.
- Access is available through every landline, cell phone, and voice-over-internet device in the United States, and call services are available in Spanish, along with interpretation services in over 150 languages.
- The 988 dialing code is available for call, text, and chat.
You can learn more about 988 and access resources at 988lifeline.org.
We want to share your good news with our community!
Want to share a success story about your school or department with the entire GCPS community?
Are you looking for a way to celebrate an honor and recognize a teacher, student, or team member for their work? Do you want to share an achievement, upcoming event, or opportunity?
Do you have GCPS Good News to share? Let us know through this online form.
In Case You Missed It...
- Board meeting and work session (August 15)
- Coffee with Calvin (August 1)
- Connected (August 22)
- Ed Briefs (August 1)
- GCPS Links (August 15)
- News Releases
- Student Calendars
Looking Ahead in GCPS...
- Keep Connected with news from GCPS TV… the next episode airs September 12!
- The next regular Board meeting is September 19. (Online, find links to sign up for the public comment sections of the meeting.)
- Watch for the next issue of GCPS Links on September 19!