Trailside Academy
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April 2024
Kindergarten students used glasses to view the partial eclipse last week, along with many other grade levels. Trailside will be mailing our eclipse glasses to a school in South America who will use them later this year. If you'd also like to donate glasses you used, feel free to send them with your student! We will collect them in the office through Monday, April 22nd.
Attendance through the Spring
If your student is not feeling well, you can use the "How Sick is Too Sick?" guidelines from CDPHE or consult with your primary care physician for guidance. COVID-19 restrictions were updated in March 2024 by the health department. Students and teachers are no longer required to isolate for 5 days. Rather, they should stay home until symptoms improve.
If your child will be out sick, please notify the main office at 303.853.3040 or email trailsideoffice@mapleton.us. Our office staff currently must make a high number of calls daily to account for absent students. Thank you for notifying us in advance to ensure office operations run smoothly.
Spring Bash 2024!
We are so looking forward to our 3rd annual Spring Bash, on Friday, May 3rd at 5:00pm! The In-N-Out Cookout Truck returns to Trailside, but this year, we will stagger burger orders to avoid the long lines. Tickets are $6 for a burger, drink and chips. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Ordering information is coming this week!
We will also have free popsicles, yard games and more! All students must attend with an adult. Come celebrate another great year with the Trailside Community. Thank you, PIE, for organizing this event! A portion of the proceeds will go to Trailside PIE to sponsor teacher appreciation and community events.
Fundraiser Spending Update
- $10,000 for field work opportunities and $2000 in bussing fees. Plus, more trips are scheduled through the end of the school year!
- $2875 for the Bloomz subscription. PIE Leaders and Ms. Massey recently met with a Bloomz representative to learn more about how we can continue to improve our use of this tool.
- $2000 in Class and Student celebrations!
- $2000 in additional materials for the music program, including supplies for concerts, keyboards, guitars and more!
- $2000 for school events. Thank you to PIE for your partnership and your financial support in sharing the costs for these amazing events!
Another fun schoolwide opportunity will be coming this spring for all of our students due to the additional funds we raised this fall! More information will be coming soon.
Interested in learning more about budgeting and spending of student activities and general funds? Consider coming to the SAAC (School Advisory and Accountability Committee) Meetings. Hear about school priorities and share your voice. The next meeting is Wednesday, May 1st, from 5:30-7:00pm in the 3rd and 4th grade Pod.
8th grade students competed in an Egg Drop Challenge after completing a physics unit. Students collaborated to protect their fragile eggs from the forces of gravity!
Upcoming Dates
- Apr. 8-18 - CMAS testing for students in grades 3rd-8th
- Apr. 19 - No School (childcare closed)
- May 1 - Late Start. School begins at 9:53am. No preschool (childcare open).
- May 1 - 5:30pm SAAC
- May 2 - Hawk Quest visits 1st Grade
- May 2 - Kinder Field Work to Majestic View Nature Center
- May 3 - Spring Bash
- May 6 - 2nd grade Field Work to the Arvada Center
- May 8 - Preschool Field Work to Denver Museum of Nature and Science
- May 10 - 8:30am Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast
- May 10 - 2nd grade Field Work to the Butterfly Pavilion
- May 13 - No School (childcare open)
- May 17 - Preschool Young Athlete's Day
- May 21 - 2nd grade Field Work to Botanic Gardens
- May 22 - K-8th Grade Field Day
- May 27 - No School (Memorial Day)
- May 29 - 3rd grade Field Work to Confluence Park
- May 29 - 1:30pm 8th Grade Continuation
- May 30 - Last Day of School (early release at 12:55)
Order Your 2023-2024 Yearbook!
Thank you to Ms. Condon and middle school students for creating this year's Trailside Yearbook! Order yours today! Prices are $20 for a soft cover yearbook and $25 for a hard cover yearbook. Yearbooks will be delivered to the school in May. It is easy to order online at this link!
CMAS Testing in April
CMAS continues this week! Thanks for supporting your students in getting adequate rest and encouraging them to try their best on this test. Each year, the state of Colorado requires that students in grades 3-8 take an assessment in both ELA (English Language Arts) and Math. Students in 5th and 8th grades also take the assessment for Science. The results of this test are evaluated by the state to create the school performance framework.
For questions about CMAS testing, please contact Mrs. Chua Vue, Assistant Director, vuec@mapleton.us or 303.853.3040.
Our third, fourth and seventh grade students just wrapped up their partnership with the Denver Zoo through the Water Warriors program. Water Warriors is a conservation centered, student outreach program focusing on water pollution and a community clean up. We had a special visit with live animals from the zoo where students learned about pollution sources for the Platte River and the wildlife we may find in riparian habitats near Trailside. The Water Warriors program culminated in a community clean-up of local storm drains and a nearby riparian habitat. Trailside students collected 21 small bags and 9 large bags full of trash!
Lost and Found
Parking Reminders
Please remember to drive slowly and follow all traffic laws around the schools. This helps us keep our school and community safe! Traffic can be slow during peak drop-off and pick-up times, so plan a few extra minutes to allow for congestion. We do our best to keep things flowing as quickly as possible. A few friendly reminders:
- The red curb in front of the school is NOT a safe place to drop off or pick up students, even during less busy times. Please park in the spaces in front of the school or in the parking lot. This area needs to be kept clear for emergency vehicles.
- U-Turns are not allowed in front of the school. Please proceed around the drive, even if it is inconvenient.
- Handicap spaces are reserved for those with handicap stickers indicating need.
Mental Health Resources
The end of the school year brings reflection, fun and celebration. The upcoming changes in routine can also be challenging for students. We would like to share the following information with families:
- The Mobile Crisis Response Team is available 24 hours a day. Call 988 or 1-844-493-8255, or support through text is also available by texting "talk" to 38255.
- As summer approaches, consider making a plan for use of screens and technology. Common Sense Media provides many research-based articles sorted by common FAQs in addition to ideas on how to talk to kids about screens and the internet from preschool to teens.
Students in the African Drumming Club from the 21st Century Grant programming perform at the end of the last session. Thank you for supporting your students' participation in our after school programming! This round, we have 240 students engaged Monday-Thursday after school. High participation ensures that we keep grant funding at the same level over the next four years. We are incredibly grateful for our amazing grant coordinator - Kelly Dent! She has gone above and beyond to bring incredible opportunities to Trailside students this year. Thank you, Ms. Kelly!
Thanks to Call Your Mother!
Trailside teachers enjoyed a delicious bagel breakfast before their meeting last late start on April 3rd thanks to Call Your Mother! The deli, located at 3880 Tennyson, donated the bagels and schmear that were enjoyed by the teachers and staff. Thank you, Call Your Mother!
2024-2025 Enrollment
Enrollment for next school year is open! This includes the Annual Update that all returning students complete each year. This is completed online through Infinite Campus. You can find easy to navigate links at www.mapleton.us. Please reach out to the Main Office (303.853.3040 or TrailsideOffice@mapleton.us) if you need help remembering your username and password.
All preschool students will need to complete the enrollment process to register for kindergarten, even if they already attend Trailside. All 8th grade students will need to choose a high school as well. For in-district families, the registration window opened on January 17th. For out-of-district families, registration opens March 1st.
Trailside Academy
Email: TrailsideOffice@mapleton.us
Director: Jessie Massey, masseyj@mapleton.us
Website: www.mapleton.us/trailsideacademy
Location: 2300 West 67th Place, Denver, CO, USA
Phone: (303)853-3040