September 29, 2023
These are the left over dishes from the PTO Community Potluck. Please stop by CCS during school hours to claim.
Are your children missing items? Have them check the lost and found in the front lobby. If you are visiting CCS, please feel free to look through the lost and found. We can only store so much and we hate to give away famiiles items!
Dear CCS Families, Caregivers and Charlotte Community,
What a beautiful weather week we’ve had. It is perfect for getting kids outside and moving. Even with some sickness traveling through the faculty, we’ve kept the learning going. Staff from all around the building have slid in to cover classes or to lend a hand during lunch and recess duties. If anyone is interested in becoming a substitute teacher, we have a tremendous need. Please reach out to Naomi Stada ( or 802-425-6600) for details. We hope you all have a wonderful weekend exploring Vermont’s fall treasures.
Kind regards,
The CCS Administration
Middle School Personalization Clubs
This year, our 5th-8th grade teams have taken personalization to an exceptional level. By investigating a new passion, pathways are created for transferable skills and lifelong learning (Communication, Cooperation, Creation, Wellness, Community). On Wednesdays, students will have time to work with a variety of teachers in mixed grade groupings to explore a new hobby, talent or interest. Over the next several weeks, students will explore one of their interests that could include fly fishing, yearbook and photography, strength and agility training, beaded jewelry making, mindfulness, writing, chess, Dungeons and Dragons, outdoor exploration and some middle schoolers will support learning in the K-4 classrooms.
School safety in our broader community
The safety procedures Charlotte Central School follows align with guidance from the VT Agency of Education (AOE) and new Vermont statute and CVSD. Our September Fire Drill and Run Hide Fight Practice are framed to educate and support staff and students with steps that are developmentally appropriate and emotionally safe. CCS relies on a team of educators and community members on our School Safety Team. We have first responders who are prepared for a full scope of emergencies to help us plan and train. Our meetings are a chance for us to evolve our collective understanding of emergency response so there is coordination and cohesion between school officials and first responders, if the need were to arise. If you are a member of our Charlotte Community who works in law enforcement, is an EMT, firefighter or other first responder who is interested in joining our team, please reach out to Jen and get on our communication list.
- Fri, Sept 29th - Dance!, grade 6-8, 7:00 - 9:00pm
- Wed. Oct 4th - Early Release Day (1:45pm)
- Fri. Oct 6th - No School, Parent Teacher Conferences
- Mon. Oct 9th - No School, Indigenous Peoples Day
- Wed. Oct 11th - Early Release Day (1:45pm)
- Wed. Oct 18th - Early Release Day (1:45pm)
- Wed. Oct 25th - Early Release Day (1:45pm)
Nicky Elderton - 5th - 8th Physical Education / Health
Please email to schedule a video conference.
Monday, October 2nd 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday, October 3rd. 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Wednesday, October 4th 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
* Of course, if none of these times work for you, please feel free to suggest some alternatives.
Steve Flint - STEM and Digital Learning
To schedule a video or in-person conference please email
Monday, October 2nd 3:15 - 5:30 PM
Tuesday, October 3rd 3:15 - 5:30 PM
Wednesday, October 4th 4:15 - 5:30 PM
Thursday, October 5th 3:15 - 5:30 PM
* If those times do not work for you then please let me know and we can find another time to meet.
Chris Gribnau - K-4 General Music and 5-8 Choral Music
To schedule a conference, please email or call (802) 425-6653. I will be available before school (beginning at 7:00AM) and after school (until 4:30PM).
Matthew Kent - K-4 PE/Wellness and 7 PE
To schedule an in-person, video, or phone conference, please email or call (802) 345-6696.
Thank you!
Monday, October 2nd 3:15 - 5:15 PM
Tuesday, October 3rd 3:15 - 5:15 PM
Wednesday, October 4th 2:15 - 4:15 PM
Thursday, October 5th 3:15 - 4:45 PM
* Of course, if none of these times work for you, please feel free to suggest some alternatives.
Erika Norris - K-8 Art Teacher
To schedule a conference (either virtual or in person) please email I will be available for conferences during the following dates and times:
Monday, October 2nd 3:15 - 5:30 PM
Tuesday, October 3rd 3:15 - 5:30 PM
Wednesday, October 4th 4:15 - 5:30 PM
Thursday, October 5th 3:15 - 5:30 PM
* If none of these times work for you, we can work to coordinate another date/time. Thank you!
Andy Smith - 5 - 8 Band and 3rd and 4th Grade Music
To schedule a video conference or in person meeting, please email or call (802) 425-6653. We will set up a google meet or schedule a meeting between 7:15 - 7:45 am or between 3 - 5:00 pm. Thank you!
We are excited to announce that the CCS Spirit Gear store is now OPEN! We are offering some new items at more affordable prices as well as new color options. Support your PTO, support a local business, and support a local family. All silk-screen items are done by hand! The store will be open from September 29th to October 15th and will not re-open until the spring, so get your orders in today!! Spirit gear makes a great holiday gift! Attached you will find a PDF of all of the items we are currently offering. Please visit the website to view all color options and sizes. Let's show our school pride in style! You can visit the website at
CCS and the PTO are making efforts this year to increase volunteer opportunities—in both K-4 AND 5-8. We encourage parents, grandparents, and all caregivers to go through the necessary process to become a volunteer. The CCS PTO has made it easier than ever to become a volunteer. Here is what you can do…
Please join us on October 19th from 6:30-7:30 in the CCS Library for the first in a four-part series designed to foster connections between our students’ caregivers and school. This first discussion will include the CCS principal and assistant principal. They’ll introduce themselves and discuss their academic and social vision for this school year. We would love to provide them questions from parents and caregivers in advance of the meeting; please send along any/all questions to your grade representative. This will be a hybrid meeting; while we encourage as many caregivers as possible to join in person, you will have the option of joining remotely (stay tuned for details!).
CVSD values your feedback and we want to know what you think!
We are currently surveying our families and caregivers to gain insight into your perception of our school and district's effectiveness. To ensure that we continue to provide high-quality, rigorous learning experiences that meet the needs of our learners and prepare them for college, career, and the future, we would love to learn your opinion on the progress towards those ends.
To administer these surveys, we have partnered with Panorama Education to conduct our Fall 2023 Family Survey. Panorama safeguards your privacy, keeping your responses confidential and anonymous. The survey will be a valuable source of information for us as we work to make our schools and our district exemplary.
You may complete the survey online between September 22 and October 13 using a computer, tablet, or smartphone. If you have children in more than one of our schools, we'd appreciate you sharing your thoughts about each separately. Please note: we are not certain that the survey saves if you have to step away while completing it. Please try to fill it out in one sitting.
We thank you in advance for your thoughtful responses. If you have any questions about the survey administration, please don’t hesitate to contact us using Let's Talk and selecting the General Questions topic.
Thank you,
Rene Sanchez, Superintendent
Champlain Valley School District
ParentIN CVSD is working with our district to better understand the perspectives and needs of caregivers. Your honest answers are appreciated and are completely anonymous and will not be used to identify individual respondents in any way. Results help us evaluate current programs and plan new ways to support youth and families in our area. If you have questions about this survey, reach out to Amy Sayre at
At the end of the survey is a link to be entered in a raffle for a chance to win one of three $50 gift cards to a grocery store of your choice! The contact information you provide for the raffle is kept separate from the survey response and cannot be tied to your survey answers.
Check Out Our Upcoming Programs!!
On October 5th we'll host a convenient, virtual event that is a collaboration between ParentIN and UMatter. Kathleen Kilbourne of the Center for Health and Learning will help us identify risk and protective factors connected to supporting youth mental health and will share ways to strengthen wellbeing and reduce suicide risk. Save 7:00-8:00pm for Kathleen's presentation and 8:00-8:30pm if you want to stay for questions. This event is free and open to residents in the CVSD and Burlington school districts. No registration required. Save this zoom link to join at 7:00pm on 10/5:
You told us you wanted to be better informed on social media’s impact on youth.On November 16th, we are bringing back an amazing speaker, Erin Walsh of the Spark and Stitch Institute, for a virtual presentation from 7-8:30pm on Teens, Social Media & Mental Health and how we can help the young people in our lives navigate the digital world. This will not be recorded so mark your calendar now! Erin Walsh and the Spark and Stitch Institute that she runs with her father Dr. David Walsh is an amazing wealth of information and support. We will link to them a lot in our ParentIN communications - we encourage you to check them out online.
Whether you're already familiar with what we do, or this is the first time you’ve heard about us, Connecting Youth is excited to announce the launch of our new website. Consider this website a gateway to learning about our work and mission: promoting a culture that develops in our youth the power and conviction to make healthy choices. From our successful mentoring programs, to prevention education, our mission thrives when all community segments, including YOU, play a role. Designed with you in mind, we invite you to explore this digital hub and discover the impact we have on CVSD youth.
Interested in becoming a mentor, or connecting your child to one of our four Student Assistance Professionals? Or maybe you’re interested in understanding more about how prevention education is integrated into your child’s learning. We hope this site will inform and inspire you and open the door to our support and expertise.
Jen Roth, Lead Principal
Amanda Riggleman, Assistant Principal
Beth Slater, Director of Special Services
The Newsletter is published every Friday, when school is in session. It is delivered to our families via email, posted on our website, and on Front Porch Forum. A hard copy is available by contacting the school.