What's New/s @ SST6?
JUNE 2024
- 6.7.24 Ohio's Literacy Improvement Pathway Series (Register once for the entire series by 1.4.24)
- 6.11.24 Career Technical Community of Practice
- 6.14.24 CTPD Coffee Hour
SPDG State Personnel Development Grant
Teams on an EPIC Journey Professional Learning Series. Ohio's SPDG leverages the Ohio Improvement Process as the foundation for an effective, integrated Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework. Through professional learning and coaching, the grant aims to bolster educators' skills and invest in the implementation of evidence-based practices.
St Marys Middle and Intermediate Schools have completed year one of the project. Supported by a team of SST consultants, St Marys's team participated in virtual synchronous learning sessions and onsite coaching. We are excited to support their work in year two of the project.
Next year, Bellefontaine City Schools will be participating in the series. We look forward to supporting their team through the series.
State Systemic Improvement Plan
Each Child on Track. The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, through its Office for Exceptional Children, is implementing a comprehensive State Systemic Improvement Plan to improve the educational results of Ohio’s students with disabilities. The plan focuses on improving the graduation rate of students with disabilities with a regular diploma.
Urbana City Schools just wrapped up year one of the project, where they focused on developing an early warning data system and using that data to identify and support students who are at risk of not graduating or dropping out. Urbana will continue the work next year as we bring on a new team from Celina City Schools. We look forward to working with both teams!
2024 R.A. Horn Outstanding Student Achievement Award: Seth Bajwa
This year SST6 has selected Seth Bajwa, student from Botkins Local Schools as the recipient of the 2024 R.A. Horn Outstanding Student Achievement Award. Seth Bajwa was nominated for this award because has defied the odds in more ways than one. His infectious smile, warm hugs, and incredible sense of humor light up any room he enters.
Despite facing challenges throughout his life, Seth remains determined and resilient. He is currently enrolled at Upper Valley Career Center in a program where he is taught life and job skills. He can independently travel by bus from one town to another and manages transitions flawlessly. He has worked very hard to be a fluent reader and, therefore, tells the best jokes, bringing laughter wherever he goes.
2024 Franklin B. Walter Outstanding Special Educator Award: Dana Shardy
SST6 presents the Franklin B. Walter Outstanding Special Educator Award to Dana Shardy, with Great Day Academy at Allen County ESC for her extraordinary contributions to the education of students with disabilities.
Dana is by far at the top of the list for being an exceptional intervention specialist who shows passion for helping students increase communication skills via AAC devices. Dana has students with multiple software/devices in her classroom. She has become an expert in several devices her students use, including an eye gaze device. Dana can always dive into anything new, including software updates and troubleshooting technical problems all on her own.
Dana is willing to change devices to help students access their curriculum and provide tech support to families when they have questions. Dana is the reason for students to communicate both at school and at home. Her team attitude helps every student, every parent and every staff member that works with her.
Both of these regional award winners and their guests are invited to an awards ceremony in Columbus in June, where both Seth and Dana will be recognized along with 15 other students and educators/teams from across the state!
Tips & Updates
New Content!
PBIS Winter Newsletter - Including 2023-2024 Recognition Information!!!
- Special Education Ratings Review
- SPP: For districts with Improvement Plans, prepare final evidence to submit to OEC that all items in the Improvement Plan have been addressed
Registering for Professional Learning at SST6
View all of our Professional Learning opportunities at the SST6 Google Site. Registration closes 24 hours before training or two weeks before a book study to send materials and links to participants.