NUMS Monthly Update
October 2024
🍎 Principal Update
A couple of Updates/Reminders:
Kind of crazy to think we are already into October. The schools year seems to be moving very quickly. We are approaching the end of the 1st 9 weeks. Please work with your students to make sure all missing assignments are done and the grades are where they should be.
1. Parent Teacher Conferences are October 10th and 15th. Phone calls have been going out for students that have conferences requested from their teachers. if you have not received a phone call, you may call the office and set up a time on your own to meet with teachers.
2. If your child misses school, please remember to check in with the office and let us know they will be out and what reason. You can call the school and leave a message or you can use our North Union Local Schools app. The links for the app is done below for both Mac and Google.
3. Students that wish to buy extras at lunch (chips, ice cream, etc.) have to have money in their account in order to purchase anything. Please keep an eye on their accounts by using this link to see balances and/or add funds.
🚶🏻♂️Walk to School Day
October 8th, 2024
On Tuesday October 8, 2024 North Union Local School students will be participating in our annual Walk to School Day. Buses will drop students off at the Richwood Park closest to the shelter house beginning at 7:15 a.m. Students will walk along the park path, up the new sidewalks on Grove Street past the bus garage to North Union Middle School.
Families may drop off students after 7:15 a.m. at the Richwood Park to participate in this annual event. Please join our local First Responders, Union County Health Department Officials, and NU Staff Members to celebrate our annual Walk to School Day Event on Tuesday October 8, 2024.
NUMS Athletic Events
Oct. 2nd @ Northwestern
7th Grade Volleyball Tournament
Oct. 5th vs Tecumseh
Oct. 7th TBD
Oct. 9th TBD
7th Grade Finals - Oct 12th @ NUHS TBD
8th Grade Volleyball Tournament
Oct 7th vs TBD at Home
Oct 9th TBD
8th Grade Finals - Oct 12th @ NUHS TBD
MS Football
Oct 3rd vs Ben Logan
Oct 10th @ Indian Lake
Oct 16th @ Elgin (7th Gr Only) 5:30pm
Oct 17th vs Northwestern (8th Gr Only) 5:30pm
MS Cross Country
Oct 5th @ Mechanicsburg
Oct 12th CBC Finals @ Graham High School
👪 Parent Volunteer Information
All volunteers who are in the classroom or chaperone field trips must have current BCI and FBI prints on file in the district office. Please use the link below to schedule appointments for the background check. Appointment times will only be as the schedule permits on Tuesdays and Thursdays from
8:00 AM-1:45 PM. If you need a different time than these, you may have prints done elsewhere and send them to North Union Local Schools at 12920 State Route 739 Richwood, Ohio 4334.
A valid BCI and FBI prints must be on file before entering the classroom or going on field trips. The cost for both background checks is $60.00.
🏫 Important Information/Reminders
- Parents/guardians can access their child's class schedule in ProgressBook. Please contact the MS Office if you have any questions.
- Parents/guardians may pay for your student's school lunches and fees and/or complete a Free and Reduced-Price School Meals Application by accessing the PaySchool site.
- ALL student absences must be reported by parent/guardian by calling the MS office or using the district app.
- ALL students arriving after 7:40am must check in to the main office to sign in.
- If you are picking your child up early from the MS, you will need to come into the Main Office to sign them out. You MUST have a State ID to be able to sign them out.
- We value all students and their well being. If there are issues that are occurring at school where you suspect potential harassment/bullying or concern for a students welfare there is a system to process this. Please report this to our Public Works system.
- The online reporting system and the 1-866-listen2me phone system are for staff, students and parents to report concerns which may affect the peace of mind of students or jeopardize the safety of people or school facilities. Concerns may include, but are not limited to, bullying, abuse, bomb threats, cyber crimes, discrimination, drugs, health concerns, suspicious behavior, vandalism, fighting, & weapons. Helpline information helps us maintain school environments that are safe and conducive for learning.
- The ability to report Bullying and Harassment can be found on our website at the top right corner indicated by the blue hand (see graphic above).
- Once a student, parent, or staff member reports an issue it goes directly to the principal of the building for investigation.
- Administration will coordinate the appropriate investigation and communicate findings and outcomes to those involved.
- Administration will document the investigation and outcome in Public School Works.