Linn Lion's Roar
January 2025
- Dec. 20-Jan 6: Winter Break-No School!
- Jan. 7: Students return to school for 2nd semester!
- Jan. 20: No School
- Jan. 23: Title 1: Family Game Night! @5:30; see flyer below
- Jan. 28: SITE Council Meeting @3:30 in the library
- Jan. 30: Student of the Month Breakfast @7:30am in the cafeteria
- Jan. 30: PTO Meeting @3:30 in the cafeteria
Title 1: Family Game Night!
Grade Level News
Kindergarten: Mrs. Hernandez and Mrs. Moore
We hope you all had a wonderful break with your family and friends. We still have a lot of learning to do. In reading, we are going to start a unit on different cultures. We will talk about different traditions, music, and clothing. We would like to invite family members to come into the classroom and share your culture with us. If you would be willing to do this please let us know.
Please continue to practice the alphabet and sight words at home. Letter sounds and sight words will continue to help us become better readers and writers. Make it into a game so that your child will be engaged and have fun learning. In math, we are starting to add and subtract using number bonds. To practice at home you can use cereal, toys, or other objects. Put sets of objects together and count to add; and use a set of objects, take some away, and count what is left to subtract.
We look forward to seeing you at conferences in February. Be on the lookout later this month for sign up times.
Math Home Support
1st Grade: Mrs. Fry and Ms. Hernandez
Hello First Grade Families,
This month has been a very busy and exciting month for our students. We have finished up both our Reading and Math units. We have also finished learning about our Social Studies topic.
Coming back from Winter break we will be starting on our new units for Math and Reading. Our Reading module will connect very well with our plant unit that we will start for Science. Our students are getting better on their reading! Please keep encouraging your child to read at home at least 20 minutes.
Also, please work with your child in counting to 150. They need to start at a given number and count forward and backwards as well as identify what number is before and after a given number. We hope you all enjoy the Christmas break and have Happy Holidays!
First Grade,
Mrs. Fry, Ms. Hernandez
Math Home Support
2nd Grade: Miss Rosales, Ms. Salmans, and Ms. Solis
In Reading we will be focusing on point of view, determining the central message, and understanding that characters face challenges in stories. We will also be identifying multiple main topics within a text and learning how to develop a strong conclusion in our informational text.
In math, we will be practicing various strategies for adding and subtracting within 1,000 with word problems to 100. We encourage students to practice their math facts at home for fluency.
Your support, in whatever form it takes, is truly appreciated and plays a crucial role in your child's educational journey.
Math Home Support
3rd Grade: Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. Laskowsky
Dear 3rd Grade family and friends,
Happy New Year! We are excited to spend 2025 with you and your student to assist them with their goals! Make sure everyone is well rested, healthy, and prepared for each school day with a positive attitude in 2025! Please help your student get back into a school routine for completing chores, waking up, getting to bed on time, completing math fact practice, and daily reading.
Homework will continue this Quarter 3. A foundational skills reading passage and a homework sheet will be sent home each Monday.
In math, we will finish up Module 4 on area and perimeter and jump into Fractions! Get ready for your student to be on the hunt for fractions in daily activities. We will also add fast fact multiplication to our addition and subtraction routine.
In ELA, we begin Unit 3 which focuses on Seeking Explanations. We will expand our vocabulary and understand that stories have important messages, lessons, and morals for us to learn from. We will write opinion pieces and support our opinions with reasons and text evidence. Help your student during daily conversations by making them support their opinion with a reason.
This month we rotate to Social Studies to explore Our Growing Nation and dive into Dodge City's history. This is a favorite topic for students as they make many connections with the sights and sounds that surround them in our hometown community.
Please stay connected with us using Talking Points, email, or call the school. It is going to be a GREAT second half of the year!
The 3rd Grade Team
Ms. Hernandez
Mrs. Laskowsky
Math Home Support
4th Grade: Mrs. Castro, Mrs. McLean, and Mrs. Rolle
Dear 4th Grade Families,
Happy New Year! We are excited to begin a new year, and a new semester filled with learning and great experiences. Here’s an update on what we’ll be working on in the coming month:
We are starting Unit 3-Module A, which will focus on natural disasters. Students will continue practicing opinion writing as we explore different types of disasters and their impacts.
We are diving deeper into Module 5, where we will focus on fractions—specifically adding, subtracting, and multiplying fractions.
Social Studies/Science:
First, thank you so much for your support during our Wax Museum project! It was an incredible learning experience, and we are so proud of the students' hard work. In this new quarter, we will shift our focus to science, where we’ll explore how the Earth has changed over time.
At home, please continue to read with your child each night to support their fluency skills. Also, make sure to practice multiplication facts regularly, as our math unit will focus on multiplication.
Thank you for your ongoing support. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
Warm regards,
The 4th Grade Team
Math Home Support
5th Grade: Mrs. Adame, Ms. Harlan, Miss Sughroue
Hello 5th grade families.
We made it through the first half of the school year!
We hope your Winter break was wonderful and you were able to enjoy time with loved ones.
The second half of 5th grade is a very busy time.
ELA: We just finished our explorers unit and will be starting our space unit. Our first book in this unit is a chapter book, George’s Secret Key to the Universe, this is a favorite. We will also be writing a Science Fiction narrative to go along with this unit.
Math: We will be continuing to learn about fractions and start working on geometry.
Parents, please remind your student the importance of being prepared to learn when they arrive at school. As well as the importance of being kind and respectful. Having a reasonable bedtime for your child, ensures they are well rested and their brains are ready to learn. As well as limiting their time on a screen or in front of an electronic device. We highly encourage students to read 30 minutes every day and to practice their multiplication facts. If you ever have any questions regarding your student, please reach out to us on talking points or call the school and ask to speak with us.
Mrs. Adame
Mrs. Harlan
Ms. Sughroue
Math Home Support
Music: Mr. Adams and Mrs. Shuler
In music,
5th grade is working on reading and playing more difficult rhythms and learning about the meter of 6/8. 2nd grade is preparing for the program with 3rd grade happening in February.
Kinder and 1st are working on high/low, fast/slow and loud/soft.
PE: Mr. Williams and Miss. Morales
When our K-5 students return back to school in January we will start the semester by refreshing our classes with Classroom Rules & Expectations!
Students will also get reacquainted with their peers as they will be doing team building activities with the use of Hula Hoops. During our Hula Hoop Unit students will improve their coordination, flexibility, and core strength by doing engaging activities such as Hula Hut Races or Full Body Hula Hoop workouts.
Librarian's Corner: Mrs. Nolan-Santy
The Impact of Reading for 20 Minutes Every Day
A student who reads for 20 minutes a day will be exposed to 1,800,000 words per year and is more likely to score in the 90th percentile on tests.
A student who reads for 5 minutes a day will be exposed to 282,000 words per year and is more likely to score in the 50th percentile on tests.
A student who reads for 1 minute a day will be exposed to 8,000 words per year and is more likely to score in the 10th percentile on tests.
Which child would you expect to have a better vocabulary?
Which child would you expect to be a proficient reader?
Source: Nagy, Anderson, and Herman, 1987.
Counselor's Corner
I hope you have had a wonderful break. Remember, students will not be able to go in and change so dress them warmly for the changing weather. I still can get your child a coat if you are needing help.
In January, we will be doing lessons on self-esteem, being different, and fairness. Take the time to let the students know what you think those words mean to your family. Be safe and aware to check and see if schools are closed for weather. If you have an emergency and can not send your student to school, please make sure that you call before nine in the morning. All the children are working hard on attendance.
Linn Elementary
Email: medrano.carla@usd443.org
Website: https://usd443.org/543274_3
Address: 1900 W. Linn St. Dodge City, KS
Phone: 620-471-2114
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/linnlions95/