Learning Community Update
New Albany - Plain Local Schools 1.28.2025

Dear New Albany Learning Community,
The New Albany-Plain Local School District Board of Education and administration want to thank our community again for your demonstrated trust and investment in the future of our schools, our community, and most importantly, our students. We are reaching out to follow up on the promise the school district made during the November 5, 2024 bond levy campaign.
As you may recall, the November 5, 2024 ballot included language to approve 4.46 mills for school construction and improvements. However, our two-phase bond funding strategy approved by our school taxpayers includes the restructuring of the District’s current bond debt with scheduled tax roll-offs, including 1.95 mills of special assessment for Community Design Charge enacted via the New Albany Community Authority that expired for tax collection December 31, 2024.
With financial and land donation commitments by our partners at the City of New Albany and the New Albany Company (NACO), we were able to present a reduced bond issue on November 5, 2024 that asked the majority of our taxpayers to keep paying 1.45 mills of the expiring 1.95 mills special assessment for community design charge enacted via the expiring Community Authority. This was explained by NAPLS Treasurer/CFO, Rebecca Jenkins, in this video prior to the election.
The Franklin County Auditor’s Office recently confirmed the bond rate calculation for our school district beginning tax collection this month as a result of the passage of our school district bond Issue 40 on the November 5, 2024 ballot. The Franklin County Auditor’s Office has increased our school bond millage by only 1.45 mills exactly as we promised to our learning community during our school campaign. Further, due to levy millages also being slightly reduced, the overall impact to the majority of our taxpayers was less than predicted.
We are pleased to provide you with the following information to illustrate the impact of our school bond tax collection approved in November:
Expiration of the New Albany Community Authority special assessment for Community Design Charge:
The two examples below show the same parcel paying the special assessment in 2023 and no special assessment in 2024. This is confirmation that the NA Community Authority expired in December 2024 as communicated during the November 5 levy campaign. (Source: Franklin County Treasurer)
Below are the three parcels the District used to show the estimated impact of the November 5 bond levy and what the actual impact was. In all scenarios below, the actual outcome was better than our estimate. This is due to the operating and permanent improvement millages being reduced by the Franklin County Auditor.
Our Purpose
New Albany-Plain Local Schools
Email: news@napls.us
Website: https://www.napls.us
Location: 55 North High Street, New Albany, Ohio 43054
Phone: 614-855-2040
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAlbanySchools
Twitter: @napls