Eastwood Elementary Update
April, 2024
Eagle Way Winners- March
Counselor's Corner
Dear Eastwood Families,
I recently started a new round of life skills lessons with the K-4th grade students on career awareness. I have taught this lesson in most of the classrooms, during either their library or tech block. I will be wrapping up these lessons soon with a couple remaining classrooms.
Part of a comprehensive school counseling program includes career awareness and enhancing students' career development throughout their school years. It’s never too soon to reflect on the timeless question, “What do I want to be when I grow up?”
In grades K-2nd, students met some community helpers in “Career City” and learned a bit about their jobs and the tools they use (e.g., hair stylist, farmer, vet, banker, construction worker, doctor, teacher, and more!)
In grades 3rd-4th, students explored a variety of jobs/careers at various locations, such as school, factory, laboratory, bank, hospital, tech office, court house, architectural firm, mental health clinic, police station, repair shop, and more!) Students read career descriptions and locations along with education and skills that are required. Students in these grades also had (or will soon have) the opportunity to complete a fun, online career interest survey (called “Career Cluster Inventory”.
If you are interested in checking out this survey or having your child complete it at home to explore more career interests over their school years, please follow the steps below. Your child will answer some questions about their likes and dislikes. The results will suggest career options that best relate to their interests.
**Note - if you have older students (middle or high school), this would be a great activity for them to complete, too! :)
Career Cluster Inventory:
Go to website: ohiomeansjobs.ohio.gov
Click on “For Students” (near top)
Under “Explore Careers,” click on “Learn About Career Types” (left side of screen)
Scroll all the way down and click on “Career Cluster Inventory”
Click on “Launch - Take the quiz!”
Click on “Get Started”
Read the brief directions and click “Start”
This website includes even more self-assessments that look at matching careers to personality traits and values. For several years, I have enjoyed teaching students about the three key areas that go into finding a career that is the right fit for them - Values, Interests, Personality.
Please reach out any time with questions or concerns. I’m happy to help! Thank you!
Best Regards,
Nikki Ohms, M.Ed., LPSC
School Counselor (Grades K-4)
Eastwood Elementary
4700 Sugar Ridge Rd. Pemberville, OH 43450
419-833-2821 ext. 205
5th-Grade Abuse Training Information....from Mrs. Rutherford
Important Dates to Remember
8th- Eclipse Day-to be determined based on calamity days
10th-11th-12th- Kindergarten Screening at the BOE office
15th- BOE mtg at Central Office at 6:00
16th- ELA state testing- Part 1 for 4th and 5th
17th- ELA state testing- Part 2 for 4th and 5th
18th- ELA state testing- Part 1 for 3rd
19th- ELA state testing- Part 2 for 3rd
23rd- Math state testing- Part 1 for 4th and 5th
24th- Math state testing- Part 2 for 4th and 5th
25th- Math state testing - Part 1 for 3rd
- Kindergarten music program
26th- Math state testing- Part 2 for 3rd
27th- Father/Daughter Dance- PTO sponsored
30th- Science state testing- Part 1 for 5th
1st- Science state testing- Part 2 for 5th
10th- Field Day
13th- Rain Date for Field Day
24th- Senior Walk-through
27th- No School- Memorial Day
31st- Last Day of School