Peak Prep Principal's Update
June 9, 2021
Last Day of School
Thursday, Jun 10, 2021, 04:00 PM
Dear Families,
The last day of school is tomorrow, Thursday, June 10th. I wanted to take a moment to tell our students and parents just how proud I am of the effort our students have shown this year. Our attendance rate and passing rates have improved dramatically due to their efforts and your support!
To our students-Always remember to study hard and dedicate yourself to making next year even better. Please know that you are investing in yourself when you come to school and work hard in your courses each day. We believe in you!
To our staff- Thank you for always going above and beyond for our students! You have impacted their lives, and your influence will extend beyond the classroom and well into the future. I can not thank you enough for all that you do!
To our parents/guardians/and learning coaches-Thank you for your partnership and support! Peak Prep would not be the amazing school that it is without each one of you!
Be safe, be healthy, and have fun! We look forward to seeing you all back on Monday, August 16th!
Mrs. Sabrina Ciolino
Peak Prep Pleasant Valley
Mobile: 415-320-1401
Email: sabrina.ciolino@peak-prep.org
Website: peak-prep.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peakprep/
Address: 2150 Pickwick Drive #304 Camarillo, CA 93010
Would you like to request a virtual meeting with me? Click this link!
Our new website is live!
6th-12th Grade Edgenuity ILP Course over the Summer
Students will have access to their Edgenuity ILP courses over the summer, and we strongly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to catch up or get ahead! Each course completed equates to one grade level of growth.
Courses will be available starting Monday, June 14th, and will end on July 30th!
If your student is in 9-12th grade (including incoming 9th graders), any ILP course completed will earn them 2.5 credits towards graduation!
TK-5 My Path over the Summer
Students will continue to have access to MyPath this summer, and we strongly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to catch up or get ahead!
Active MyPath K-5 students that utilize the program for 240+ minutes total at any point from June 7th through July 30th will be eligible to win the Summer Student Spotlight Grand Prize! You can find all of the details here.
Did you miss re-enrollment or change your mind?
Please use the link below to apply for the 2021-2022 school year:
Now Accepting New Students for the 2021-2022 School Year
New Enrollments:
Do you know of anyone that is looking for a new school for their student next year?
Peak Prep is now accepting applications for the 2021-2022 school year.
Please direct applicants to apply using the link below:
Peak Prep Pleasant Valley
Email: info@peak-prep.org
Website: www.peak-prep.org
Location: 2150 Pickwick Drive #304 Camarillo, CA 93010
Phone: 855-900-7325
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peakprep/
Twitter: @peakpreppv