Parent Newsletter
November and December
📣 New MN Standards and what that means for Aitkin High School
Why MCA Scores Matter
MCA scores at Aitkin High School are more than just a one-day snapshot required by the state. While they do measure proficiency in core subjects across the school system, they also serve as a valuable tool for making decisions that directly impact your student’s education. Here are some of the ways we use MCA scores locally:
Interventions and Support: MCA scores help us identify students who may benefit from additional support. This might include targeted literacy interventions, structured homeroom sessions, or being discussed by the Child Study Team if a student continues to score below proficiency.
Student Transcripts: Your student’s MCA score is included on their transcript, where it can be viewed by colleges and post-secondary programs. Some colleges use an MCA score for course placement purposes.
PSEO Eligibility: For students applying for Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) in 10th grade, their 8th-grade MCA scores are a critical enrollment factor.
Standardized Testing Preparation: The experience of taking the MCA helps students become more comfortable with standardized tests, which are a common requirement in post-high school education and training programs.
Supporting Your Student at Home
We understand the balance between minimizing test anxiety and encouraging students to take their standardized tests seriously. Here are some ways you can help ensure we get a reliable and meaningful MCA score from your student:
Encourage Effort and a Positive Mindset: Discuss the importance of doing their best on the test and taking the experience seriously, regardless of their current ability level.
Set Goals Together: Review the Individual Student Report (ISR) you received from the state with your child, and work together to set a realistic goal for the MCAs in April.
Celebrate Success: If your student meets their goal, celebrate! Whether it’s a special treat, activity, or acknowledgment, celebrating growth can help build motivation and confidence.
Questions or Concerns?
If you’d like assistance setting goals for your student, need ideas to help increase their reading proficiency, or have questions about their MCA scores, please reach out to Kathleen Christy at kchristy@isd1.org.
By working together, we can ensure your student is equipped for success on their MCA assessments and beyond. Thank you for being a valued partner in your child’s education!
Lisa DeMars
Principal, Aitkin High School
“Autumn… the year’s last, loveliest smile.”🍂
AHS School Store
T-shirts: $20 & Sweatpants: $25
AHS School Store - The COOP!
T-shirts: $20
1/4 Zips: $25
Hoodies: $35
Sweatpants: $25
Blankets: $30
Tumblers: $12
Coffee Mugs: $7
1/4 Zips: $25
Robotics Team At AHS - Contact Jason Henke for More Information
FFA News
FFA Extemporaneous Speaking students competed in a leadership development event at Faith bridge Baptist Church November 19, 2024. The region II state qualifier is William Vogtlin Representing Aitkin high school. Ashley Asmus placed 3rd. This was our first time competing in a leadership event. Congratulations to my kiddos!
FFA News
Our Equine Evaluation Team qualified for State with Dixie Riggs placing first in Region II individual competition. Our veterinary science/companion animal team will compete Dec 18, 2024 at CLC in Brainerd.
Trades Field Trip
Alexandria Tech Open House Nov. 5, 2024 Mr. DiPaolo took 5 students interested in trades and manufacturing technology to Alexandria Tech for a tour of each of the CTE Departments.
💡 Reminders
- 7-12 Band Concert, Thursday, November 21st at 7:00 pm
- No School on November 28 & 29
- 7th & 8th Grade Choir Concert Monday, December 9th at 7:30 PM
- 9th-12th Grade Holiday Choir Concert Thursday, December 19th at 7:30 PM
- No School December 23rd-January 3rd. School resumes on January 6th.
If you would like to learn more or are interested in volunteering during this time, please reach out to ldemars@isd1.org
School is more than just a place where learning takes place and Aitkin High School is here to support the whole child. This includes providing food, clothing, and personal care needs. If your child would benefit from support in those areas, please have them reach out to Meredith Sander, Sammy Croatt or Kelli Crowther. We have had many generous donations that have allowed us to have basic need items on hand for all students free of charge.
- Tutoring after school in the high school media center on Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:30-5:00
- Students can get a pass during homeroom to get help from their teacher
- Parents can reach out to our high school counselors to learn about other options. msander@isd1.org or scroatt@isd1.org
Is your child struggling with coming to school or needs support with anything? Here's how we can help:
- Parents can reach out to our high school counselors, the high school dean of students or the high school principal for help. msander@isd1.org, scroatt@isd1.org, jhenrickson@isd1.org or ldemars@isd1.org
Life Skills Business Class
Special Hearts, our classroom small business, is part of Life Skills Class for students in the Developmental Cognitive Delay Program at Aitkin High School. Special Hearts is run by students in grades 7-12 and gives them real life job experience as they transition to post graduation job opportunities. Students are responsible for all aspects of the business. The funds generated return to our program to enhance future projects. Special Hears have begun their annual work of making dog treats and greeting cards for sale during the holiday season. Greeting cards and dog treats make great gifts for your family and furry friends. If you are interested in supporting our business and making someone's holidays a little more bright we welcome your orders. Orders can be placed online Special Hearts Order Form
Thank you for your business,
Special Hearts
Aitkin High School Contact Information
Principal Email: ldemars@isd1.org
Website: https://home.isd1.org/
Location: 306 2nd Street Northwest, Aitkin, MN, USA
Phone: 218-927-2115
Facebook: facebook.com/AitkinPublicSchools
Sports Schedule: https://isd1.rschoolteams.com/