School Board Notes
September 2017
The Meetings in Review
Facilities Master Plan
Fidevia, the district's project management consultant, presented the Board with an overview of the Facilities Master Plan. This guiding document represents a summary of improvements and maintenance projects planned to be implemented over the next ten years.
The Board approved the first year's scheduled projects during the September 26 meeting, with a change to the motion that directs the administration to negotiate contracts with potential vendors before presenting individual projects to the Board for review and approval.
The Facilities Master Plan may be downloaded from the district's website here.
Contract Negotiations
The Board discussed the Final Best Offer Arbitration process, and approved the Board's final best offer to the Methacton Education Association, and directed the administration to move forward with the posting of the offer in addition to seeking to post the final best offer of the Methacton Education Association. Both documents and detailed information on the public comment process can be found on the district's website here.
The Montgomery County Intermediate Unit presented the Board with an update on the status of transportation services in the district. They outlined several areas of need, including greater accountability with regard to improved communications with families, challenges with driver recruitment and retention, and work by First Student and Bus Boss to analyze routes.
The Board members expressed their continued concerns relative to buses that continue to arrive late to schools, individual bus routes, transportation for special needs students, and communication with district families. Dr. Zerbe echoed many of the Board's concerns, and directed the MCIU to continue to research potential solutions for ongoing needs in this critical area of district operations.
Other Items
Methacton High School juniors Saket Gokhale and Lauren McNichol, pictured above, were sworn in as student board representatives to the Board of School Directors for a two-year term.
All other items listed on the September 26 meeting agenda were approved with the exception of item 10, c. Payment for Mill Road Repair, which was not approved; and item 14, c. Traffic Study, which was tabled.
Congratulations "M" Award Recipents!
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Methacton Recognized Among 2017 Best Communities for Music Education
Methacton is among 527 school districts and 92 schools across the nation recognized by The National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation for outstanding music education programs. In cooperation with researchers at The Music Research Institute at the University of Kansas, and based on survey results, The NAMM Foundation each year selects school districts to be recognized as being among the Best Communities for Music Education (BCME).
Now in its 18th year, the awards program recognizes outstanding efforts by teachers, administrators, parents, students and community leaders who have made music education part of the curriculum. Designations are made to districts and schools that demonstrate an exceptionally high commitment and access to music education. These districts and schools set the bar in offering students access to comprehensive music education.
Methacton's music education teachers are photographed, along with Superintendent Dr. David Zerbe (far right) and NAMM representative Dave Kelly (left of Dr. Zerbe), and Board President Chris Boardman (far left). Thanks are due the members of the music staff, who completed the extensive application process that resulted in the designation.
School Board Accepts more than $12,000 from Methacton Education Foundation
Members of the Methacton Education Foundation (MEF) were on hand to present two checks to the district during the September 26th meeting.
MEF President Jim Beam spoke of the recent "We Run Out Hunger" event that the foundation supported along with Methacton parents Caryn Maro and Tracy Courtney. Maro and Courtney approached the foundation to seek their assistance in providing resources and support for the event, held late this past summer. Hundreds of runners turned out for the inaugural 5K race and 1 mile fun run, including teachers, parents, students, community members and other school staff. Proceeds from the event will benefit the district's backpack program, which directly benefits food insecure students in Methacton Schools.
The Board also accepted a grant in the amount of $2,900 to fulfill a teacher grant to benefit autistic support students in the district.
September 19 School Board Work Session Meeting
September 26 School Board Meeting
Board Notes
Phone: 610-489-5000
Twitter: @methacton