The Eagle Eye
Children are the heart of Imlay!
Message from Principal McCalley
March is one of my favorite months of the year! I love the “fresh start” that occurs as the trees bud, daffodils bloom and the days begin to get longer. It’s a great time for reflection on the first few months of the year and to plan how to meet goals in the Spring. In this vein, I would like to solicit parent feedback which I will use to create professional goals as we move forward to serve the needs of students and families at our fabulous school. There are multiple ways to have your voice heard! First, you may complete the anonymous survey sharing your thoughts–this was shared with you via Remind from Ms. Garcia. The survey will be open from March 1-March 8th. Second, I will be holding two Muffins with Principal McCalley to solicit feedback as well. Executive Director Lindsay Garcia will be joining us as well. The virtual Muffins with Principal McCalley will take place on March 10th from 8:30-9:00 a.m. at https://meet.google.com/ghv-prvz-ctr (or call in at 1-502-547-4275) An in-person Muffins With Principal McCalley option will also take place on March 10th from 6:00-6:30 p.m. in Imlay’s library. Spanish interpretation will be provided for both sessions.
The Oregon Health Authority is also revising the masking mandate in the state of Oregon and Hillsboro School District sent the following message to all families:
Dear HSD Students, Staff, and Families,
As you may have heard, the governors of Oregon, California, and Washington today announced they would be moving together to update their indoor masking guidance after 11:59 p.m. on Friday, March 11, for indoor public spaces and K-12 schools.
Previously, Oregon had announced a modification of indoor masking rules after March 31, and then moved the timeline up to March 19. Today’s shift to an even earlier date does complicate things for school districts; however, we remain committed to aligning changes in our practice with the modification of guidance at the state level.
Additional guidance will be provided to school districts on Wednesday, March 2. We will review that information along with the feedback received through the survey we sent to families and will be back in touch with a more detailed communication by the end of this week about what to expect from the transition to optional masking in HSD.
Thank you for your ongoing patience and support.
Hillsboro School District
Even with these upcoming changes, if you would like your child to have access to an N-95 mask, please let the office know! (503-844-1090)
Lastly, In an effort to be in classes more, I will be checking my email three times a day and responding within 24 hours during the work week. My plan is to check email first thing in the day, around 11:00 am and again about 3:30 p.m. In case of an emergency and you need to get ahold of me right away, please call Imlay Elementary at 503-844-1090.
Important Dates in March:
March 3: Virtual Assembly Kids Heart Challenge Kick Off
March 4: No school for students
March 7-18th: ELPA testing for students in ELD
March 10: Muffins with Principal McCalley
March 21-25: Spring Break
March 30: CSE lessons begin
Thank you for sharing your amazing children with us!
~Mrs. McCalley
Events for HSD Families
- February 28th- March 4th HSD Family Engagement Team Hygiene Drive
- Wednesday, March 2 at 6:30 p.m. Google Classroom Tutorials for Parents in English and Spanish
- Wednesday, March 16th at 6:30 p.m. HSD Latino PAC Meeting. All families of students identifying as Latino and/or Mesoamerican Indigenous are welcome to attend these monthly meetings to learn more about what is happening in the District and to share thoughts and concerns for how to best support students in their education. Join us and learn about new ways to get involved in the school system. For more information, call 503-844-1475. The meeting will be held in Spanish. Interpretation available in other languages is available upon prior request.
- Wednesday, March 16th at 6:30 p.m. Native American Parent Advisory Committee Please join us to connect with other Native American/Alaska Native parents and staff in our district.
- Thursday, March 17th at 6:30 p.m. Asian/Pacific Islander Advisory Committee All families of students identifying as Asian or Pacific Islander are welcome to attend these monthly virtual meetings to learn more about what’s happening in the District and to share thoughts, concerns, and ideas for how best to support students in their education. Meeting Link: HTTPS://HSD1J.ZOOM.US/J/81867324765
- Thursday, March 24th at 7:00p.m Black Village Family The Black Village Family Advisory Committee (BVFAC) advocates for the needs of students, and families of students, who identify in whole or in part as Black/African-American/African attending Hillsboro School District schools.
Drop off at the Administration Center- Cafeteria, Front Desk, or Break Room
Shampoo, conditioner, deodorants, pads, body soap, bottle soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, hand soap, hair comb, Clorox wipes, nail clippers, toilet paper, lotion, razors, & laundry detergent.
Questions? Contact Elizabeth Soto Work Cell: 503-403-9562 Email: sotoe@hsd.k12.or.us
Tools and resources on how to navigate google classroom.
English Meet joining info:https://meet.google.com/kdv-dfbu-omm
Spanish Meet joining info:https://meet.google.com/cke-ysnj-cdb
Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/ucv-zcfd-mrc
Or dial: +1 262-737-4648 PIN: 855 522 260#
Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/aof-ipwz-dna
Or dial: +1 252-357-6108 PIN: 197 734 832#
Meeting Link:https://hsd1j.zoom.us/j/84476428335
Meeting ID: 844 7642 8335 One tap mobile: +12532158782,,84476428335#
State Testing Opt-Out Forms
The state testing window is officially open. (For our 3rd-6th grade students, as well as our English Language Learners for ELPA). At Imlay, we will start testing in mid-April for most grades. If you would like to opt your child out of state testing, please see the following link for instructions. OPT-OUT State Testing
Volunteers at Imlay
We are in need of parent volunteers! We are so excited to have parents back in our building to volunteer. There are three steps to move through to volunteer:
1. Go to: https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/Page/163 to fill out the volunteer background check.
2. Once these checks have cleared, you will receive an email asking you to complete a survey and upload proof of COVID-19 vaccination, per the Governor’s vaccination mandate.* (*Volunteers may fill out a form requesting a medical or religious exception; however, these will only be considered on an as-needed basis as staff availability allows. Anyone receiving an approved exception will be required to follow a set of increased safety measures when volunteering.)
3. In addition, all volunteers will need to submit to a fingerprint-based criminal records check by March 28, 2022, in order to continue volunteering. Until this check is completed, volunteers will not be assigned duties that could put them in a situation where they have direct, unsupervised contact with students. If the check is not completed by March 28, 2022, your volunteer status will go from “approved” to “pending” and you will no longer be allowed to volunteer.
Airway Science is for 4, 5, and 6th graders on Thursday afternoons.
Play Fit Fun is for K-6 students and takes place on Thursday afternoons.
STEAM Events in Our Community
Event: HILLSBORO READS: Dignity Drive Health & Hygiene Essentials for Students
Date: Collections begin on Tuesday March 1 and end Saturday March 12.
Location: Hillsboro Public Library, Brookwood
Details: Support our community and donate items to benefit Hillsboro youth experiencing housing insecurity. Items will go to students at local area schools. Distribution assistance is through Hillsboro School District’s McKinney-Vento program. Presented by the City of Hillsboro Youth Advisory Council.
Requested items:
-Shampoo and conditioner
-Soap bars
-Hand sanitizer
Age specific items:
Teens: tampons/pads, shaving cream, shaving razor
Elementary children: Tear free shampoo, child toothpaste, small toothbrushes
Gallon size plastic bags to create kits
Visit the Hillsboro Reads webpage for more information.
Event: HILLSBORO READS: Impressions - What does HOME mean to you?
Date: Tuesday, March 1, 2022 - Thursday, March 31, 2022
Location: Hillsboro Public Library, Brookwood
Details: Share what HOME means to you through artwork, story, poetry, or another creative medium. Your personal expression of HOME will be put on display at the Library. We are accepting submissions February 15th through March 15th. They will be on display at the libraries March 1 - March 30.
Event: First Tuesday
Date: March 1
Time: 5-8pm
Location: Hillsboro’s Cultural Arts District (E. Main Street)
Details: Join us every first Tuesday of the month to explore Hillsboro's Cultural Arts District and enjoy:
Local galleries and art spaces
Live music
Engaging activities
And more!
Make the Walters Cultural Arts Center your first stop for Hillsboro Art Walk. Stroll through the gallery, meet the artist, listen to live music by local performers, and much more! An evening for all ages! The Walters is just one stop among the plethora of Downtown Hillsboro venues who participate each month.
This month, check out Perspectives, an exhibit by Alexandria Levin, Taylor Manoles, and Cody Jurgens.
Event: Online OBOB Book Club (grades 3 to 5)
Date: Thursday, March 3, 2022
Time: 3:30- 4:30pm
Details: Join us for book discussion, trivia questions, and crafting centered around the 2021 Grades 3-5 OBOB books! Please register so we can send you the Zoom link. March 3rd - The Storm Keeper's Island
Event: Read to the Dogs/Lee a los perros
Date: Thursday, March 3rd, March 10, March 17, March 24, March 31
Time: 4-4:30pm; 4:30-5pm; 5-5:30pm
Location: Hillsboro Public Library, Brookwood
Details: Want to build your skills and confidence? Read aloud to a trained therapy dog (accompanied by their handler) in a private 20-minute session. Grades K – 12.
¿Quieres mejorar tus habilidades y tu confianza? Inscríbete para leer en voz alta a perros de terapia (acompañados por un entrenador) en una sesión privada de 20 minutos. K – 12o grado.
You may sign up for one(1) Read to the Dogs session within a one(1) month period.
Event: Online Vietnamese StorytimeOnline Vietnamese Storytime
Date: Saturday, March 5, 2022
Time: 2:30-3pm
Location: Hillsboro Public Library, Brookwood
Details: For babies, toddlers, and preschool kids. 30 minutes of age-appropriate stories, finger plays, and other activities.
Giờ kể chuyện tiếng Việt 30 phút bao gồm những câu chuyện thích hợp với độ tuổi, những trò chơi ngón tay, và các hoạt động khác.
Please register to receive the Zoom link and reminder email.
Event: Wetlands Exploration Days: Birds and Nests
Date: March 5
Time: 1:30-3:30pm
Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve
Details: Spring is a busy time for birds – nesting and establishing territories. Have you seen a bird fly into a window. Find out why they do it and how we can help keep them safe?
Questions? Call Jackson Bottom at 503-681-6206.
Event: Family Clay Workshop: Magical Fairy Houses
Date: March 12
Time: 9:30-11:30am
Location: Walters Cultural Arts Center
Details: Get creative with your family building a fairy house from scratch. Bring your imagination and take home your ceramic creations to enjoy! For ages 8 years – Adult.
También se habla español. 23533 | Sat | 3/12 | 9:30 – 11:30 am $30 Resident, $60 Non-Resident, $18 Senior Resident, $36 Senior Non-Resident Registration Required.
Event: Wetlands Exploration Days: Fungi
Date: March 12
Time: 1:30-3:30pm
Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve
Details: Fall and spring are the times we see lots of mushrooms on our forest walks. Learns about the amazing underground life of fungi!
Questions? Call Jackson Bottom at 503-681-6206.
Event: HILLSBORO READS: Online Trivia Inspired by "No Fixed Address"
Date: Sunday, March 13
Time: 3:30- 4:30pm
Location: Hillsboro Public Library, Brookwood
Details: Have a talent for trivia? Join us for some trivia fun! You do not need to have read the book - all are welcome to participate.
Event: Online Beginning Reader Book Club
Date: Wednesday, March 16
Time: 3:30-4pm
Location: Hillsboro Public Library, Brookwood
Details: Designed especially for readers just beginning to read independently. For grades K-2. Registration required for this Zoom book club. You may pick up your own copy of the book to keep after we process your registration!
Event: Online OBOB Book Club (grades 3 to 5)
Date: Thursday, March 17
Time: 3:30-4:30pm
Location: Hillsboro Public Library, Brookwood
Details: Join us for book discussion, trivia questions, and crafting centered around the 2021 Grades 3-5 OBOB books!
Please register so we can send you the Zoom link.
Event: Wetlands Exploration Days: Beavers
Date: March 19
Time: 1:30-3:30pm
Location: Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve
Details: Beavers are a keystone species in the wetlands. What does that mean? Why are beavers so important to our environment?
Questions? Call Jackson Bottom at 503-681-6206.
Event: Online Cosplay Meetup
Date: Saturday, March 19
Time: 10-11am
Location: Online
Details: Currently working on a costume, or needing help to start one? Have a cool prop you want to show off? Want to connect with other cosplayers? This meetup is for you! Whether you are a superhero, princess, or Stormtrooper; whether you craft with fabric or foam: all ages, skill levels, and skill sets are welcome. Join Zoom Meeting Click here to join the Zoom event
Event: Wetlands Exploration Days: Fossils
Date: March 26
Time: 1:30-3:30pm
Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve
Details: Water plus soil plus dead stuff plus time equal fossils. How are fossils made? What do they tell us to things that have disappeared from our modern world.
Questions? Call Jackson Bottom at 503-681-6206.
Event: Discovery Storytime Online
Date: Sunday, March 27
Time: 1-2pm
Location: Hillsboro Public Library, Brookwood
Details: Join us for stories, songs, and hands-on experiments. For ages 4-7. Acompáñenos para cuentos, canciones, y experimentos activos. Para edades 4-7 años. Please register to receive reminder email and the Zoom link for the storytime.
Event: Online OBOB Book Club (grades 3 to 5)
Date: Thursday, March 31
Time: 3:30-4:30pm
Location: Hillsboro Public Library, Brookwood
Details: Join us for book discussion, trivia questions, and crafting centered around the 2021 Grades 3-5 OBOB books! Please register so we can send you the Zoom link.
About Us
Email: mccallje@hsd.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/imlay
Location: 5900 Southeast Lois Street, Hillsboro, OR, USA
Phone: 503-844-1090
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Imlay-Elementary-School/1516082992001069
Twitter: @ImlayEagles