Crocker Viking News
April 7, 2022
Upcoming Dates
April 8: 6th-grade Parent Networking Meeting (about 6th gr topics!) @ 8:45am in MPR
April 8: 7th-Grade Social 4:30-6:30pm
April 18-22: 8th-Grade Utah Trip
April 19: APG/RISE/CPG Speaker Event 7-8:30pm
April 20: HCSD Board Meeting 6-8pm
April 29: School Site Council Meeting via zoom @ 9:35-10:25am
April 29: 8th-gr networking breakfast (after drop off)
Message from Crocker Parent Group President
Dear Crocker Families,
Welcome back from Spring Break! I want to take this opportunity to thank the many Crocker parent volunteers, especially the Chairs, who have brought immense spirit and enthusiasm to each CPG event this year.
Thank you to Chairs Katie Schmidt, Cris Mendell, Chelsea Woo, and the extremely brave chaperones, for making the 8th-Grade Ski Trip happen! 8th graders created memories with their classmates (beginning at 4:30 am!) by spending the day skiing and boarding together at Dodge Ridge.
Kim Wickam, Jess Zucker, and their committee created the best Staff Appreciation Luncheon ever! Educators had a lovely St. Paddy’s day meal on the grass, and the event was full of limericks, friendship, creative touches, and a special raffle! A shout out to Jax Vineyards for their generous donation to the event.
6th-grade Cotillion came to a waltzing close after 5 Monday evening classes. The Bowies (Crocker PE teachers) stepped up to instruct the class for the first time, and Chairs Joanna Bruso, Zara Fritts, and Angela O’Connor handled Covid challenges seamlessly. The event was hugely successful, and thank you to all who made it happen!
The 6th-Grade Social finally took place on a Friday evening at the ice rink! Thank you to Chairs Amy Jasmer, Sheri Bernstein, and everyone on the committee for organizing this fun and special 6th-grade event.
And lastly, CPG Allocations delivered a one-time $100 gift to all Crocker educators to thank them for going the extra mile over the past two years. Allocations also purchased new bike racks, filtered water bottle dispensers, Chromebook chargers for all classrooms, and a refresh of the teacher's lounge. A huge thank you to CPG Treasurer, Katrina Reynolds, for chairing the Allocations Committee this year.
If you missed our last CPG General meeting, here are the slides. The next CPG General Meeting is on May 13th. I hope to see you there, or at one of the many upcoming CPG events.
Jen Salma
CPG President
SAVE the Date Crocker Class of 2022 Graduation
Wiliam H. Crocker's 8th Grade Graduation will be held on Thursday evening this year! Due to the Performing Arts Center availability, we had to pivot and plan for a Thursday night ceremony. Always determined to see the glass half full, we are excited for an opportunity to try a new tradition! The Crocker Vikings Class of 2022 Graduation will be held from 5:00 pm -6:15 pm on Thursday, June 9, 2022. Doors will open at 4:30 pm. The venue is large enough that we will not need to limit seating.
Thursday, Jun 9, 2022, 05:00 PM
San Mateo Performing Arts Center, North Delaware Street, San Mateo, CA, USA
Crocker Yearbook Custom Pages
Service Learning Program- Ukraine
Please take a few moments to read about our Service Learning Program at Crocker.
Ukraine Refugees Getting the Donations
The compilation video shown above was created to send love and support to schools in Ukraine. Students at the school - one of 44 Ukrainian schools that participate in The Great Kindness Challenge - had recently exchanged pen pal letters and video messages with students here in the US. When the conflict started, we reached out directly to their teacher, Ms. Dmytrenko, to see how Kids for Peace could help. She humbly asked for our prayers.
"Thank you and all the children for supporting Ukraine! It is so touching! I cried when I recognized the kids who shot a video for our summer camp last year. It feels like we are a big family.
Crocker wants to help! We will be hosting a Crocker Bazaar on Saturday, April 16th from 10-11am in Crocker's MPR. Here students will sell goods and 100% of the proceeds will go to the Love for Ukraine Fundraising Campaign. If your child can not attend the bazaar but would like to donate items, please have them attend the meeting on April 7th during lunch. Please have them sign up here: Crocker Bazaar Sign Up
You can also donate here. For more information on the campaign, please click here.
Tired of making lunches,
order Choice Lunch
Click the link for details Choicelunch.com
THANK YOU to our dedicated parent volunteers
Parent volunteers are welcome. If interested, please email
Tiffany Tsurudome at drtiffanylt@gmail.com
6th-grade Parent Networking Meeting
Please join us for a 6th-grade Parent Networking Meeting about 6th-grade topics!
We hope to see you on April 8th at 8:45 am at the Crocker MPR.
-Kristen Owen and Karen Folgner"
7th-Grade Social
7th-Grade Parent Networking: High School Parent Panel
7th grade families are invited to come and listen to other Crocker parents about high schools that their older children attend. This is a wonderful opportunity to get general information about both public and private high schools in our area. The event will be held in the Crocker Lecture Hall on May 4th at 6pm-8pm. We hope to see you there!
Vanessa Shew
7th-grade Networking Chair
8th-Grade Networking Breakfast
Join us for the
“We’re butter together”
Friday, April 29th
(after drop off)
Invite to follow
2020 Hillsborough Citizen of the Year (COY) and Community Care Award (CCA) recipient honored
On the evening of Thursday, March 24th, the Associated Parents’ Groups of Hillsborough hosted a long-awaited celebration at Town Hall in honor of our 2020 Hillsborough Citizen of the Year (COY) and Community Care Award (CCA) recipient. This event was delayed twice due to the pandemic but we finally had an opportunity to celebrate our deserving honorees, Harini Krishnan (COY) and Kristi Shreve (CCA).
The event was attended by 120 community members, HCSD staff, our Board of Trustees, Hillsborough Mayor and City Councilmembers, as well as the recipients' families. In addition to hearing meaningful speakers on behalf of both honorees, Harini and Kristi learned that they had been entered into the Congressional Record on behalf of Congresswoman Jackie Speier which you can read here: Harini Krishnan and Kristi Shreve. It was a wonderful celebration!
Community Speaker Event
RISE, APG, Crocker Parent Group, and HCSD are pleased to co-sponsor our Community Speaker Event on April 19, 7-8:30pm in the Crocker lecture Hall. The Child Mind Institute will come speak about teaching our children resilience and managing anxiety amid COVID reopening. Come learn about this important and timely issue!
Meet us at the starting line,
it’s FUN RUN time!
Help raise money for our Hillsborough public schools with the 2K Lakas Shimuzu Memorial Run/Walk and 5K Run/Walk!
HSF is pleased to announce we've hired an interim Executive Director, Blair Brown. Blair comes to us with a wealth of relevant non-profit, operations and finance experience and we look forward to working with him. Welcome, Blair! Cynthia Foster, our Executive Director of over 10 years, will retire on Friday March 25. We send her off to her next chapters with much gratitude and well wishes.
Boy Scouts
Are you ready to get back outside? If you like the outdoors — camping, hiking, biking, etc. — we’ve got you covered. Have you considered being a Scout? Troop 28 is an active, diverse group that has been providing outdoor programs for young men (10-18 years old) for over 70 years in Burlingame and Hillsborough. We meet at 7 PM on the first and third Mondays of every month, so come visit us at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church at 415 El Camino Real in Burlingame.
For more details, please contact Crocker dad and Assistant Scoutmaster Ralph Ho at ralfho@yahoo.com or visit t28burlingame.org or www.facebook.com/T28Burlingame.
SMHS Cheer and Dance Try Outs
San Mateo High School Cheer tryouts have been postponed. Please complete this form so that we can get in touch with you when they have been rescheduled. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
San Mateo High School Dance Team tryouts have been postponed. Please complete this form so that we can get in touch with you when they have been rescheduled. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Crocker Middle School
Email: crockervikingnews@gmail.com
Website: http://crocker.hcsd.info/
Location: 2600 Ralston Avenue
Phone: 650-342-6331