Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 5th July 2024
The Litter Muncher
Super Storytelling by Early Years and Key Stage 1
Early Years and Key Stage 1 pupils put together a wonderful show telling the story of the Litter Muncher. The children sang beautifully with actions and there was some fabulous acting. Taylor did a wonderful job of acting inside a big yellow bin as the main character of the Litter Muncher. We really enjoyed seeing Nursery's bikers who made a lot of mess, followed by the festival goers from Reception. Eventually the villagers in the story realised that they needed to make an effort to tidy up so that they could win Village in Bloom. A fabulous effort from all involved. Well done Early Years and Key Stage 1.
Year 6 Cathedral Leavers' Service
Leavers' Service
Year 6 visited the Cathedral on Wednesday to take part in a special leavers' service with other schools in the local area. They thought about what they are looking forward to about transitioning to secondary school and also their worries. During the service Canon Matthew spoke about the 'I am' statements from the Bible that the children had prepared. He explained how the Cathedral's wish is that we can live up to the 'I am' statements and live life in all its fullness. The children had made doorways about their transition on to secondary school that will be displayed in the Cathedral over the next few weeks.
St Peter's Visit Year 5
Year 5 Penpals
On Thursday Year 5's penpals from St Peter's C of E Primary School in Leeds came to spend the day with us. The children paired up with their penpal and split into groups to complete different activities. The Year 5 children showed their penpal around our school completing a photography challenge, creating different scenes around the school grounds. Then they completed an orienteering activity where they had to find letters which they had to unscramble to identify words linked to friendship. They played quick cricket and in small groups completed a challenge making the tallest tower using a variety of resources. Over lunchtime they had their packed lunches on the school field, played together and they finished their day singing. They shared the songs each other are singing as part of their school plays. The children from both schools had a great day and as it was a lovely sunny day they all enjoyed an ice lolly.
Year 3 Field Work
In geography this week, the Year 3 children took their learning outside and conducted some geographical enquires using fieldwork. They planned a route from school, down the River Skell to look at local environmental issues. Some of the children chose to observe the litter on the route and the bins available, some children noted the number of wild birds they saw in different places and some wanted to record the trees they saw on the walk.
We stopped by the river and carried out some observations and sketches to help build an understanding of the place, not only what they could see, but what they could hear, what the place made them feel and any questions they might have about it. They recorded these thoughts and ideas on fortune tellers. It was a lovely afternoon and reminded us all of what a beautiful area our school is in.
Year 6 at Crucial Crew
Year 6 this week travelled on the 36 bus to Harrogate College to take part in Crucial Crew. This event provides children with an opportunity to acquire essential life skills to help keep them safe. At Crucial Crew, children learn of the dangers of drugs, internet abuse and fire prevention. The children enjoyed the different workshops run by a range of agencies including the police, fire brigade and insight.
Stars of the Week
We always enjoy sharing who our Stars of the Week are in our special Celebration Worship on Friday.
Axel for showing kindness to his friends.
Jack for showing amazing readiness to learn on a morning and independently writing fabulous sentences using his phonic knowledge carefully.
Year 1
Sophie for always putting amazing effort into her learning. She made fabulous progress in writing and maths.
Year 2
Natasza for her amazing acting in the KS1 production . She put everything into it!
Year 3
Sophie for her fantastic field work observations in geography.
Year 4
Jeffrey for giving wonderful effort to his artwork.
Year 5
Alfie for his dedication and resilience in learning and participating in the KS2 performance's dances.
Year 6
Isaac for taking an active part at Crucial Crew and in PE lessons.
Parent Governor Election
Many thanks to all the parents who sent back their votes; we were delighted with the high level of participation. Further thanks, of course, to the three parents who put themselves forward to volunteer for the responsibility of being a parent governor for the next four years. They all received a creditable share of the votes, with the highest number going to Mr Jonathan Davies, who will join the governing body in September.
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 9th July - In school transition day
Wednesday 10th July - Pupil reports to be sent home
Thursday 11th July - Reception visit Newby Hall
Thursday 11th July - Year 6 Leavers' Event at 6.30pm for parents and Year 6 pupils
Tuesday 16th July - Key Stage 2 Production of Return to Pantomime Planet (1.30pm and 6.30pm)
Wednesday 17th July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Celebration Worship
Wednesday 17th July - Key Stage 2 Production of Return to Pantomime Planet (6.30pm)
Thursday 18th July - Key Stage 2 Celebration Worship
Friday 19th July - School closes for the summer holidays
Tuesday 23rd - Thursday 25th July - Oscar's summer holiday club (booking essential)
Tuesday 27th - Thursday 29th August - Oscar's summer holiday club (booking essential)
Our dates for diaries includes events that we currently have planned. As a school we try to communicate these in advance to support families, however at times dates and times can change due to a range of circumstances. We will add more dates over the term so please do check each week for new events.
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Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
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