News from Centennial Middle School
August 23, 2024
Centennial Middle School
Website: www.isd12.org/cms
Location: 399 Elm Street, Lino Lakes, MN, USA
Phone: 763-792-5400
Summer Information and Dates to Remember
Tuesday, August 27th: Materials Drop Off & Picture Day, 3-7 pm & Open House with Teachers, 4-6 pm
Tuesday, September 3rd: First Day of School (6th grade only)
Wednesday, September 4th: First Day of School (7th and 8th grades)
Summer Hours: The Middle School office is open daily from 8 am-3 pm from August 13th through August 29th. Note: The school office will be closed on Friday, August 30th.
Don’t forget to bookmark the CMS webpage: https://middleschool.isd12.org/
Annual Review and Update of Student Information
Note: The Annual Review and Update of Student Information is required to be completed before other areas of parent portal are available. You will be prompted to complete this annual data review before you can navigate to the rest of the parent portal account. This must be completed to view your child's school schedule. See below for more information.
Annual Review and Update of Student information -- August 12th through September 20th
Centennial uses an online method in Campus Portal for families to update annual information for students such as annual notifications, agreements, emergency contact information, and communication preferences, etc. This process eliminates the many beginning-of-the-year paper documents that would typically be collected during the first few weeks of school. The annual data review is required to be completed before other areas of parent portal are available. Please login to Parent Portal, review, and update the data on file for you as parent/guardians as well as your students by Friday, September 20, 2024.
Below are some links to help you login to your Parent Portal account and get started:
How do I log into Parent Portal?
How do I start the annual data review in Parent Portal?
Materials Drop Off, Picture Day, and Open House -- Tuesday, August 27th
Tuesday, August 27th is the last Back-to-School Materials Drop Off & Picture Day at CMS. Feel free to come to the middle school any time between 3-7 pm. Students will be able to put their school supplies in their lockers (locker numbers are listed on student schedules), have their pictures taken for new student ID’s, pick up their 2023-24 ID's if needed for those first weeks of school, and walk around the school. Make sure to print or take a screenshot of your student schedule and bring it with you to Materials Drop Off if you want to walk around the school. 6th grade students will also be able to pick up their new locks.
Note: Teachers will only be in their classrooms for an Open House from 4-6 pm.
If students are not able to attend one of the Materials Drop Off dates, that's okay. They will be able to just bring their materials on the first day of school. Time has been set aside on the first day to provide students with time to tour the school and put their school supplies in lockers. There will also be another opportunity to have their school picture taken during school on the Picture Make-Up on September 13th.
School Supplies/EduKits –If you ordered a school supply EduKit prior to June 18th, it will be available at the back-to-school Materials Drop Off Day or on the first day of school.
If you ordered an Edukit during the last chance window, from June 19-July 2nd, your EduKit should arrive at your home prior to the first day of school. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the EduKit you ordered, please visit customer service on the EduKit website: www.edukitinc.com If you still need to purchase your child's grade-level school supplies, click here to view the supply lists.
School Pictures -- Student pictures will be taken at the Materials Drop Off day on August 27th. Picture Make-Ups will be held during school on September 13th for students who didn't get their picture taken at one of the Materials Drop Off days. Photos are used for school IDs; and it is required that all students have photos taken. Each student is provided with a Centennial ISD12 student ID which has a photo and a barcode. This barcode is needed in the cafeteria and in the media center. Students will need to have their ID on them at all times. Lanyards will be available to pick up at Materials Drop Off or in the school office.
Locks/Lockers -- 6th grade students may pick up their new locks at the Materials Drop Off day. Returning 7th and 8th grade students should bring their locks with them to Materials Drop Off day if they are putting school supplies in lockers, or on the first day of school. Used locks will be available to pick up at the Materials Drop Off days or on the first day of school if they are lost over the summer.
School Pictures are Coming!
Lifetouch will be taking pictures for student ID's at the Materials Drop Off day on August 27th. Pre-order pictures today by scanning the QR code or visit mylifetouch.com and use the Picture Day ID: EVTV8M6PM
Back-to-School Tips & Tidbits
- Schedules - Student schedules are available in Campus Portal. We recommend that students bring a printed copy of their schedule to school on the first day and that they keep that printed copy in their AVID binder. If you are unable to print at home, don't worry! First period teachers will have printed copies of each student's schedule to hand out on the first day of school.
- School Supplies -- Grade-level school supply lists are posted on the Middle School webpage at https://middleschool.isd12.org/student-life/school-supplies
- Chromebooks – All students should bring their fully-charged school-issued Chromebook to school each day, beginning on the first day of school. There are a very limited supply of loaner Chromebooks for students.
- Cell Phones - Cell phones are not required or necessary at Middle School. Students have school-issued Chromebooks and email addresses and do not need cell phones in the classroom. If you choose to send your child to school with a cell phone, please be aware that it will need to stay in their locker throughout the course of the academic day. Students will not be bringing cell phones to the lunchroom. Students may check their cell phone at their locker during passing periods, before or after lunch time, or after school, but they will need to stay in lockers.
- Student ID's - Each student is provided with a Centennial ISD12 student ID which has a barcode. This barcode is needed in the cafeteria and in the media center. Students will need to have their ID on them at all times. Lanyards will be available to pick up at Materials Drop Off or in the school office.
Bus Information - Watch for a postcard in the mail just prior to the start of school from the District’s Transportation Department. The postcard will list all the bus information your child will need. We will have after-school activity buses available after school beginning on September 9th for those who are signed up for a club or activity. If you have transportation questions, please email transportation@isd12.org.
- Before & After School Supervision -- We offer supervision before and after school in the cafeteria for a fee. Students must be registered each quarter in order to participate. Registration information for AM and PM Supervision is now open! It is located on the Athletics & Activities page of the middle school website. Click here to view.
- CMS School Hours and Class Schedule – School hours are from 8:05 am-2:55 pm. Students arriving prior to 7:45 am who are not signed up for Before-School Supervision will remain outside until 7:45 am. The Middle School office will be open from 7:30 am-3:15 pm each day once school begins.
Student Drop-off and Pick-up – Please watch this important video for updated information and processes you will need to follow if you will be dropping off or picking up your child before or after school: https://youtu.be/0Y6on_Fchwk
- Water Bottles – Water bottles will be allowed in school, but it will be up to each teacher’s discretion if they will allow them in their classrooms.
- Hats and Hoods – In our continued effort to make sure that our school is safe and that our students are recognizable, both in person and through our security cameras, we will not be allowing students to wear hats and/or hoods during the school day.
Registration Now Open for Before and After-School Supervision!
CMS Before and After-School Supervision takes place in the cafeteria. This is a safe place for students to be supervised before and after school. You must provide your own transportation.
Before-School Supervision Hours and Information:
- Hours: 6:00-7:45 am
- Students arriving prior to 7:45 am who are not signed up for Supervision will remain outside until 7:45 am.
After-School Supervision Hours and Information:
- Hours: 3:00-6:00 pm
- Students staying after school who are not signed up for After-School Supervision will need to wait outside after 3:00 pm while they wait for pick-up.
- Before-School Supervision: $185 per quarter
- After-School Supervision: $210 per quarter
- Before and After Supervision: $360 per quarter
Late Pickup:
- A late pickup fee of $10 per each five-minute increment past 6:00 pm will be assigned to your Campus Fees. A pattern of late pickup may result in termination of supervision. If the child is not picked up by 6:30 pm and we are unable to reach an emergency contact, the police will be contacted.
To register: Log into your Campus Parent Portal account and go to "fees." There is an "optional fee" located there for supervision. Select the option you will need. Once your have paid your fee, your student is then automatically registered.
If you family needs financial assistance, please contact Tammy Larsen at tlarsen@isd12.org.
Chromebook Protection Plan Information
An optional device protection plan ($30 per year) is available for families with 6th-12th grade students to purchase annually. This plan covers the first instance of accidental damage. When enrolled in the protection plan, any additional instances of damage would be repaired through a $20 deductible. This is an elective plan and is not required. Families that qualify for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program are eligible for the Chromebook Protection Plan at no cost. Families interested in applying for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program can get application information on the ISD12 Nutrition Services Webpage.
The Chromebook Protection Plan is purchased Online through Campus Fees in Campus Portal for Parents.
- The Chromebook Protection Plan is available for purchase at the beginning of each school year until mid September.
- You will receive a receipt at the end of your transaction. The receipt is your confirmation that the protection plan has been activated.
- Families that qualify for the Free and Reduced Program are automatically enrolled (no action needed).
Need help logging into Campus Portal? Click here for instructions
Reporting Student Absences
Student absence requests are submitted through Campus Parent Portal. An “Attendance Request” link is also found on the Parent Hub of the school website for easy access to the Portal and resources to assist.
The direct link can be found here: Campus Attendance Reporting
Helpful links: Parent Portal Login Assistance
For attendance reporting questions, please email Sara Verke at sverke@isd12.org.
A Message from Health Services
Minnesota law requires children enrolled in childcare, early childhood education, or school to be immunized against certain diseases, unless the child is medically or non-medically exempt. Children having incomplete immunization records will not be allowed to remain in school after November 1, 2024. What you need to do:
· Contact your health care provider and review your student’s immunization status to make sure they are up to date.
· If you missed a required vaccination, make an appointment with a healthcare provider or local clinic as soon as possible.
· Follow up with your students’ school if they have reached out to you regarding your students immunization status.
· Turn in medical (must be signed by health care provider) and non-medical (must be notarized) exemption forms to your child’s school.
Visit the MDH website for vaccine schedules, exemption forms and more information including where to get free/low-cost immunizations today. Please reach out to your students’ school for any questions.
Community Education
The Fall Activity Guide is open for registration! Look for middle school offerings including:
Middle School Cougar Strength
Middle School Debate Club
Middle School Tennis
Middle School Wrestling
Strategy Games Club
Middle School Speech, Improv
Centennial Bowling Club
And so much more!
Go online to view offerings for middle-schoolers and the whole family!
Welcome to the Digital Backpack!
Welcome to the Digital Backpack, the district’s central posting place for community flyers. If you have questions regarding these programs, please contact the organizations directly. Click HERE to browse the Digital Backpack.
Centennial Resource Locker
The Centennial School District has compiled a wide variety of resources for our students, families, and greater community. These resources include mental health, learning and enrichment, services specific to our aging population, crisis, where to find economic assistance and much, much more. You can find these resources on our district website here.
24/7 Free Academic Support for Students in Grade 6-12
Centennial School District has partnered with Paper to provide free, 24/7 access to 1-on-1 tutoring and writing support for students in grade 6-12. Through federal relief funds, we are able to provide additional academic support for students. Students can access this online tutor via the chat function. The app is available on student Chromebooks. For more information about Paper, click here.