2021-22 HIB Self Assessment
Documentation of Information: Bunker Hill Middle School
Core Element #1: HIB Programs, Approaches and Other Initiatives
A. The school annually established HIB programs, approaches or other initiatives.
B. The school annually implemented and documented HIB programs, approaches, or other initiatives.
C. The school annually assessed HIB programs, approaches or other initiatives.
D. The school’s HIB programs, approaches or other initiatives were designed to create school-wide conditions to prevent and address HIB.
Building Better Bulldog Steering Committee/School Safety Team
- Sept 15, 2021
- October 13, 2021
- January 6, 2022
Panorama Survey Meetings/Results
- December 3, 2021
- May 31-June 3, 2022
Core Element #2 : Training on the BOE Approved H.I.B Policy
A. School employees, contracted service providers and volunteers were provided training on the HIB policy.
B. The HIB policy training included instruction on preventing HIB on the basis of protected categories enumerated in the ABR
C. The HIB policy was discussed with students, in accordance with the district’s process for these discussions.
HIB Policy Reviewed With Students
Core Element #3: Other Staff Trainings and Programs
A. Each teaching staff member completed at least 2 hours of instruction in suicide prevention that included information on HIB, in each five-year professional development period.
B. Each teaching staff member completed at least 2 hours of instruction on HIB prevention, in each five-year professional development period.
C. The school anti-bullying specialist (ABS) was given time during the usual school schedule to participate in in-service training in preparation to act as the ABS.
D. The members of the school safety/school climate team (SS/SCT) were provided with professional development in effective practices of successful school climate programs or approaches.
E. School building leaders have received information on the prevention of harassment, intimidation and bullying as part of their training on issues of school ethics, school law and school governance.
Suicide Prevention
HIB Prevention
ABS Training
School Safety Team Training
Core Element #4: Curriculum and Instruction on HIB and Related Information and Skills
A. The school provided ongoing, age-appropriate instruction on preventing HIB in accordance with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards.
B. The school observed the “Week of Respect,” during the week beginning with the first Monday in October of each year, recognizing the importance of character education by providing age-appropriate instruction focusing on HIB prevention.
On Going HIB Instruction
Week of Respect Kickoff October 5-9, 2021. See links below
Core Element #5: HIB Personnel
A. The principal appointed a school anti-bullying specialist (ABS).
B. The ABS met at least two times per school year with the district anti-bullying coordinator (ABC).
C. The school safety/school climate team (SS/SCT) met at least two times per school year to develop, foster and maintain a positive school climate by focusing on the ongoing, systemic process and practices in the school and to address school climate issues including HIB.
Naming the ABS
Documented Meetings with the ABC (2021-22)
- 3/2
- 3/8
- 3/16
- 3/23
- 4/28
- 5/5
- 5/12
- 5/16
Documented Meetings with the School Safety Team (2021-22)
- 9/13
- 11/18
- 1/6
- 5/5
Core Element #6: School Level HIB Incident Reporting Procedure
A. The school implemented the district’s procedure for reporting HIB that includes all required elements.
B. The school implemented the district’s procedure for reporting new information on a prior HIB report.
Required Elements for Reporting a HIB
Fostering Positive School Climate
Core Element #7: HIB Investigation Procedure
A. Notification to parents of alleged offenders and alleged victims in each reported HIB incident.
B. Completion of the investigation within 10 school days of the written incident report.
C. Preparation of a written report on the findings of each HIB investigation.
D. Results of the investigation reported to the chief school administrator (CSA) within 2 school days of completion of the investigation.
HIB Investigative Procedure
Core Element #8: HIB Reporting
B. The official grades received from the NJDOE, for the self assessment from the previous reporting period, for the school and for the school district are posted on the homepage of the school's website per the ABR and the requirements of the NJDOE.