Valley News
November 2024
A Note From Mrs. Chivington:
Dear Valley Families,
As we step into November, I am reminded of all we’ve accomplished together this school year. Our students have shown wonderful growth, and their enthusiasm fills our school each day with warmth and energy. Valley truly is a special place to be!
Thank you to everyone who joined us for conferences, the book fair, Trunk or Treat, and our recent harvest parties. Your involvement and support mean so much to our school community, and these events wouldn’t be the same without you!
We’re looking forward to honoring our veterans with a special breakfast and assembly on Veterans Day, Monday, November 11, 2024. This will be a meaningful time for our students to recognize and thank those who have served our country. Families are welcome to join us virtually via Google Meet, which can be accessed here Monday morning beginning at approximately 9:45.
With the colder weather approaching, please be sure your child is dressed warmly each day. We go outside whenever possible, and a warm coat, hat, and gloves can make outdoor play and learning much more comfortable and enjoyable.
November is a perfect time to reflect on what we’re thankful for, and I feel grateful to be part of such a caring, supportive school family. Thank you for your continued support as we work together to make this quarter a successful one for each student. As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions, thoughts, or concerns.
Sarah Chivington
October SHINE Award
We are very excited to announce that 5th grader Audrey Brubaker is Valley’s October recipient of the SHINE award for the 2024-2025 school year. Our Character Education program is a key component to helping our students understand what it means to lead and to be good citizens. Every month, we honor one student who consistently demonstrates two or more pillars of character which are: Citizenship, Caring, Trustworthiness, Fairness, Respect, and Responsibility. To recognize these students for their efforts, Beavercreek City Schools has created the “SHINE Award – Highlighting Outstanding Students of Character.”
This is how Audrey’s teachers, Mrs. Helton and Mrs. McKitrick, describe her:
Audrey Brubaker is one of a kind. Her caring attitude is exemplified in the classroom. She is always looking to help others or invite someone into a group. We have seen her walk over to a student and ask them to join her group. The other students seek her out as a resource when they need assistance, she has earned their trust over the past year. In the classroom we always tell students to use their resources if they have a question, Audrey is that resource for her classmates. Audrey is "that" kid, for however you want to define it.
Audrey shows responsibility, always being on task, always up for trying something new, and always going above and beyond. We have watched Audrey ask what else she can do to make an assignment better. Other students know Audrey will be fair when including others whether it is on a group project or out at recess. Audrey is a student who just makes you smile with her presence.
We have loved getting to know Audrey. Audrey and her family are moving at the end of this school year. We know that Audrey will take these qualities and bring light to a new community. We also hope in years to come we see her back in our Beavercreek community sharing herself with us again.
Congratulations, Audrey! We are all very proud of you!
November Character Education Focus: Citizenship
On Wednesday, November 6, wear PURPLE to show your support of November's character trait: CITIZENSHIP.
One Minute Reads from Mrs. Haffey
Mindfulness is a practice that means paying attention to the present moment, without judging or trying to change it. This involves observing your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without getting caught up in them.
Benefits of Mindfulness:
- Decreased depression and anxiety
- Greater satisfaction in relationships
- Improved memory and focus
- Less overthinking or obsessing
- Improved resilience to stress
- Improved ability to manage emotions
Below is a Bingo card of Fall Mindfulness activities that you can do with your children.
Lunch & Learn: Grains
This quarter, the Student Nutrition Department will be visiting elementary schools to present the second session of our Lunch & Learn program. This month, we’re featuring the Grains food group and offering samples of a special Cheesy Quinoa dish. This twist on mac ‘n’ cheese is made with quinoa in place of macaroni. The recipe is gluten-free, soy-free, nut-free and vegetarian, it does contain dairy. If you feel your student should avoid this sample, please discuss this with them beforehand.
Lunch & Learn at Valley Elementary will take place on Tuesday, November 5th!
Valley Elementary Online Art Show
Family Time Project in Skills Lab
Skills Lab Family Time project will be completed in your student's skills lab class during the months of November and December. This project aligns with our digital safety lessons of reducing eye strain and limiting screen time as well as our district initiative of One District, One Mission, One Creek. Students will gather photos showing how they spend their time away from technology. Photos of the final projects will be added into a district-wide slide show that will be shared with the school community. We can't wait to see the final projects!
Attendance Information
Attendance at school is an important part of your child's education. Ohio House Bill 410 has strict attendance guidelines, and you can read more about those requirements here. Our Building Office Assistant, Shannon Wyatt, has created a helpful list of do's and don'ts to help your family avoid a truancy or chronic absenteeism letter. Please call her at (937) 429-7597 with any questions!
Attendance Do's and Don'ts
- DON'T forget to report an absence to the office! Call 937-429-7597, option 1 OR email valleyattendance@gocreek.org. If the absence is not reported by 10:00am, our automated calling system will call home for any absent student who we have not heard from.
- DO keep your student home until they are 24 hours symptom free, without medication.
- DON'T forget to get a doctor's note and turn it into the Valley office when your student visits the doctor during school hours. Each student has 10 absences per school year that a parent can excuse, however, if you get a doctor's note, the absence does not count against the 10 you are allotted. Doctor's notes should be turned in within 5 days of the absence.
- DO let us know in advance of any absences due to a vacation. The district is no longer using vacation request forms, therefore, an email to valleyattendance@gocreek.org is the best way to let us know about an upcoming vacation. The district excuses 5 vacation/out of town days per school year.
Thank you for making your child's attendance in school a priority!
Yard Signs Still Available!
We're excited to share that our new ONE CREEK 9x12 yard signs are still available!
You can pick one up at any of our school buildings or the central office during business hours.
Show your school spirit and support by displaying one in your yard. Don't miss out—get yours today!
Community Opportunities
November Events
5 - Math Club
5 - Lunch & Learn: Grains
6 - Student Advisory Council Meeting
6 - Character Education Day - Wear PURPLE for Citizenship
7 - Second Grade Field Trip to Narrows
7 - Fifth Grade Field Trip to Caesar’s Creek
8 - School Store open at lunch
11 - Veterans Day Breakfast and Program
12 - Writing Club RM 53
18 - Picture Retake Day
19 - Math Club
21 - Student Council Meeting @ 8:10
22 - BHS Travel Theater Performance of The Glass Slipper @ 9:30 in gym
22 - School Store open at lunch
25-29 - Fall Break - No School