From the Center for Christian Urban Educators
August 9, 2018
Are We Asking Too Much Of School Leaders?
Leadership is challenging and frightening all at the same time. School leaders have a lot on their plates and it seems there is more expected of leaders than ever before. Leadership used to be more about management, and now we ask that leaders be instructional leaders...collaborative leaders...or both. Consider these proactive and reactive remedies that we need to focus on if we really want school leaders to reach their full potential.
Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Classroom: Where to Begin
What's School Without Grade Levels?
Effective Use of Classroom Video
Use Video in the Classroom to Stimulate Critical Thinking
How to Engage, Examine and Extend Student Learning through Videos
Ten Inspiring You Tube Channels for Teachers
From Common Sense Education: A cheat sheet for getting the most out of classroom video
'Watch-Think-Write’ and Other Proven Strategies for Using Video in the Classroom
Teachers’ Guide to Using Video
4 Great Video Resources for Middle and High School Classrooms
TEACHERS: Six Questions to Ask Your Students on Day One
TEACHERS: Everything You Need to Know About Learner Profiles
Relationship-building is a key component of effective teaching. Getting to know students not only increases trust and engagement, but it also helps teachers differentiate instruction and personalize learning. The more a teacher knows about a student’s background, strengths, knowledge, and learning style, the better he or she can target instruction toward the child’s learning needs. Some teachers have found that learner profiles are an excellent tool of getting to know students and using that information in planning instruction. Learn more here.
TEACHERS: A 4-Part System for Getting to Know Your Students
Building solid relationships with students is arguably the most important thing teachers can do to be effective. It helps build trust so students take academic risks, allow teachers to better differentiate for individual needs, and prevents the kinds of power struggles often found in poorly managed classrooms. Although most teachers value relationship-building, most don’t have any kind of systematic approach for making that happen. Here is one teacher's 4-part system that worked beautifully for her and may work for you as well.
TEACHERS: Designing a Co-working Classroom for the 21st Century
TEACHERS: Questioning and Vocabulary Supports That Inspire Language-Rich Mathematics
TEACHERS: Using Technology Purposely
TEACHERS: Start the Year Introducing Middle School Students to These Apps
Strategies to Help Your Students Feel Heard
PARENTS: The Dark Side of Alexa and Siri for Your Kids
LEADERS: Family Engagement, and How Schools and Communities Can Partner to Help Kids Succeed
LEADERS: 3 Steps to Facilitating an Effective Online Meeting
LEADERS: 7 Things Successful Leaders Never Delegate
Without delegation, school leaders soon find themselves overworked and frantic. In fact, delegation is the skill that makes remarkable success available. This Leadership Freak blog post will remind you of the difference between delegating tasks and delegating authority as well as the 7 things successful leaders never delegate.
LEADERS: Overcome Barriers to Difficult Conversations
Real Talk About Classroom Management
This handy guide offers 50 proven best practices for managing today’s classroom in a user-friendly format, complete with just-in-time tools and relatable teacher-to-teacher anecdotes and advice. Culled from years of real-world classroom experience, this book will give you the tips and tricks you need to succeed all school year long, including:
- Making the pivotal first weeks of school count
- Forming positive relationships with your students
- Inspiring creativity and maintaining discipline through curriculum and instruction
- Utilizing other adults (parents, teachers, and administrators) as resources
- Wowing your students with “spins” and making a lasting emotional impact
- Keeping yourself sane, from maintaining work-life balance to managing professional relationships
Trauma-Sensitive Practices for a Positive, Thriving Classroom
edWeb - Thursday, August 9, 2:00 PM EDT
edWeb - Thursday, August 9, 5:00 PM EDT
Educating Students and Parents About Privacy and Technology Overuse
edWeb - Monday, August 13, 4:00 PM EDT
ASCD - Tuesday, August 14, 3:00 PM EDT
Championing Social Justice and Equity in Your School
Newsela - Tuesday, August 14, 7:00 PM EDT
Starting the School Year STEM Strong: How to Power Deeper Math Learning
edWeb - Thursday, August 16, 3:00 PM EDT
Creative Expression as a Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Tool
edWeb - Thursday, August 16, 4:00 PM EDT
My Class is Out of Control - What is my First Move?
edWeb - Tuesday, August 21, 5:00 PM EDT
Create Powerful STEM Lessons Through Design Thinking
edWeb - Tuesday, August 21, 4:00 PM EDT
Back to School Basics: How to Reach the Child who Struggles from the Start
edWeb - Thursday, August 23, 4:00 PM EDT
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Center for Christian Urban Educators
Email: hpotoka@ccuechicago.org
Website: ccuechicago.org
Location: Chicago, IL, United States
Phone: 312-310-5617
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