Silverbrook Family Newsletter
Vol. 11 No. 1 August 23, 2024
Mission: Empowering ALL Students to be Successful Learners
2024-2025 Theme: SuperReaders!
Silverbrook start time update- 8:00 start
In the end, there will be no change to the Silverbrook start time. Silverbrook doors will open at 7:45 each day, and school will start at 8:00. Please make sure your student arrives to school at 7:45 or later as we do not have supervision scheduled before that time.
Silverbrook Meet and Greet
Silverbrook welcomes you to come and meet your teachers on Wednesday, 8/26, from 5:30-7:30pm. This is a great opportunity to bring your school supplies and set up your locker, pay any fees that you owe, walk your schedule, and meet your house teachers.
Lost and Found
There is a rack in the main hallway, near the front office, that contains Silverbrook's lost and found. if your child is missing a jacket, hoodie, books, shoes, gloves, etc., it may be in our lost and found. Please encourage your child to look through the rack on a regular basis. Lost and Found items that are not removed from the rack will be donated to charitable agencies at the end of 1st quarter, winter break, spring break and end of the year. As parents, you may also take a look at the lost and found items.
Second Step
Social Emotional Learning
We want your child to be successful in school and that means supporting and encouraging their whole development. While excelling in academic classes is of great importance, students also need skills to take on learning challenges, make good decisions, manage strong emotions, and get along with others.
During the week of September 9, we will begin teaching students social-emotional skills during a weekly mini-lesson that is led by the classroom teacher. We will be using a program called Second Step as our primary learning resource. Second Step is a research-based social-emotional learning program designed to improve children’s social-emotional skills. The skills and concepts are designed to help students both in and out of school.
Please reference the grade level letters below for additional details.
Silverbrook Spirit Wear
Silverbrook Spirit Wear is available for purchase until midnight, September 6 (Friday). Please use this link to view the options. Items will arrive mid-late October.
6th Grade Students - Badger Cross Country
Badger Middle School invites the 6th grade students to join their Cross Country team. Please see the information flyers for parents and students. The season runs from Wednesday, 9/4 - Friday, 10/11 and practices after school at Badger. The annual Jami Block meet at the West Bend High School will be held on Saturday, August 31 @ 9am. There is an open race (2K/1.24mi) that you can participate in. No need to sign up! The Badger coaches will be there.
Upcoming school activities
Week of August 26
August 28
- Meet and Greet - 5:30-7:30
Week of September 2
September 2
- NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
September 3
- First Day of School
September 4
- Make up pictures (8:00-10:00)