![page background](https://cdn.smore.com/_fr/Ah4tEk2DIHrEV1cgS1FESw.6afbff19.jpg)
Dear D.C. Everest Senior High School Community,
As summer draws to a close, we eagerly anticipate the return of our students to the Senior High School in just a few weeks. We understand that many of you have had a busy summer, juggling school activities, work, and time with family and friends.
We extend a warm welcome to our juniors and seniors as they return, and we are especially excited to greet our sophomores embarking on their first year at the Senior High School. Please take a moment to review the important information included in this newsletter.
A reminder that September 3rd marks the first day of school for sophomores, while juniors and seniors will start on September 4th. We invite everyone to join us at our open house afternoons on August 27th and 28th.
Until then, we hope you enjoy the remaining days of summer, and we look forward to a fantastic school year ahead!
Mr. Raether
Infinite Campus (IC) Parent Portal Annual Update & Student Demographics
Annual Update: The signature page regarding use of technology, student handbook, field trips, medical treatment, earned privileges, etc. is completed online in the Infinite Campus (IC) parent portal. The Annual Update can be found under the “more” button after signing in. Parents, please make sure you have an email listed in IC. If you are unsure if you have an IC parent portal account or you forgot your login and password, please email the Student Services Secretary Melissa Barwick at mbarwick@dce.k12.wi.us.
Student Demographics: Parent/guardians are reminded to review your student’s demographic information in IC. Parents can change some information (address, phone number, etc.) themselves. If you are unable to make the changes you need, please email the Student Services Secretary Melissa Barwick at mbarwick@dce.k12.wi.us .
Student Handbook
The student handbook can be found online under the D.C. Everest Senior High School website. Information related to procedures, students rights and responsibilities, and other useful information can be found within.
Parents need to acknowledge the handbook has been read when completing the Annual Update.
Junior & Senior Open House with School Pictures Taken
Tuesday, August 27th from 1-4 p.m.
Sophomore Open House with School Pictures Taken
Wednesday, August 28th from 2:30-5:30 p.m.
This is a great opportunity for students and parents to meet their teachers, counselors, and administration; put things in their locker; pick up their ID card; pay fees (can also be done online); tour the building and have their school/ID/ yearbook picture taken. Bring your iPad or phone to access your student schedule as they will not be printed. Please complete the “Items to Accomplish” during your session.
School Picture Day 📸
The senior high school pictures will be taken during the Open House Sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 27th and 28th. Students should report to the commons sometime during the Open House window. Picture information can be obtained by clicking one of the pictures below or from the photographer that day. There will be a make-up picture day on Tuesday, September 10th from 7-10 a.m. only. All juniors and sophomores must get their picture taken for the yearbook.
- Picture Order Form Link
- Online Order Link - D.C.E. Senior High Code 87342R
‘Items to Accomplish’ During Open House Checklist ✅
___ Pay fees in Infinite Campus or in person: Registration $20, athletic fees, course/lab fees
___ Pay Optional Fees in Infinite Campus or in person: Yearbook $60 (if paid prior to 1/17/25 3 p.m.), Parking $40
___ Pick up parking sticker. Both payment and vehicle registration form in full at https://forms.gle/uPeB35rrJCC4kGoJ6 are required before receiving the parking sticker. Sticker placement must be applied according to the directions in order to park in the Sr High parking lot
___ Pick up your ID in the senior high entrance foyer
___ Have school/yearbook photo (& ID if needed with yellow card from the registration/ID table) taken during Open House in commons. Picture Order form link and Payne Photography Online Order link with senior high code 8734R. 8/27 1-4 p.m., 8/28 2:30-5:30 p.m.
___ Use your D.C. Everest issued iPad or personal device to view your class schedule with locker information. Report any locker issues to the front office. Schedules will not be printed.
___ Parents need to complete the Annual Update in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. By updating, completing, and submitting, you can give permission for field trips and if grades meet requirements student can go-off campus.
Schedule Conflict Resolution Days
Conflict Resolution Days are only for students whose schedules have empty periods or are missing requested classes needed for graduation requirements. It is not for students who wish to drop classes that were requested, add classes that were not requested or to make any other changes to their schedule which includes courses that were requested as alternates. Students who have empty periods or are missing requested classes needed for graduation should report to the Student Services offices:
Seniors - Tuesday, August 27th: 1:00-2:30 p.m.
Juniors - Tuesday, August 27th: 2:30-4:00 p.m.
Sophomores - Wednesday, August 28th: 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Students who cannot attend during these times should see their counselor on their first day of school.
Schedule Changes
Every effort is made to develop a master schedule according to student needs and interests. The process does involve students, parents and the school counselor. Each student must recognize that the scheduling process is a complex task and that their selections determine curriculum offerings, the final master schedule and teacher contracts. The amount of time and effort put into a flexible schedule is considerable and once final schedules have been established, schedule changes are strongly discouraged. Criteria for course changes are as follows:
- Medical reasons
- Computer error on the student’s schedule
- Two study halls in one semester
- Student IEP requires that modification be made
- Class needs to be added as it is a graduation requirement
All changes in student schedules should be initiated with the school counselor. Changes must be approved by a parent, school counselor, and principal.
School Bus Transportation for Juniors & Seniors
New this year, all Juniors (11th grade) and Seniors (12th grade) are removed from Lamers' busing list. If you are a Junior or Senior and require busing, you will need to complete the busing registration survey by logging into your Infinite Campus Portal and clicking on the survey notification at the top of the page, or by clicking https://wicloud.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/dc_everest.jsp. If you do not complete this survey by 08/12/2024, it will be assumed that you do not require busing.
If you would like to contact Lamers directly to update your information, they can be reached by emailing 40groupSB@golamers.com or by calling (715) 298-6110.
Student Schedules
Student schedules will be available to view in the Infinite Campus portal no later than August 16th.
First Day Schedules
The sophomores’ first day will begin on Tuesday, September 3rd, at 7:28 a.m. ending at 2:40 p.m. This day is focused on welcoming all sophomore students to the high school. They will spend the morning with their ELT participating in activities and touring the building. The rest of the afternoon they will meet each of their teachers and receive general information about the classes they scheduled for semester 1. Busses will run at the normal time of 2:40 p.m.
The juniors’ and seniors’ first day of school will begin on Wednesday, September 4th, at 7:28 a.m.
Senior Student Volunteers Needed September 3rd
Seniors, we need volunteers to help us with the sophomore’s first day of school on September 3rd. We would like to have 2 senior students for each advisory to assist with the Amazing Race. We would also like to create an opportunity for you to share advice and answer questions regarding how to make the most out of your experience as a senior high school student. You would be needed the first half of the day. Pizza lunch will be provided for volunteers. Please email Mrs. Rennie at drennie@dce.k12.wi.us to let her know if you are interested. Specific details will be available as it gets closer.
Daily Time Schedules 2024-25
Time Schedules for the 2024-25 school year incorporates an ELT on Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri and an advisory on Wednesday. ELT will be used to make up classwork or tests, see a teacher, get help, attend club meetings. etc. During advisory, students will meet with their advisory teacher to discuss academic progress and participate in academic, career, and life readiness activities. Daily Time Schedules 2024-25 link or click schedules below for a direct link.
Student Earned Privileges Program
Senior, Junior, and second semester sophomore students who meet the criteria for participation are eligible to participate in the Earned Privileges program during the school day. Student participation in Earned Privileges will be determined by the previous quarter’s attendance, behavior, and academic standing. Earned Privileges allow students to participate in open campus during the student’s assigned study hall and lunch. Students may choose to stay on campus during these times as well, as long as they stay in their assigned study hall room or IMC. Students returning early from open campus privileges must report to their assigned area.
Criteria for Participation
- Parental Permission: Students wishing to participate must have received parental permission through the completion of the Infinite Campus Annual Update by August 18th. The Annual Update can be found under the ‘more’ button once logged into Infinite Campus.
- Academic: Students must earn a term GPA of 2.8 or better during the previous quarter.
- Attendance: Students must have greater than 90% attendance during the previous quarter and have 5 or less tardies during that quarter.
- Behavior: Students must have zero behavior infractions during the previous quarter as well as have zero community- based infractions during the school day while on privileges.
- Process for Participation – Students who have Earned Privileges must scan out and in through the main office with their school issued ID. Students who fail to scan out and in will lose their privileges for the remainder of the quarter.
Administration reserves the right to remove Earned Privileges at any time for violation of school rules including attendance to ELT when requested. Students and parents will be notified at the beginning of each quarter if the student has earned privileges for the following quarter.
Junior and senior Earned Privileges for the Fall of 2024 is based on quarter 4 grades of the previous school year (Spring 2024). Sophomores can earn privileges for second semester 2025 using quarter 2 grades of the current school year.
Students who earned first quarter privileges will receive an email notifying them in the afternoon of August 26th.
Athletics - Parent Mtg, Fees, & More
Athletic Registration & Parents’ Meeting
The mandatory Fall Sports Parent Meeting will be held on Monday, August 5th, 2024, at 6 p.m. in the senior high theater. If you are unable to attend this meeting, there will be a make-up meeting on Sunday, August 18th, at 6 p.m. at the senior high.
Electronic registration needs to be completed through rSchool Today at https://dceverest-ar.rschooltoday.com/ This must be done prior to any student being able to participate in practice and competitions.
Co-Curricular Fees
Fees vary by activity and are based on the overall costs of the school programs. Options for fee waivers or payment schedules are available and can be arranged by contacting Mike Mathies, Athletic Director at mmathies@dce.k12.wi.us or ext. 4400.
Athletic/Activity Passes
Student photo ID cards serve as the activity pass for all HOME athletic, drama, and musical events (excluding the Variety Show, dances, WIAA playoff games, and tournaments.). It also serves as a library card to check out books and other reference materials and to enter or leave the building during school hours. If lost, the replacement cost is $9 paid in the main office. Students are expected to carry their ID card at all times. Students who did not have a D.C. Everest school picture taken last year, need to report to the commons during one of the Open House sessions to have a picture taken so that an ID can be made for them.
Athletic Season Passes & Online Ticket Purchasing
The Wisconsin Valley Conference uses GoFan for online ticketing. Tickets for sporting events need to be pre-purchased online using this link prior to each event: https://gofan.co/app/school/WI25026.
We are also offering the following WVC Season Passes through GoFan:
- Adult WVC Pass - $90 – Good for one ADULT ticket for each regular season HOME & AWAY game within the WVC schools during the 2024-2025 school year. **This pass is not eligible for away non-conference events or WIAA post-season events.
- Family of 4 WVC Pass - $250 – Good for one ticket for each member (up to four) to each regular season HOME & AWAY game within the WVC schools during the 2024-2025 school year. **This pass is not eligible for away non-conference events or WIAA post-season events.
- High School Student WVC Pass - $25 – Good for one HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT ticket for each regular season AWAY game within the WVC schools during the 2024-2025 school year. **This pass is not eligible for away non-conference events or WIAA post-season events. ID may be required at the gate.
To purchase any of the above passes or other season passes, please visit: https://gofan.co/event/1017989?schoolId=WI25026
Parking Update
The Senior High has a newly renovated parking lot!
Students driving to school will be required to park in the student parking lot A or B. There is a $40 yearly fee to park in the Senior High School parking lots. Students must pay the $40 Infinite Campus fee as well as fill out the vehicle registration form (https://forms.gle/uPeB35rrJCC4kGoJ6) in order to receive their sticker. Please view the 2024-25 Parking Policy on the Senior High website for additional information.
Yearbook Information
Yearbooks ordered through January 17, 2025 at 3 p.m. are $60. Yearbooks can be purchased on Infinite Campus or in person at the senior high school main office using a credit card, check, or cash. Parents are asked to please let your student know if you paid for one and to pick it up in May. The price will increase to $75 after 3 p.m. on January 17, 2025 and cannot be purchased until yearbook distribution in May on a first come, first served basis with limited supply.
Senior Photos
The deadline for submitting senior yearbook photos is November 15, 2024. Requirements were mailed last spring to parents and e-mailed to local photographers.
The list of basic requirements is below:
- A colored head & shoulders photo. NO hands by face, hats, props, etc.
- All photos need to be 300 dpi. (File saved: Student's last name, first name.)
- A simple background is preferred.
- No extreme angles – i.e. looking up at the photographer.
- Photos need to be submitted by November 15, 2024. Photos should be sent to: srh-yearbook@dce.k12.wi.us.
Senior photos can be expensive. Seniors can have a photo taken by the school photographer at the start of the school year. Otherwise, a date will be set in December or early January for a local photographer to come to school to take yearbook portraits without charge for any interested seniors. Any questions, email srh-yearbook@dce.k12.wi.us.
Sophomore & Junior Photos
Sophomores and juniors must have their photo taken during Open House so you are pictured in the 2024-25 yearbook. Even if you do not buy school pictures, we need you to still have them taken.
Senior Class Picture
The senior class picture will be taken on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 during ELT. All seniors will be dismissed from ELT to the field house after attendance is taken. All seniors are requested to be in the picture even though you may not want to buy one. Payment envelopes will be handed out prior to this day in ELT or can be paid for at this Link or by using the QR code to the right.
Student attendance at school is one of the most significant indicators of student success. We look to partner with our families to ensure the prioritization of student attendance and success. If a student is going to be absent from school, the parent/guardian must call (715) 359-6561 Ext: 4247 or email SRH-Attendance@dce.k12.wi.us before 7:28 a.m. Otherwise written communication with a parent/guardian signature should be submitted to the Attendance Office upon the student’s return to school. Per state statute, a student may be excused for up to 10 school days. A requested absence of 1 period or more counts as a day with an absence. If absences are not communicated, or a student has a recorded absence on 10 or more days, the absence will be considered unexcused and the student may be considered for truancy processes. These processes include loss of privileges, ELT restrictions, after school detentions, Saturday detentions, truancy citations, and potential truancy court.
School Breakfast and Lunch
School Lunch Menus, Pricing, & Payment information can be seen on the above link through the district website. There is a small fee to make payments online or checks/cash can be brought before school or during the morning class periods to the lunchroom checkout. Students use their PIN number to debit their accounts for their daily breakfast/lunch expenses. A week’s cost in the regular lunch line is $11.75 and breakfast is $7.75 (Ala-carte expenses vary).
School Supplies
The senior high school has many course offerings, which have varied requirements for school supplies. Our best advice is to purchase a moderate supply of pencils, pens, and a notebook and folder for each class. Teachers will provide lists of the needed supplies on the first day of classes.
There are some extra supplies available for senior high school students. If you are in need, please see your school counselor or social worker Cristin Czerwonka.
School Safety Information for Families
D.C. Everest administrators and staff have been proactively working with law enforcement, first responders and our Superintendent’s Office in Wisconsin to update our Comprehensive School Safety Plans and put into place effective drills that will help prepare us for incidents, emergencies or disasters that may occur at school or within the community. Below is important safety information we encourage you to review prior to the start of the school year.
Talk to Your Student About Safety
It is crucial for parents/guardians to be aware of the safety protocols at their child’s school. Engaging in conversations with your child(ren) about safety drills taking place at school is vital to helping them prepare for emergencies that may take place at school or elsewhere. By helping your student understand the district safety protocols (found below), you can help reduce fear and build a student’s trust in the systems we have in place. Open dialogues between parents, teachers, support staff and students strengthen our processes and emergency response plans. Below are the district safety protocols to review with your student.
Be Alert
“If you see something, say something!” This proactive approach is encouraged among students, parents and staff to ensure safety concerns are reported immediately to school administrators or appropriate first responders, especially if there is a potential for imminent danger.
DCE schools comply with Wisconsin safety drill mandates. Some of the safety drills we conduct are, per the mandates, unannounced. These drills provide the DCE safety team with the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of our responses. We conduct the first of our fire and lockdown drills within the first two weeks of school to ensure our students are informed and prepared for potential emergencies.
For the past several years, D.C. Everest has followed an established protocol in the event an unauthorized person enters the school building. If that occurs, a building-wide alert is announced, and students and staff are instructed to lock their classroom doors, turn off the lights, and hide while remaining quiet.
Research indicates, however, that to increase their chances of survival, students and staff should be provided with additional options when confronted with an intruder. Therefore, DCE has enhanced the traditional lockdown protocols with a new Run, Hide, Fight Training and Instruction that will be implemented across the District. These procedures are endorsed by safety experts across the country, including the Department of Homeland Security.
Run, Hide, Fight
In an active shooter situation, the protocol of Run, Hide, Fight is adopted:
- Run
- Have an escape route and plan in mind
- Leave your belongings behind
- Run regardless of whether others agree to follow
- Help others escape, if possible
- Prevent others from entering an area where the active shooter may be
- Call 911 when you are safe
- Hide
- Hide in an area out of the shooter’s view
- Lock the door or block the entry to your hiding place with tables, chairs or any other sizable item
- Silence your cell phone so you are not detected by the shooter
- Fight
- Fight as a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger
- Attempt to incapacitate the shooter
- Commit to your actions — your life depends on it
Emergency Procedures
Fire: Evacuate and do not return until it is deemed safe.
Lockdown: Take action based on the nature of the threat, which may include locking doors and covering windows.
Shelter in Place: Used during external threats, students are secured inside buildings.
Reunification Off Site: In rare instances, where more distance is needed to ensure student safety, students may be relocated to another site for reunification with parents/guardians. Parents will be advised of reunification sites through our School Messenger all-call system, websites and social media channels.
- For your safety and the safety of students, staff and first responders, please:
- DO NOT REPORT TO THE SCHOOL — procedures are in place to safely and efficiently reunite students with parents/guardians.
- Ensure you have persons authorized to pick up your student(s) LISTED ON YOUR STUDENT’S EMERGENCY CARD in Infinite Campus (you can find more information linked HERE). No student will be released to any other adult, if not listed on the current emergency card.
- Have your photo ID with you at the reunification site; it will be required at the time of pickup.
Communication During an Emergency
During an emergency at a D.C. Everest school, communication is distributed through the School Messenger all-call system, the district websites and our social media channels. To ensure you receive timely alerts, please update your emergency contact information. Please visit the DCE Safety and Security webpage to update your contact information in Infinite Campus.
Parents are advised to:
Remain at home/work and monitor our communication channels (website, social media, email, texts) for updated information.
Avoid sending repeated texts or phone calls to students’ personal cell phones; doing so may alert intruders to your child’s location and may tie up the cellular systems, potentially delaying a safe and effective response
Refrain from proceeding to the site of the emergency — doing so may block roads and prevent First Responders from responding in a timely manner; only proceed to the site if advised to do so by the district or law enforcement
Avoid posting unverified information to your social media channels — this can lead to mass confusion and misinformation
For any concerns or questions, please contact your building principal.
Everest System of Supports (E.S.S.)
The D.C. Everest School District continues to create academic and social-emotional support systems linked directly to the assessed needs of our students. This system, known as the Everest System of Supports (E.S.S.), provides all students with timely and targeted instruction and intervention based upon the data-driven results of universal screening tools.
The primary purpose of universal screenings is to help all students be successful. By identifying students who are in need of more specialized academic or behavioral interventions, we can provide assistance and preventative measures as early as possible. Likewise, by identifying students with higher reasoning skills and talent potential, we can provide them with opportunities to participate in Honors, Advanced Placement, or Dual Enrollment programs as appropriate for the individual student.
These screenings include state or district tests, as well as specific academic or behavior screening tests. The screening assessments are typically administered to all students two or three times per year.
- The Bloomsights screening tool (grades 10-12) helps to identify the connections among students and provides them an opportunity to express their own concerns related to the school environment. It is a student completed screener that informs decision making at the student, classroom, and school level.
Thank you for supporting the D.C. Everest School District’s efforts to build a system of student supports linked directly to data. This initiative will ensure each of our students has the opportunity to receive the assistance they need to achieve academic and social-emotional success. Please do not hesitate to contact your building principal if you would like to discuss any of the screening processes or the options of opting your child out of a specific screener.
Parent Newsletters
The parent newsletter will go out periodically thoughout the year via Infinite Campus email. If for any reason you prefer a hardcopy of the parent newsletter sent to you, please contact Melissa Barwick at mbarwick@dce.k12.wi.us or Dawn Seehafer at dseehafer@dce.k12.wi.us .
D.C.E. Clothes Closet
Support the D.C.E. Clothes Closet by donating new or gently used teen and adult clothing during our open house nights! Most needed items include: athletic pants and formal wear for homecoming (dresses, button downs, ties, slacks, etc.). Students have access to free monthly “thrifting” days throughout the school year. Please contact Mrs. Roskopf or Mrs. Paulson at (715) 359-6563 ext. 1201 with questions.
Musical - Fall & Spring
Student Directory Data and Recruiter Information
The D.C. Everest area School District, pursuant to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act and State Statue 118.125(1)(d) and (2)(j) has designated the following as Directory Data as provided in said Act and Statute: The Board designates as student "directory information": a student's name; photograph; participation in officially-recognized activities and sports; height and weight, if a member of an athletic team; date of graduation; and degrees and awards received. More information may be found at: https://www.dce.k12.wi.us/district-info/district-notices. Senior High: Parents of secondary students may request their student’s name, address, school-provided email address, and telephone number not be released to military recruiters or institutions of higher education without prior written parental consent.
Under law, parents can opt out of having their student’s information shared with any military recruiter. Please notify Melissa Barwick at mbarwick@dce.k12.wi.us if you do not want to share this information with any of the military recruiters. See page 11 for more information.
Testing - PSAT, ACT, Pre-ACT, Forward
The PSAT/NMSQT test will be given in October to interested sophomores and juniors. Specific date to be determined. This is an optional exam that tests students’ verbal, mathematical and writing abilities. If taken as a junior, the PSAT is the route of entry to the National Merit Scholarship.
Wisconsin State Junior ACT Test
All junior students will take the State required ACT test online on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at the senior high school.
Sophomore Pre-ACT Test
All sophomores will take the Pre-ACT test online sometime in April 2025 at the senior high school. This test covers English, reading, math, and science.
Sophomore Forward Test
All sophomores will take the Forward test online sometime in April 2025 at the senior high school. This test covers social studies only.
Tratar Con Cuidado
Saib Xyuas Nrog Kev Txhawj Xeeb
We want to make sure you can best support your child.
Peb xav kom ntseeg tau tias peb tuaj yeem pab tau koj tus me nyuam zoo tshaj.
Queremos asegurarnos de poder apoyar mejor a su hijo.
Health Room and Health Information
HEALTH ROOM - Students in need of any medical care should report to the health room with permission of a staff member. The health assistant, with input from the student, will determine if a parent/guardian will be contacted or should pick the student up from school, depending on the illness of the student. Students who feel they need to go home due to an illness must allow the health assistant to make initial contact with the parent/guardian. A student should not make initial contact by personal phone to be picked up from school for medical reasons. This practice ensures quality medical care and accurate attendance of all our students. If the initial contact is not made through the health office and the student is picked up, it will be documented as excused per parent/guardian and will count towards their 10 days of allowed absences.
MEDICATION AT SCHOOL - The purpose of the medication procedure is to keep your student safe and provide him/her with the medication ordered. District staff will not give any medication - prescription and/or Over The Counter (OTC) - to any student unless the following criteria is met:
1. School Medication Consent Forms are available in the main office, health room, or online. A new medication consent form must be completed each school year or when the dose of the medication is changed and/or discontinued.- Over The Counter (OTC) Medications
- Parent/Guardian signature is required for OTC medications.
- A physician’s signature is required if the dose needed of the OTC medication is more than the recommendations listed on the label, or if the medication is not FDA approved.
- Prescription Medications
- Parent/Guardian and physician signatures are required for all prescription medications.
- Prescription Medications must be in the original labeled pharmacy bottle. The label must clearly state:
- Student’s full name
- Name of medication
- Time to give medication and dose needed
- Physician’s name
- Date medication was dispensed
- OTC Medications must be in the original container or single dose unit package. Write your student’s name on the container.
Staff cannot give any medication sent in a plastic bag or envelope.
3. Handling and Storage of Medication at School: Medications are stored in the original labeled pharmacy container and in a locked cabinet.
- During the school year, parent/guardian is called to pick up all unused, discontinued, or outdated medications.
- At the end of the school year, parent/guardian must pick up all medication.
Any unclaimed medication will be disposed of at the end of the school year.
4. Special Considerations
- Emergency Medications: Students are allowed to self-carry emergency medications with physician’s authorization. Emergency medications must be labeled as outlined above. Parent/guardian must complete the appropriate form even if your student self-carries the medication. All students who receive an emergency medication will be taken by ambulance to the nearest emergency room. Parent/Guardian will be notified.
- Stock Medication: Students in grades 8-12 are able to take stock medication that the school provides. The medications that can be supplied are Ibuprofen and Tylenol. The OTC rules for dosing apply here as well. The Stock medication consent form is available in the main office, health room, or online. A new stock medication consent form must be completed each school year.
- Bring your student’s medication to the health office.
- Send only limited quantities of medication to school.
- No medication will be given to your student without your written consent.
IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENTS - The Wisconsin state immunization requirements for 2024-2025 school year are listed below. Students need the listed vaccinations by the first day of school.
- Parents/Guardians do have the option to decline any and/or all immunizations based on personal, religious, and/or health reasons. If you choose not to immunize your child, check the appropriate waiver (Step 4) and sign the form. Immunization waiver forms are available online.
- Please contact your student’s doctor or local health department to determine if your student needs additional immunizations. Schedule appointments to receive the immunizations needed or sign a waiver indicating what vaccine(s) you do not want your student to receive. Report the dates of the immunizations to the school health assistant.
Please contact the Senior High School Health Office at 715.359.6561 extension 4245 if you have further questions or concerns.
Calendar 2024-25
Calendar dates and times are subject to change.
PLEASE see future newsletters for possible changes or the senior high webpage.
AUGUST- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -
27 - Junior & Senior Open House and School/Yearbook Pictures taken, 1-4 p.m.
28 - Sophomore Open House and School/Yearbook Pictures taken, 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Club/Activity Presentations to Sophomores, Field House, Time TBD during orientation
SEPTEMBER- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2 - NO SCHOOL, Labor Day
3 - Sophomore Orientation (sophomores only), Report to Advisory at 7:28 a.m., Full day with busses at 2:40 p.m.
4 - School Day for ALL 10-12 graders, Report to period 1 at 7:28 a.m., Wednesday Advisory Time Schedule
4-11 - Wednesday Advisory Time Day Schedules
6 - Academic Letter with signature due to Main Office
10 - Last Call School/Yearbook Picture Day, 7-10 a.m. only (if missed 8/27 or 8/28)
16 - Academic Letter Banquet by invitation, SH Theater
20 - 3rd Friday Count, VERY important students are in attendance, Altered a.m. Advisory Schedule
22 - Homecoming Hall Decorating, Time TBD
23-28 - Homecoming activities during the week
27 - Homecoming Court Coronation Assembly during school, Parade 5 p.m., football game vs. Eau Claire North, 7 p.m.
28 - Homecoming Dance, high school field house/commons
30 - Independent Learning Day for Students
OCTOBER- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
8 - Senior Class Picture, field house during ELT (watch student school e-mail for ordering info prior)
24-25 - NO SCHOOL
28 - National Honor Society Induction Ceremony by invitation
NOVEMBER- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 - Quarter 1 Ends
5 - Quarter 2 Begins
7 & 11 - Parent-Teacher Conferences, 3- 6:30 p.m. by appointment (one parent per student will be emailed to sign up)
15 - Senior Yearbook Pictures Due to srh-yearbook@dce.k12.wi.us
21-24 - Musical “A Christmas Carol” (grades 6-12)
27-29 - NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Vacation
DECEMBER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
20 - Last Day prior to Winter Break
23-1 - NO SCHOOL, Winter Break
JANUARY- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 - Jostens meet with ALL SENIORS on Graduation caps, gowns, announcements, etc. during ELT, SH Theater
2 - First Day back from Winter Break
10 - 2nd Friday Count, VERY important students are in attendance, Altered a.m. Advisory Schedule
14 - Jostens returns to take orders on Graduation caps, gowns, announcements, etc., 7-10 a.m. only
16-17 - Semester 1 final exams, shortened time schedule TBD
17 - Quarter 2/Semester 1 Ends
17 - Purchase Yearbooks for $60 through 3 p.m., goes up to $75 in May at distribution, first come first serve basis
21 - Quarter 3 Begins
FEBRUARY- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
20 - Independent Learning Day for Students
22 - Senior Ball, Rothschild Pavilion, 7-10 p.m.
MARCH- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 - Spring Sports Parent/Coach Meetings
6 & 10 - Parent-Teacher Conferences, 3-6 p.m. (one parent per student will be emailed to sign up)
11 - Junior ACT Plus Writing Test, NO School for 10th & 12th
20 - Quarter 3 Ends, Last Day prior to Spring Break
21-28 - NO SCHOOL, Spring Break
31 - 4th Quarter Begins
APRIL- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
TBD - Sophomore Forward Testing
TBD - Sophomore Pre-ACT Testing, NO School for 11th & 12th
1 - 1st Day back from Spring Break
10-13 - Musical “All Shook Up” (grades 8-12)
26 - Junior Prom, Central WI Convention Expo, 7:30-11 p.m.
30 - Mandatory Senior Meeting on Graduation during Advisory
MAY- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6 - Snow Day makeup or NO SCHOOL
12 - All senior fines and fees must be paid to walk graduation
14 - Academic Awards Night, SH Theater (Subject to Change)
18 - Athletic Awards Night, SH Theater (Subject to Change)
23 - Last Day for Seniors
26 - NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day
28 - Graduation Ceremony, Stiehm Stadium
JUNE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4-5 - Semester 2 Final Exams for Sophomores & Juniors
5 - Last Day of School, Quarter 4/Semester 2 Ends
TBD - Summer School Begins
Senior High Contacts
Phone (715) 359-6561
Press 1 for the Attendance Office
Press 2 for the Health Office
Press 3 for Guidance and Student Services
Press 4 for Athletics
Press 5 for Food Service
Office Staff
Mike Raether - Principal - Ext. 4022
Dallas Rennie - Assistant Principal - Ext. 4237
Luke Stachovak - Assistant Principal - Ext. 4240
Michael Krohn – Dean of Students – Ext. 4201
Mike Mathies - Athletic Director - Ext. 4400
Tami Mlodik - School Psychologist - Ext. 4328
Dawn Seehafer - Principal's Secretary - Ext. 4021
Nikki Bolen - Athletic Secretary - Ext. 4236
Melissa Barwick - Student Services Secretary - Ext. 4251
Carla Kietlinski - Attendance Secretary - Ext. 4247
Karry Salber - Front Office Secretary - Ext. 4233
Michelle Daley - Front Office & Department Chair Secretary - Ext. 4231
Jacki Gburek - Health Assistant - Ext. 4245
Heidi Bartlett - Administrative & Community Partnership Secretary - Ext. 4327
The Board of the D.C. Everest Area School District prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the Title IX Coordinator. The full notice of nondiscrimination is located at https://www.dce.k12.wi.us/district-info/district-notices