Equity and Inclusion Newsletter
Winter Edition 2022
Hello District 196 Staff,
Our Department of Equity and Inclusion continue to implement the District Strategic Direction of "Developing equity as a district core competency in part through practices, structures, beliefs and resources to ensure success for students, families and staff."
Since the beginning of 2022-2023 academic school year, we have continued to connect, collaborate, and celebrate the successes of our students, families, staff, and community members. We would like to thank those of you who have served on a committee, worked through challenging equity conversations with colleagues, students and families and/or supported someone who needed your assistance during the first few months of the school year. We appreciate your contributions.
Scroll down to learn what our Equity and Inclusion Department has been doing to support an environment that increases belonging in our schools.
In partnership,
Virgil Jones
Director of Equity and Inclusion
The Equity and Inclusion Staff
Click here to view the Equity and Inclusion Department.
We have made connections with others at the:
- Equity Advisory Council (EAC)/Community Collaboration Council Meetings (CCC) - to rewrite the next Achievement and Integration (A&I) Plan for 2023-2026. The purpose of the A&I Plan "for Minnesota program is to pursue racial and economic integration, increase student achievement, create equitable educational opportunities, and reduce academic disparities based on students' diverse racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds in Minnesota public schools." To learn more, click here. See the meeting in action, by clicking the image below.
- Education Leaders of Color Conference: Rewrite the Story - to answer the question, "If you were free to express authentically as a leader of color, knowing that the world had your back, who would you get to be each day?". We connected with leaders of color throughout Minnesota at this two-day retreat. For more information, click here.
- The Teachers of Color Mentorship Program Meetings and Affinity Unite Meetings that are funded by the PELSB Grant. View last month's Teachers of Color Mentorship News.
- Minnesota Association of Counselors of Color (MnACC) College Fair that we hosted at Rosemount High School. There were approximately 800 district students who attended the morning fair, 59 colleges and universities were present from IA, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, SD, and WI, and 80% of those attending students spoke to a minimum of one college representative and are now on the college's contact list to receive more information!
- Other connections we made were at the: Elevate Teaching's Second Virtual Action Network Convening and Induction and Mentoring Framework Feedback Kick-Off.
We continue to collaborate with district staff members to:
- Lead and support the District AVID Programs at the secondary level.
- Support the magnet schools - CP, DP, EP, GH, OR, VMSS, AVHS, and SES.
- Provide districtwide anti-bias education professional development (PD) with AMAZEWorks to 2 high schools, 1 middle school, 11 elementary schools, and 4 departments so far. In addition, we provided a Microaggression PD to Food and Nutrition Managers. Click here or the image below for a brief video of the PDs.
- Create and implement the first Teachers of Color (ToC) Mentorship Program to support ToC new to the district and support educators of color through the Affinity Unite group through the Teacher Mentorship and Retention of Effective Teachers Grant. Click this flow chart representing the two groups under the grant.
We have celebrated the events happening in and around our district, such as:
- September/October's Hispanic Heritage Month and recognition of el Día de los Muertos at the Capital,
- October's Somali Welcome Night,
- November's Native American Heritage Month, and
- Family Connection Night, and our growing department.
One District. Many Voices.
After a three year break, our districtwide in-person '"One District. Many Voices'"(ODMV) event will be returning in Spring of 2023! ODMV is a celebration of the many cultures and languages represented among the students, families, staff and alumni from District 196 and the local community. This event will feature activity booths celebrating cultural customs, languages, and traditions. It will also showcase diverse music and foods. We look forward to seeing you again this spring.
Click below to view photos of the 2019 "Second Annual One District Many Voices" event at Eastview High School.
Department of Equity and Inclusion
Email: Equitydepartment@district196.org
Website: district196.org/about/inclusion-services
Location: 3455 153rd Street West, Rosemount, MN, USA
Phone: 952-423-7700
Twitter: @District196