Distance Education Newsletter
Kapi‘olani Community College | November 2, 2021
The Season of Sharing
---Important Updates---
Time to Add Your Questions to CES
NOTE: A new version of CES was released in September 2021. According to ITS, “The software frameworks used by CES have been upgraded and required major changes to the backend of the application.” For most of us, the change will seem minor - a few menus may look different, however, the following important changes should be noted:
- Non-traditional surveys are now by default open to students for 7 days, just like the traditional surveys. The instructors can still extend and re-open the surveys. Email notifications to the students regarding the non-traditional surveys are automatically sent on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Email notifications to instructors with upcoming non-traditional surveys are sent out on Monday of the week before the survey opens to the students, so the instructor can add questions to the upcoming survey if desired. IMPORTANT NOTE: Don’t extend the last day of survey by more than 7 days, as this new rule will reclose your survey until the start of the 7-day period.
- Starting in Fall 2021, CES will create one survey for each instructor for every course in Banner. Previously, CES created one survey per course and co-instructors had to ‘share’ the survey. While each instructor now has his/her own survey where he/she can select questions, the students will only see one survey per course. If a course has more than one instructor, the student view of the survey will have multiple sections, one section per instructor followed by the questions set by the campus/college/division/department and subject.
Source: UH ITS Course Evaluation System Administrator, September 29, 2021
---Online Andragogy---
The Magical Unicorn: Tips to Enchant and Enhance Your Online Class
---Useful Tech Tips---
You Have Unlimited Padlets with Us! (Kapi‘olani CC Staff & Faculty)
Are Padlet Folks telling you that you’ve reached the limit of 3 Padlets? It’s very likely that you are forgetting to log into your Kapiʻolani Padlet account. Be sure to use the correct URL so you and your learners can take full advantage of our subscription:
kapiolani.padlet.org - Backpack (Pro) subscription for Kapi‘olani faculty and staff and will allow you to make unlimited number of Padlets
padlet.com - free for up to 3 Padlets
Want to import your padlets to your Backpack account? See the 3 simple steps to consolidate all your padlets into one account.
Work Smarter with New Google Calendar Features: Time Insights
Work Smarter with New Google Calendar Features: Focus Time
Focus Time (Coming Soon)
This month, Google will be rolling out a new Google Calendar entry type, Focus time, so you can block out and protect your time for heads-down individual work. Similar to the Out of office event type, focus time will have a different appearance on your calendar and includes the option to automatically decline conflicting events.
Why it’s important
With the changes to our working environments in the past year, having more chats and meetings make it more difficult for people to carve out time for their core individual work. With the new focus time feature, it will be easier to create dedicated time for thinking and core work.
Additional details
You can choose to assign a new color to have your focus time have a different visibility from your events and other meetings. Additionally, your scheduled focus time will also be tracked in your Time Insights.
---Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities---
Work Smarter (not Harder) with Google Docs
Join instructional designers from across the UH system for a synchronous professional development opportunity to learn more about how to work smarter (not harder) with Google Docs. This webinar is designed to offer something for everyone, no matter your role or experience level with Google Docs. You will get an opportunity to participate in a 30-min breakout session facilitated by an instructional designer focusing on one or two of the following subjects.
Create & Edit Your Document
Format Your Document
Print, Publish or Change Page Settings
Collaborate on Your Document
Spell-check, Shortcuts & Tools
Insert Items (image, video, table, equations, etc)
Productivity & Efficiency Tips (voice typing, offline viewing, etc)
Date: November 9, 2021 | Tuesday
Time: 10:30 – 11:30 AM
Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to ask any questions related to Google Docs that bother you the most and/or share your success stories to help inspire and uplift your colleagues.
Interested but can’t make it? No worries. We will be recording the entire webinar including the breakout sessions. Please be sure to register in order to receive a follow-up email along with access to the recording when it’s ready.
Hui-Ya (Laura) Chuang, UH Online Innovation Center
Ross Egloria, Honolulu Community College
Laureen Kodani, UH Maui College
Matt Parcon, UH Online Innovation Center
Youxin Zhang, Kapi‘olani Community College
UHCC Campus Connections Workshop Series: Connections through Cooking
- Wednesday, November 24
- 3:00 - 4:30 pm
- Zoom link: http://go.hawaii.edu/yGV
- Password: ulu
Hosted by Maui College; for more information, contact Joyce Yamada yamadajo@hawaii.edu.
USDLA's free National Distance Learning Week Conference!
Register for USDLA's free conference and listen to sessions while you're getting ready for work in the morning. Sessions that look promising include:
- Keynote: Online Learning: What Was, What Is, and What Could Be Dr. Kelvin Thompson, Exec.Dir., Center for Distributed Learning, UCF (also cohost of TOPcast)--M 11/8, 6:00-6:45am HST
- Discussion Panel with Higher Education Leaders--W 11/10, 6:00-6:45am HST
- Flex-mode: Distance Hands-on Skills Training for Safe-care of Human Subjects (presented by Nursing faculty)--W 11/10, 8:00-8:45am HST
- Psychological Safety and Higher Ed--Th 11/11, 6:00-6:45am HST
- The Future of Academic Integrity: Privacy, Proctoring, and Protection in 2040--F 11/12, 8:00-8:45am HST
Check out the complete conference schedule to see if any other sessions pique your interest.
Free Webinars for Kapi‘olani CC Staff & Faculty
Currently, Kapi‘olani CC has a subscription with Go2Knowledge, which offers Kap‘olani CC faculty and staff free access to dozens of Innovative Educators webinars, both live and on demand (pre-recorded). Many of them are quite good! Here's a sampling to pique your interest:
Upcoming live webinars:
Creating Meaningful Connections Online: Practical Strategies to Build a Community of Learners (Wednesday 11/3, 7:00 - 8:00 am HST)
Pandemic Proctoring: Practical Approaches For Hybrid Proctoring (Wednesday 11/10, 10:00 - 11:00 am HST)
Practical Strategies For Supervisors: Helping Staff Who Are Experiencing Burnout or Compassion Fatigue (Friday 11/12, 7:00 - 8:00 am HST)
Recently-added on demand webinars:
How to Increase Engagement during Synchronous Online Sessions (60 min)
Online Student Support: Why Returning to Pre-Pandemic Service Models Won’t Work (60 min)
Creating Inclusive Classroom Environments: Addressing Implicit Bias, Microaggressions & Exclusion (60 min)
And many, many more. Sign up at Kapi‘olani CC's G2K account page and browse through the offerings.
---The Best for Last---
What We Are Reading, Listening to, & Watching Now
- Tenure for Teachers Only (article, Inside Higher Ed)
- Report: Most Learners Have Found They Like Online Learning (article, Campus Technology)
- Future of College Will Involve Fewer Professors (article, The Conversation)
The author forecasts that the rise of artificial intelligence, the erosion of academic tenure, and pedagogical & technological innovations might lead to fewer faculty needed to teach face-to-face.
- College Enrollments Continue to Drop this Fall (article, Inside Higher Ed)
- Use Revise and Resubmit Instead of Extra Credit (article, Faculty Focus)
Extra credit sends a wrong message that the grade is the point of education, not the learning. Find out how this author’s revise-and-resubmit strategies kept his students motivated and focused on learning, while minimizing added workload for the teacher.
Michelle Nakamura
Faculty Senate DE Committee Co-chair