Otsego Elementary Extra
Principal's Weekly Update - March 21, 2025
Upcoming Dates
March 24-27: Donuts with Grown-Ups
April 1: PTO Meeting, 6pm, Elementary Commons
April 1-17: PTO Spring Flower Sale
April 3: 2nd Grade Music Performance, 7pm, High School Auditorium
April 8: ELA State Test Part 1, Grades 3-5
April 9: ELA State Test Part 2, Grades 3-5
April 15: Math State Test Part 1, Grades 3-5
April 16: Math State Test Part 2, Grades 3-5
April 16: 1st Grade Music Performance, 7pm, High School Auditorium
April 17: PTO Dress Up for Dana Day - Wear Tie Dye for $1
April 28: School is back in session
April 29: Science State Test Part 1, Grade 5
April 30: Science State Test Part 2, Grade 5
May 1: KG Music Performance, 7pm, High School Auditorium
May 9: PTO Dress Up for Dana Day - Wear Crocs & Socks for $1May 10: PTO Flower Sale Pick Up
May 30: Last day of school
District Calendar
Tentative District Calendar 2025-2026
Kids Heart Challenge
Otsego Elementary’s annual Kids Heart Challenge event was very successful. Students in grades K-5 participated in this special event to support the American Heart Association’s fight against heart disease and stroke. We raised $9,454.08 We were short of our $11,000.00 goal for twelve of our teachers to get pie in the face, but maybe next year. Mrs. Konoff and Mrs. Burgard would like to thank all the participants, staff, and donors for making this event so successful and fun every year. Our top fundraisers were:
Brooklyn Patterson (Mr. Mancini 5th) $568.38
Winifred Alvarez (Mrs. Swartz K) $528.53
Cole Askins (Mrs. Hunsberger 5th) $375.07
Joanna Konecki (Mrs. Reid 1st) $308.63
Byron Bame (Mrs. Word 2nd) $308.12
Dentist Visit
We would like to have another date that the Mobile Dentist comes to the school for students. However, we do not currently have enough students registered. If you are interested in having your student(s) visit the Mobile Dentist this spring at school, please fill out the form. If you need a paper form, please contact Nurse Kylee Euler (kyeuler@otsegoknights.org).
Calamity Days
As of today, we have used 6 Calamity Days. If we cancel school for more than 5 days, days 6-9 will be Virtual Choice Boards for Elementary Students. Virtual Choice Boards must be completed at home and turned in as soon as possible when we return to school.
Donuts with Grown-Ups
Hey OES Families!
We’re excited to invite you to our upcoming event, Donuts with Grown-Ups We cannot wait for you to enjoy a special time with your student(s) and some delicious treats.
*Due to the overwhelming success of last year’s event, we kindly ask that each family limit the number of grownups attending to four adults. This will help ensure that everyone has a comfortable and enjoyable experience. We look forward to making this event another special experience for everyone involved!*
Event Details:
Date: March 24th (Last Names A-D)
March 25th (Last Names E-K)
March 26th (Last Names L-R)
March 27th (Last Names S-Z)
Time: 7:45-8:30am
Location: OES Commons
State Testing Information
State Testing is coming up soon!
Below are the state testing dates for all 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students:
Tuesday, April 8: ELA Part 1 (Grades 3-5)
Wednesday, April 9: ELA Part 2 (Grades 3-5)
Tuesday, April 15: Math Part 1 (Grades 3-5)
Wednesday, April 16: Math Part 2 (Grades 3-5)
Tuesday, April 29: Science Part 1 (Grade 5)
Wednesday, April 30: Science Part 2 (Grade 5)
What can parents do to help?
While state testing is never our primary focus here at OES, we still strive to give our students their best chance possible. Parents can help with this by ensuring students are at school on the dates listed above, have had a good night sleep, and a healthy breakfast (A breakfast snack will be provided to all students taking a test each day of testing). At school we focus on encouraging students to do their best and show us what they know, reiterating that at home might help students feel less stress regarding taking these tests.
As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns! Thank you for your assistance in giving our students their best education possible!
2025-2026 PreSchool Registration Information
2025-2026 Otsego Preschool Registration is now Open
Pick up a registration packet in the Elementary Office anytime Monday-Friday 8am-4pm.
Important Details
Registration Packets:
- NOT online.
- Completing the initial forms should take about 15 minutes. Afterward, you will receive the rest of the packet to complete at home.
- The completed packet must be returned by March 28th. Incomplete packets after this date will result in your child's name being placed at the bottom of the list.
Online Registration Tab:
- Do not use the online registration tab on the website. It is for K-12 registration only.
Class Availability:
- Classes are first-come, first-served. Early registration is strongly encouraged as spots fill quickly.
- The program consists of a two-day schedule (Tuesday/Thursday or Wednesday/Friday) for all students, regardless of age.
Day Preferences:
- We do our best to honor requested days, but cannot guarantee availability.
Registration Requirements
- Students must turn 3 years old on or before August 1, 2025, and be completely potty-trained (unless on an IEP).
- Students may only attend 2 days per week.
Fees and Tuition:
- Tuition is based on a sliding scale. Full pay tuition is $27/day.
- Free or reduced tuition is available only for students living in the Otsego School District.
- Out-of-district students may attend if spots are available but will be charged the full cost.
Bring the Following to Register:
- Certified Birth Certificate
- Immunization Records
- Custody Papers (if applicable)
- Payment, day of registration
- $210 for the deposit to hold your child's place + $50 supply fee, $260 total
Key Dates:
- Income verification paperwork must be received by the elementary office before February 27th to qualify for free/reduced tuition.
- Deposit/Fee checks will be processed on March 3rd.
- Checks can be made payable to Otsego BOE.
Program Highlights
- Aligned with Ohio's Early Learning and Development Standards adopted through the Ohio Department of Education and the Department of Children and Youth.
- Certified teachers with low student-to-teacher ratios.
- Access to school facilities, assemblies, movement activities, recess, special visitors, and more.
- Option to purchase school lunches.
Contact Us:
For additional information, call the Elementary School Office at 419-823-4381.
2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration
Registration Details
Registration is now open and can be completed online through Final Forms.
- Students must be 5 on or before August 1st to be elligible.
Required Items
Please bring the following documents to the Elementary Office:
- Certified Birth Certificate
- Immunization Record
- Custody Papers (if applicable)
- Proof of Residency (current utility bill or rental agreement)
Kindergarten Screenings
Please call the Elementary Office to sign up for a screening time. Screenings will be held on:
- June 2nd
- June 3rd
We look forward to seeing you there!
PTO Newsletter
School Pictures are Ready!
School Pictures are Ready!
If your child had their pictures taken at Back to School Day:
View and order at https://shop.jostenspix.com/login
- Event Code: FE76524
Interested in being a Substitute?
Staff Spotlight: Brittany Reid
Every 2 weeks, a different staff member will be highlighted.
Brittany Reid: 1st Grade Teacher
Mrs. Reid is a 1st Grade teacher at Otsego Elementary. She was previously a kindergarten teacher and an intervention specialist serving OES students. She taught at Tiffin City Schools for two years before coming to Otsego. She graduated from Bowling Green State University in 2019 with a Bachelor's Degree in Inclusive Early Childhood Education. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, running, traveling, and spending time with her family and friends.
Spring Soccer Registration is Now Open
Spring soccer registration is now open. Please see registration deadlines. Registration will be open until teams are full or until the deadline.
Youth Soccer Clinic Registration: https://forms.gle/g1ehbxtW4CH83RZy7 (Deadline March 23rd)
Parent Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
Morning Drop-Off
Please use the entire length of the drop off zone (even past the crosswalk) to keep the line moving. If all cars pull up as far as they possibly can we can fit more vehicles along the sidewalk and more students can exit at a time. This will make drop-off go quicker while maintaining safety.
Students should only be let out on the side of the car that is next to the curb. This is to avoid students being hit by a moving car in the lane farther away from the curb. If your student needs to get out on that side of the car, please park in a parking spot and have your student walk into the building using the crosswalk.
Please do not stop in the crosswalk. If you are dropping a student off, please do not stop your car in the crosswalk. This is a safe place for students to cross, and when there are cars in the crosswalk it creates a safety concern.
The second lane is for driving only. No students should be let out of the car in the lane farther from the curb. Students should only be exiting cars onto the sidewalk so that we can ensure their safety.
Please remember to NOT park your car in front of the school! The line needs to keep moving to efficiently get students into the school in a timely manner, and when there is a parked car in the drop-off line, the whole process gets backed up. If for some reason you need to leave your car, please use the available parking spaces.
Afternoon Pick-Up
Please use the entire length of the pick-up zone (even past the crosswalk) to keep the line moving. If all cars pull up as far as they possibly can we can fit more vehicles along the sidewalk and more students can get into their vehicles. This will make pick-up go quicker while maintaining safety.
Please do not stop in the crosswalk. If you are picking a student up, please do not stop your car in the crosswalk. This is a safe place for students to cross, and when there are cars in the crosswalk it creates a safety concern.
The second lane is for driving only. No students should get into their car in the lane farther from the curb. Students should only be entering cars from the sidewalk or by using the crosswalk so that we can ensure their safety.
Please remember to NOT park and leave your car in front of the school! The line needs to keep moving to efficiently get vehicles out of the pick-up zone in a timely manner, and when there is a parked car in the line, the whole process gets backed up. If for some reason you need to leave your car, please use the available parking spaces. If you are parked while you are waiting for your student (and you are IN the car), that is fine.
Students must be picked up by 3:35pm. At 3:35pm, students will be taken to Otsego Extended Care at the cost of the parent/guardian (unless previous arrangements have been made).
THANK YOU so much for your understanding and compliance with these procedures to ensure our students’ safety. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Katrina Baughman, Elementary Principal.
Updated Cell Phone Policy
Please review our updated cell phone policy. Students and parents will be expected to adhere to these guidelines to minimize distractions and maintain a focused learning environment.
Birthday Treats
At OES, we celebrate ALL student birthdays by providing cupcakes at lunch for ALL students who have birthdays during that month! (June and July birthdays are also assigned a month).
This means that we do NOT allow birthday treats in the classrooms. So, please keep the birthday treats at home!
Dana and Cali
Dana and Cali will both be returning for the 2024-2025 school year. IF your student has allergies and/or fears related to dogs (and you did not already make us aware last year), PLEASE fill out the form below!
Dana's Grooming is Sponsored by:
212 Farnsworth Road
Waterville, Ohio
School Counseling Newsletter
Extended Care Information
OES Extended Care is available for students aged 5 through the summer before entering 6th grade. There is a $10.00 per family yearly registration fee for the OES Extended Care Program. The registration fee will be applied from June 1 to May 31 each school year and will be charged to the credit card on file. If you are registering your child for the summer program you will not be required to pay an additional registration fee for the coming school year.
Contact Info and Hours
phone: (419)823-4381 ext 4408
email: extendedcare@otsegoknights.org
School Year 2024-25: August 21 (first day)
The program follows the school calendar
- Before School ~ 6:30 a.m. to THE START OF SCHOOL
- After School ~ END OF SCHOOL to 6:00 p.m.
In the event of a school cancellation after a two-hour delay, OES Extended Care will remain open. If school closed before 6:30, Extended Care is closed also.
Pricing and Registration Info
The hourly rate charged is $3.50 per hour for the first child, $2.00 per hour for the second child, and $1.50 per hour for the third child and any additional children. The hourly rate is billed to the quarter-hour. The Credit Card form in the registration packet MUST be filled out in order to register.
The Credit Card Form will be used to pay your Extended Care amount.
Please print out the registration form (all 5 pages MUST be completed in their entirety) and send it to the elementary school office, attention: Becky Hatfield.
Questions may be emailed to:
Billing: Steve Carroll 419-823-4381 extension 1101 or scarroll@otsegoknights.org
Becky Hatfield 419-823-4381 extension 4401 or bhatfield@otsegoknights.org
Registration: Becky Hatfield bhatfield@otsegoknights.org
Knight in Shining Armor Nominations
Please use the following form to inform OHS Student Council about a family in need within the school district. While the family does not need to have students in the district, we do ask that they are a member of the Otsego Community. Please use this form to share information about their current situation as well as how they can best be assisted.
Please be sure to understand that while Knight in Shining Armor (KISA) would love to help all community members in need, we are still a new program, and may not have the funds to do so. With that being said, we will consider each request on a case by case basis. Filling this form out does not guarantee that we will be able to assist the family, but we will try our hardest to do so!
These funds are not for routine expenses such as utilities, bills, rent, etc. It is designed for assisting community members in an emergency situation. This can include, but is not limited to unforeseen medical expenses, medical related travel expenses, and household emergencies such as a fire, water leaks, etc. Please keep this in mind when submitting a nomination.
Please refer to this link at any point during the year as a need arises, and KISA will do their best to help out!
Community Events
Box Tops Are Digital!
Want to help raise some money for the school but hate cutting out all the box tops? Or forget they are there and throw them away? Well now you don't have to worry about that; box tops have gone digital! You just need to download the app, set up Otsego as your school, scan your receipt and we will receive the credit. Check out the Box Top website for more information- we will be adding more as well when we get it.
Don't want to download ANOTHER app?
Just send your receipts into school with your kid and we will scan them for you. Please make sure you put them in a bag or envelope labeled box tops for PTO so the teachers know where they go.
Heard a rumor or have a question?
Katrina Baughman
Email: kbaughman@otsegoknights.org
Website: www.otsegoknights.org
Phone: 419-823-4381 (4005)
Becky Buchman
Email: bbuchman@otsegoknights.org
Website: www.otsegoknights.org
Phone: 419-823-4381 (4009)
Twitter: @buchman_becky
Lauren Miller
Email: lmiller@otsegoknights.org
Phone: 419-823-4381 (4010)
Twitter: @OEScounselor
Kayla Snyder
Email: ksnyder@otsegoknights.org
Phone: 419-823-4381 (4105)
Jenny Helberg
Email: jhelberg@otsegoknights.org
Phone: 419-823-4381 (4001)
Angie Norman
Email: anorman@otsegoknights.org
Phone: 419-823-4381 (4003)