The Navigator Newsletter
Sycamore Junior High's Parent Communication
September 23-27, 2019
Building Goals
* Provide rigorous learning opportunities
* Respect diversity
* Personalize learning
COMING UP at the JH!
September 27: No School (Professional Learning Day for Teachers)
Mark your calendars:
October 14: No school for students
October 19: Flight Fest
October 24 and 25: Parent-Teacher conferences (details coming soon)
oaks trip
Dear Parents,
On Thursday, September 26, 8th grade students will travel to Scarlet Oaks as a part of our career exploration and development for students. Only 8th grade students will be out of the building from approximately 8:30AM until 11:30AM. Please understand that students will not be accessible for pickup during these times. If you have a conflict, please reach out to Mrs. Marlatt at to make arrangements. Thank you.
Accessing your child's grades and Course Information
As part of an ongoing effort to help parents as they assist students in managing academic work, we wanted to remind you that parents have access to BlackBoard through Parent Portal. There you can view for each of your child's courses:
- Grades
- Syllabus and other course information
- Class announcements
- Daily homework assignments
- Long-term assignments
- Teacher contact information
The interim grading period ended on Friday, September 20. Parents are encouraged to access grades through Parent Portal.
Ski Club
Interested in joining Sycamore Junior High’s Ski Club? For new members there will be a parent meeting on Monday, October 21st from 7:00-8:00 pm in the Choir Room. Returning members may pick up their packet from Ms. Meyer or Mrs. Swensen starting October 22nd. Ski Club travels to Perfect North Slopes in Lawrenceburg, Indiana. Ski Club is open to any 7th and 8th grade student with any ability level on skis or snowboards.
Ski Club will start Thursday, January 9th, 2020 and finish with it’s last trip Thursday, January 30th, 2020. If there is a cancellation, the makeup date will be February 6th and may continue the following week in order to complete our 4 trips. Buses leave the junior high at 3:30 P.M. and return at 8:50 P.M. Students must pay for a discounted ski pass, equipment if needed, and bus transportation fee. The Ski Club paperwork turn-in dates are November 4th and 5th during Flex bell in the gym. Lessons for beginners are mandatory while helmet use is REQUIRED for everyone!
SPONSOR: Lisa Meyer and Heather Swensen
P.T.O. Corner
Join the PTO! Being a member of the PTO doesn’t mean you have to volunteer and attend meetings, although everyone is welcome to do either/both! Joining the PTO shows your financial support for our programs that recognize students and teachers in our building. PTO membership is $10 ($11 online) and can be done online. Visit for more information!
All information about the PTO can be found by clicking on this link:
Questions? Please email
Follow us on Facebook!
The latest news about flight fest
Mark your calendars for the 9th Annual Sycamore Junior High Aviator Flight Fest 2k/5k/10k Race on Saturday, October 19, 2019!
Please visit our website at to register for the race, sign up to volunteer or learn more about family sponsorships.
The first 100 people to register for the race will be entered in a raffle to win one of two fun gift cards!
Review the Flight Plan that arrived this week, build your team and load the app for the SJH Scavenger Hunt! All the fun starts on September 27th and will close the week of Flight Fest. Winners will be announced at the Pep Rally on Friday, October 18th!
The online auction is open! Be sure to check in weekly for new items as they are added. Items will continue to be added up to October 9th! The online auction closes on October 19th at 10am. The link to view the auction is below.
Please contact Michelle Ciotola at to learn about business and family sponsorships, volunteer opportunities, or any questions regarding Aviator Flight Fest.
Don't forget to shop at Altar'd State at the Kenwood Towne Centre on Mondays where 10% of sales goes to SJH.
Did you know?
We know you may have questions about the Junior High. Did you know that a great resource for school information is our website? It is accessible anytime! From the Sycamore Community Schools Homepage, click on "OUR SCHOOLS" and choose "SYCAMORE JUNIOR HIGH" from the drop-down menu. The green bar at the top lists various topics of interest (Our School, Activities, Students, Parents, Counseling, etc.) Of particular help may be the Student-Parent Handbook for answers to many questions.
We hope this provides a quick way to get the information you need. If not, we welcome your call to our school! We are here to help!
Announcements are available for viewing every afternoon! Go to the JH Website and click at the top green bar on "Announcements". Click here to access the page now!
Sycamore Junior High has many opportunities for students to get involved in extracurricular activities. The Clubs & Activities Guide may be found on the JH website under the "Activities" tab or accessed HERE.
Thanks to our wonderful PTO, the Lost and Found is organized! If your child has lost an item of clothing, a backpack or lunch box or the like, have him or her check the lost and found in the cafeteria. It will be cleaned out and the items distributed about every two weeks or so. For items currently in L&F, click here. Items of significant value (eyeglasses, phones, etc) are kept in the office.
in case you missed it
AIR Testing at the JH
What is AIR?
State achievement tests are taken at various grade levels and content areas. The State of Ohio requires all students in grades 7 and 8 to take standardized tests in language arts and mathematics. Students in grade 8 also take state tests in science. Students and teachers refer to these as the AIR assessments. AIR stands for the American Institutes of Research, the agency that develops and delivers the assessments.
These assessments give our students the opportunity to demonstrate their progress. Each of these assessments provides a snapshot of their understanding and application of curriculum standards. From a district perspective, these results allow us to benchmark ourselves against similar districts and to identify trends in data that will guide our work with teachers and students.
When will students take the AIR assessments?
Sycamore Junior High will administer the AIR assessments on April 15, 16, 22, 23 and 29.
How can you help?
Please mark these dates on your calendars and make every effort not to schedule your child for appointments or vacation days. Thank you for your cooperation!!
Immunizations for 7th graders
Thank you to all 7th grade families who have turned in immunization records. As we work to process those records received, please continue to be patient before you follow up. If there is a problem, you will be contacted via email by Amy Bonham. If you have not turned in your child's proof of immunizations from a doctor's office, please do so ASAP.
The Ohio Department of Health requires all students prior to entering the 7th grade to have (1) dose of MCV4 (meningococcal) and a Tdap (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis) booster.
Proof of immunization from the doctor’s office must be given to the school before the start of 7th grade. Immunization documents can be brought to school or mailed to the JH, emailed to the JH Nurse Amy Bonham at or faxed to (513) 792-6192.
Child Nutrition: Free & Reduced Meal Application
The date for the roll-over cut off for free and reduced-price meals benefits is quickly approaching. On September 25th, if you have not filled out a new free and reduced-price meal application your student(s) will lose their benefits. Apply online today: or fill out a paper application and turn it into the district office. Contact the Child Nutrition Office with questions - (513) 686-1796 or visit the Child Nutrition webpage.
Reunification Plan
In the event of an emergency where an evacuation of the school building is necessary, students will be transported to safety at Sycamore Community Schools’ reunification site:
Blue Ash Recreation Center 4433 Cooper Rd. Blue Ash, OH 45242
Detailed information can be found on the district website under Reunification Plans.
For more information on safety & security at Sycamore Schools, visit the district Safety & Security web page.
Around Sycamore
#speakupAVES Mental Health Awareness Month
Sycamore Community Schools has made mental health, fighting its stigma, and advocating for its awareness, a priority among all buildings and within all grade levels. For the entire month of September, we will be engaging students, staff, and families in important conversations through our #speakupAVES campaign.
Unfortunately, mental health issues are a drastically rising problem among adolescents. According to research performed by the Child Mind Institute, one in five teens and adults suffer from mental illness and 20% of children ages 13-18 live with a mental disorder. It impacts people of all ages, demographics, and income levels. That is why Sycamore is committed to caring for the whole child and providing support for students, families, and staff.
#speakupAVES and Warrior Run
Sycamore Community Schools continues to collaborate with 1N5, a local nonprofit organization committed to stopping the stigma and starting the conversation by increasing awareness and education about mental health.
#speakupAVES Month is focused on raising awareness and will culminate with Sycamore High School’s participation in the 1N5 Warrior Run on October 5. As a part of the high school challenge, every dollar raised by the team will be reinvested back into Sycamore High School for mental health, mindfulness, and suicide prevention programming. Click here to sponsor the “Sycamore sAVES” team and select “donate.” You can also join the team by registering to be a part of the race by clicking here and select “join the team.”
School-Based Therapy Services
Meanwhile, Sycamore Schools continue to provide better access to mental health services for students. All seven Sycamore schools are now staffed with school-based therapists for the 2019-2020 school year. Children’s Hospital provides on-site independently licensed therapists at all seven schools at no cost to the district to confidentially serve students with significant mental health challenges.
Medication Management Services
Beginning in September, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital will also begin offering medication management services to families engaged in school-based therapy. These services include the evaluation, prescription, and management of medication for clients. Medication management services are delivered by an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN). The APRN will be at our District Office at 5959 Hagewa Drive two half-days per month. If parents are interested in engaging with medication management services, parents can schedule appointments directly through their building therapist. To receive these services, students must be active clients of the school-based therapist.
Help Us Start the Conversation, Stop the Stigma
But it doesn’t end with therapy and medication. It’s about providing a safe environment for students so that they can come to school feeling comfortable and ready to learn. District administrators have initiated the process of developing a comprehensive, three-year strategic plan based on feedback from a voluntary survey on mental health. Simply put, mental health awareness is not limited to the month of September in Sycamore Community Schools.
As a superintendent, I am proud of the work our school counselors, teachers, and staff are doing to increase their own awareness while supporting the whole child. As a parent, I am continually reassured by the commitment our educators have to student social and emotional wellness.
So for the month of September, let’s engage in tough and important conversations with one another around mental health. But let’s not let it end there. This is a year-long, lifetime battle, and Sycamore Community Schools is committed every day.
To discuss any of our mental health services available or with questions regarding services, Lisa Zelvy, Pupil Services Supervisor, is available to assist you. She can be reached at (513) 686-1700 or
In the community
community camps and event flyers
Sycamore Junior High School
Location: 5757 Cooper Road, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Phone: 5136861760
Twitter: @sycamorejrhigh