College & Career Center Newsletter
September 2024
Welcome Bruins to the 2024-2025 School Year!
Your College and Career Center Team
Career Coordinator- Mrs. Collins
Welcome Mrs. Collins
You will see a new face in the College & Career Center this year. Mrs. Collins is joining us from West Orient Middle School so she may look familiar to some of you! She is excited to be a Bruin and help students explore the many career pathways available to them. Stop in and and say hello.
FAFSA/ORSAA Coming Soon! - Class of 2025
Seniors this year will complete the 25-26 FAFSA application and will use 2023 tax information. The application is set to open by December 1st. The ORSAA should open in December. The ORSAA is an alternative to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for undocumented students in Oregon, including students with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status. The ORSAA gives students access to state grants and scholarships. ORSAA students will not need to create and FSA ID.
How to prepare now: Create your FSA ID. Parents and students will need to have a FSA ID. This also includes undocumented parents. https://studentaid.gov/fsa-id/create-account/launch
Questions? Ask Mrs. Molony @ molony5@gresham.k12.or.us
Upcoming College Visitors to Barlow
Want to see a calendar of upcoming college visitors?
Go here for more information, dates and times. (Scroll down the site to the calendar of events.)
All ages of students are welcome to attend and will be excused to do so.
Stop by the College & Career Center to get a pass to attend or students will be excused following the event.
9/23/2024 Gonzaga University @ 10:30 AM
9/24/2024 California Baptist University @ 8:30 AM
9/24/2024 Grand Canyon University @ 1:30 PM
9/25/2024 Pacific University @ 1:30 PM
9/26/2024 Oregon State University @ 8:30 AM
9/30/2024 Central Washington University @ 10:30 AM
9/30/2024 Pacific Lutheran University @ 1:30 PM
10/1/2024 University of Oregon @ 12:30 PM
10/2/2024 Linfield University @ 10:00 AM
10/3/2024 Central Oregon Community College @ 7:35 AM
10/3/2024 University of Idaho @ 9:30 AM
10/3/2024 University of Portland @ 1:30 PM
10/4/2024 Willamette University @ 7:35 AM
Check out Last year's event here: https://www.mhcc.edu/about/news/2023/mhcc-manufacturing-day-for-local-high-school-students-success
Friday, Oct 4, 2024, 08:15 AM
MHCC Campus
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
What is Manufacturing Day?
Friday, October 4th 8:20 am - 2:20 pm
Scan to sign up here - Only 25 students can attend
Volunteer at the Portland Marathon
Volunteers needed to help run an aid station for the Portland Marathon. We will be passing out food/drinks to passing runners. This location is near Reed college in Portland. Please make sure you leave all requested info on this form, especially the t shirt size! More info will be sent to you as we get closer to the marathon date. PLEASE RESPOND NO LATER THAN 9-25 TO CONFIRM YOUR SPOT.
Sign up: https://forms.gle/vmXojT6bMzwsvjGk7
Sunday, Oct 6, 2024, 07:00 AM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Pre-ACT and ACT - Oct 15
On October 15, 2024, we will be hosting a college / career testing day for all high school students.
All 9th grade and 10th grade students are required to attend and will be taking the pre-ACT.
The ACT will be offered to all 11th and 12th grade students who wish to take this exam.
All of these exams will be offered free of charge to our students.
The ACT and pre-ACT provide a unique opportunity for students to connect with colleges that they may wish to attend while also giving students individual feedback on potential careers that match their unique skills and interest. Both the ACT and the pre-ACT are aligned to high school level content so that students can get a sense of their readiness to pursue college or career options once they graduate from high school.
Juniors and seniors can register here. Deadline to register is September 18, 2024.
Here are some links that you may find helpful.
More information will be coming your way soon, but please reach out to your home high school if you have any questions.
PSAT Testing - Oct 29
We are excited to let you know that we are offering the PSAT this year as an optional experience for your student. The PSAT is a standardized test that is designed to look and feel similar to college preparation tests such as the SAT and ACT. The test provides a measure of a student's knowledge and skills in the areas of reading, writing, and math. 11th graders who take the PSAT may be eligible for the National Merit Scholarship Program. The PSAT will take place during the school day on October 29, 2024 and will cost $18. 10th or 11th grade students who qualify for free/reduced lunch are eligible for a fee waiver and can take the PSAT free of charge. Any student wishing to take the PSAT must register with their school and pay the bookkeeper by September 18, 2024.
Sophomores and juniors can register here.
Scholarships to Consider
Beat the Odds Scholarship-due Sept. 10
Gates Scholarship-due Sept. 15
Heismann Student Athlete Scholarship-due Oct. 17
Voice of Democracy Scholarship-due Oct. 31
Elks Lodge Most Valuable Student Scholarship-due Nov. 12
Have you seen our local and comprehensive scholarship lists? Take a look and see what is available. These lists are updated often and are still under construction for this year. Pay attention to due dates and check the websites for updated information.
Follow BarlowCCC on Instagram
Follow us to see what opportunities there are for students and to see the fun things we have done.
Juniors and Seniors Can Join FAST Track Pre- Apprentice Program Fall 2024
SBHS offers a pre-apprenticeship program in both CONSTRUCTION and MANUFACTURING. Students that complete this pre-apprentice program by graduation will earn a BOLI (Bureau of Labor & Industries) certificate. This enables a graduate to interview directly with a variety of partner apprenticeships or begin working immediately as an apprentice, depending on the agreement they have with our district!!
Learn more - FAST Track Construction or FAST Track Metal Manufacturing. Email Mrs. Collins at collins53@gresham.k12.or.us or stop by the College & Career Center for more info and applications!
Volunteer Opportunity - Gresham ReStore
The Portland Region Habitat for Humanity ReStores would like to welcome Sam Barlow High School juniors and seniors (16 and older) to volunteer at the Gresham ReStore! The store on 181st is not far from Sam Barlow and is a great place for students to work on community service requirements for graduation, college resumes, or to complete targeted courses, all while making a difference locally. Plus, they offer recommendation letters for students who volunteer at ReStores 10 times or 40 hours.
They need volunteers daily to help sort through unique donated items from contractors, companies, and individuals. Volunteering with them not only makes a positive impact by saving items from landfills and supporting affordable housing, but it also boosts your college applications with valuable volunteer hours and experiences.
Are you Ready to Make a Difference in Your Community?
Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office Search & Rescue (MCSOSAR) is seeking dedicated, highly motivated young adult volunteers that are at least 14 years old.
Anyone is welcome to attend the orientation meetings for information about the unit and training program. Incoming classes have limited seats. New members are asked to fill out the appropriate application completely and truthfully. Digital applications are due by Friday, September 20, 2024.
Find more information here: https://mcsosar.org/join-now/
Get to Know Your College and Career Center!
Midge Collins (she/her) - Career Coordinator
collins53@gresham.k12.or.us 503-258-4885
I am a native Oregonian and love all things PNW. Before becoming a parent, I worked as an Escrow Officer for 10 years. When my children started school at West Gresham Elementary, I began volunteering and found a passion for working with students. I am thrilled to join the Bruin team and help connect students to their future!
Tia Molony (she/her) - College Coordinator
molony5@gresham.k12.or.us 503-258-4890
I grew up in the Gresham area and earned my bachelor's degree from Portland State University. This is my 9th year working at Sam Barlow and I love being able to help students with their plans for what comes after high school.