Glacier Ridge Gazette
August 18, 2023
November 15, 2024
World Kindness Week
This week was World Kindness Week. As you know, kindness is ingrained in our culture and our values as a school. We didn’t do anything big this week or go all out. We talked about it, handed out kindness stickers, and shared a few stories and examples of kindness. We do this because we want kindness to be a way of living, not just a themed week.
What are some ways that we create a culture of kindness?
We make it visible: We say our school motto every day on the announcements (Today, and everyday, I choose kind). We have phrases, examples and messages about kindness throughout the year. We also display acts of kindness or reflective questions displayed on our commons TVs so students can see and talk about it at lunch. They enjoy seeing pictures of themselves and others doing kind acts.
We teach it: Kindness is not always innate. We explicitly teach about social interactions and empathy. In our weekly morning meetings, we learn how to promote kindness, empathize with others, and solve social problems in a kind and respectful way. Students need to know what kindness is and how to apply it. Therefore, we give students strategies to be forward kind thinkers, while at the same time learning how to reflect on their previous actions to understand how they could do it differently next time. Building the skills of self-reflection and empathy help them understand the impact we have on others. Kindness is attempting to have a positive impact on others.
We model it: Students are very aware of their surroundings. They see the interactions and behaviors of adults. If we are not kind to each other, as a staff, the students will recognize that. We are also explicit about talking about the kindness of adults so they can see that kindness is a lifelong journey and has a lifelong impact.
We are relentless about it: Fostering a kind environment sometimes leaves people misperceiving that there are never unkind actions at GRE. That is just not possible. However, when there are actions of unkindness, we will always address it. We talk about how our behavior impacts others. This concept is the R Factor 20 square feet and our impact can be positive or negative. When unkind actions happen, we attempt to resolve it in a productive and learning way to mend relationships. We address it every time.
What is your value system at home?
Kindness is our non-negotiable at school. What is your non-negotiable value system at home that you make visible, teach, model, and are relentless about? Your value(s) doesn’t have to be kindness, but having family values is important.
Not sure what they are? That’s okay. You can start by:
Ask your family (and kids): What is most important to our family? Why?
Brainstorm a list of most important family character traits and actions.
Talk about the meaning of each one and what that looks like in action.
Collaboratively identify 1-4 values that you find most important and will last the test of time and everyone can remember and talk about.
Create a plan to make it visible, teach it, model it, and be relentless about it.
In case you’re wondering, the Kurty Family values are:
Be kind and empathetic to everyone, all the time (not surprisingly)
You don’t have to be perfect, but try your hardest
*Note: We are not perfect at these either. It is a lifelong journey.
Pete Kurty, Ed. D
Celebrating Veterans Day at GRE
Square One Art Fundraiser
Over the last few weeks, students have created an original piece of artwork for submission to a company called Square One Art. In the next week or two, you’ll have the opportunity to purchase items with your student’s artwork on it as a keepsake. Your student’s original art will be digitized and returned to GRE, and the digital record can be applied to a variety of items for you to use and appreciate at home. Cups, ornaments, and decorative items are just a few of the many items you can purchase with your child’s artwork.
Families will receive a personalized catalog and further information about ordering in the next few weeks.
Proceeds from the sale go directly to the GRE art program for special supplies, future artist events, and experiences. Purchasing items with your child’s art is optional. Regardless of purchasing, all original student artwork will be returned to GRE for your child to take home.
You can see more information about Square 1 Art HERE.
Fundraiser timeline:
Packets go home 11/18.
Online order deadline 12/2
Items shipped to home 2-3 weeks from order date.
Dublin Support Association Food Drive
Dublin Support Association and the Transportation Department are partnering with elementary schools to collect non-perishable food items for the Dublin Food Pantry. Containers will be available at the entrance to each of the elementary schools November 18-22.
Hunger continues to grow in our community. In Dublin, the problem is
much more prevalent than most of us realize. Over 4,700 households in
Dublin live on less than $35,000 annually.
ITEMS Needed:
Food: Jelly, Canned Tuna, Oatmeal, Ramen, Pancake Syrup, Pancake Mix (regular
size), Canned Fruit, Rice/Potato Side Dishes
Essentials*: Individual Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Feminine Pads, Diapers (Larger
Sizes)/Baby Wipes, Deodorant, Adult Diapers, Plastic Grocery Bags, Egg Cartons
Save the Date for the Winter Reading Challenge
Pre-registration for the Winter Reading Challenge starts December 2nd. We would like to invite all K-12 teachers to sign up their classrooms for the Winter Reading Challenge. The challenge kicks off on January 6 and runs through February 28.
The goal of the Winter Reading Challenge is to encourage students to get excited about reading and practice their literacy skills. The library also wants to support teachers and schools with a free, easy program with zero impact on local budgets
Classes will earn prizes for every five days of reading along with exciting raffles. We’ll deliver prizes directly to your school to make it super easy! Classes complete the challenge after 20 days of reading but can continue to read to earn raffle entries. Raffles include collections of books for your students, special performers, and class parties! Teachers will also receive a tote.
Mark your calendars to preregister starting in December! You can pick up all the information you need on how to sign up at your local branch in November or connect with your local youth services team to have them send all the information when it’s time.
Cookie Dough Sale ends November 18
There are ONLY 3 days left to order from GRE PTO Cookie Dough and Pastry Sale! The sale ends Monday, November 18. Orders will be ready for pickup on Thursday, December 12, between 5:00-6:30 p.m. at GRE.
Choose from Butter Braid pastries, cookie dough ready to pop in the oven, cake rolls ready to serve or Amish Pretzels for an easy appetizer. And the icing on the pastry is your purchase earns money for the GRE PTO to go towards the wonderful programs and activities for our Tigers!
You should have received a link to your student’s personal sale page from My Fundraising Place. Or visit and type in your student’s name for a link specifically for your student that you can send out to family and friends for ease of ordering. Every student who sells ONE or more items will be entered into a raffle with a chance to win:
4 prizes of $25 gift cards to a local Dublin establishment of the student's choice (e.g., Target, Dell's ice cream, Graeter's, Toy Emporium, etc.)
And the class with the most items sold per student will receive vouchers for Tiger Trunk for the whole class to shop! Make your holidays even sweeter!
Parent/Guardian Volunteer Background Check
VOLUNTEERING: Dublin City Schools takes the safety of our students and staff seriously and requires a background check for all volunteers interacting with students. In order to attend field trips or volunteer in the classroom, you much go through the background check process. The process is free and easy and takes only a few minutes to complete. This is required for any parents or caregivers wishing to volunteer with students.
Morning Tiger Student Announcements
Would you like to start your day saying “Hello!” to everyone at Glacier Ridge in the morning? Are you in 2nd thru 5th grade? Then sign up to read the morning announcements! If you would like to find out more about this opportunity and sign up to be a Tiger Student Announcer then go to the sign-up link below.
Students can sign up only 1 time per week.
Glacier Ridge Student Greeter Team
Glacier Ridge Elementary believes in creating a caring and comfortable environment for it's community of learners. This begins as students enter the front doors of the school in the morning. Sign up your child to be a greeter. Students gain confidence, become leaders, and learn how to present themselves in a positive way.
Click on this link to find out more specific information.
Upcoming GRE Events
November 27th-29th- No School Thanksgiving Break
December 4th- 5th Grade to Biz Town Field Trip
December 13th- Adopt-A-Family Wrapping @GRE
December 17th- 4th Grade Caroling after school
December 20th- Celebration of Giving Assembly
December 21st-January 5th- No School Winter Break
January 6th, 2025- NO SCHOOL Teacher Work Day
Save on Meals—Apply for Free and Reduced Meals Today!
School meal costs can add up, but completing the Free and Reduced Meals application could save your family hundreds of dollars a year. The application is free, quick, and easy to submit, and must be completed every school year—even if your family qualified in the past, you must reapply. Approved applications also help Dublin City Schools qualify for additional grants and funding, bringing more resources to support all students. It’s a win-win for families and schools!
Take a few minutes to apply today and start making a difference. Visit to learn more and submit your application.
Support the DSA and Transportation Dept Food Drive
The Dublin Support Association and the Transportation Department are partnering with elementary schools to collect non-perishable food items for the Dublin Food Pantry. Containers will be available at the entrance to each of the elementary schools November 18-22. Most needed items can be found here. Thank you for your consideration.
From the City of Dublin
Save the Date for the Dublin Tree Lighting
Dancers, carolers and Santa Claus himself kick off the holiday season 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 5, in Coffman Park. Santa and Mrs. Claus will make their arrival at 6:15 p.m. to light the holiday tree. Mark your calendars and plan your visit.
To help students discover their interests and enrich their learning, Dublin City Schools partners with local businesses and community organizations to offer After School Activities outside of school hours. These experiences, which vary in content, time, location, and cost, are taught by course instructors employed by a sponsoring business or organization.
If your child will be absent from school, please email our attendance line at
Glacier Ridge Elementary
Location: 7175 Glacier Ridge Boulevard, Dublin, OH, USA
Phone: 614.733.0012
Twitter: @greDCSD