
A message from our Principal
Dear PG Families,
Thank you for an amazing first quarter back to school! We greatly appreciate your support all year long and hope that you enjoy a relaxing fall break with your children. We will have a spirit week the last week of October that includes a day to wear costumes on Thursday, October 31st. Costumes must still follow our district dress code and should not include any weapons or masks that cover students faces. I also invite you all to come spend some fun family time at our Fall Festival on November 1st from 4:30pm to 7pm. We will have food, games, inflatables, and a video game truck. Tickets go on sale the last week of October for $1 a ticket with different activities taking different amounts of tickets. This fundraiser will support our school PTO and Optimist clubs which in turn support many different school activities. We greatly appreciate your support and look forward to a fun evening with you!
In Service,
Michael Konrad
Save the Date!
4- Grading Day- No School
7-11- Fall Break- No School
15 Picture Retakes
16- Site Council Meeting
16- Family Engagement Meeting
18- Mobile Food Drive
23- PD Day- No School
29- Cafecito with the Principal
11/1- Fall Festival
Mobile Food Distribution
Our next Mobile Food Distribution is scheduled for Oct 18th. The Food Distribution will be in the Ramada from 2:45-3:45pm.
Parents we need your help in making this food distribution a success. If you are able to assist, please join us at 2:00PM
Please contact Ms. Maribel, if you have any questions 520-225-2724