Human Resources Newsletter
February, 2025
Did you Know...?
Did you know that a district teacher has played and/or recorded with Eric Clapton, Aretha Franklin, Faith Hill, Tony Bennett, The Temptations, The Philly Pops, and B.B. King? Howard Isaacson, Miller School Music Teacher, is a well-known saxophonist in the music industry, having recorded three of his own CD’s that are played on contemporary jazz stations and can be currently found on Spotify. Howard has toured internationally and is constantly sought out by major artists when touring through our region. Today is Howard’s last day in the district, retiring after nearly 30 years of service to EHT students. Last week, he played the National Anthem at the Boys’ Varsity basketball game, a fitting encore to a great career here in EHT: https://youtube.com/shorts/H1AOlU7cUdQ Here is an additional article showcasing some more of Howard’s accomplishments: https://cgomusic.com/portfolio/howard-isaacson/
If you like jazz and have Spotify, give a listen to some of Howard’s work this weekend!
3rd Annual Atlantic/Cape Diverse Educator Job Fair
The Atlantic/Cape Diverse Educator was a success last year and we are hoping for an even bigger turnout this year. Visit the QR code in the attached flyer to see the many participating Atlantic/Cape school districts that will be recruiting. Universities will be present as well promoting their teacher preparation and graduate programs and Kelly Services will be actively searching for those wishing to substitute while looking for their full-time teaching position.
The event will take place on Friday, March 7 from 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm in the Auxiliary Gym at the high school, details of which can be seen in the above flyer. we are asking that you share this information within your own professional and personal networks so that we can achieve the greatest level of outreach possible. In addition to teaching and administrative positions, districts will also be seeking applicants for paraprofessional and support staff positions. This is an event that is open to ALL people looking for employment in our region's public schools.
As always, we appreciate your time and look forward to a successful event!
Considering a career in Educational Leadership?
Do you aspire to be a principal, supervisor, or central office administrator but lack the necessary certification? Is your master's degree in a field other than educational administration? Do you need to take the time and pay the cost for a second master's degree through a college or university?
In as little as 12-18 months, you can earn your certification through NJEXCEL, the Foundation for Educational Administration’s school leadership certification program.
To learn more about NJEXCEL, register for a virtual Information Session at www.njexcel.org.
- 02/12/2025 4:00PM - 5:00PM
- 02/26/2025 4:00PM - 5:00PM
- 03/12/2025 4:00PM - 5:00PM
- 04/02/2025 4:00PM - 5:00PM
Since 2003, more than 2,300 graduates have earned their NJ school
leadership certificates through NJEXCEL and many are serving in administrative leadership roles throughout the state.
To get started, review this brochure to learn all about how you can apply for one of our next cohorts to maximize your leadership capacity through NJEXCEL and join your district's leadership pipeline. Interested applicants can learn more at NJEXCEL.org. by contacting NJEXCEL here, or by phone (609) 860-1200, Press 6.
Pension and Benefits
Financial Health Check-Up/Change of Beneficiary
The annual distribution of W-2 forms reminds us that it is time to start the process of preparing tax returns which is usually a good time to review other areas of your financial health. You might be thinking about starting a 403(b) tax shelter plan or adjusting the withholding in the one you already have. You could also be having the same thoughts and questions regarding a 529 plan as you consider future college tuition needs for your children. One thing that sometimes gets overlooked in your overall planning is who is listed as the beneficiary on your various polices as well as your pension.
Beneficiaries often make sense at the time of enrollment but as your life changes, your beneficiary designations should be either confirmed or changed based on your current situation. Everyone who is part of a NJ State Pension system should be registered with MBOS (Member Benefit Online System). You can view who your beneficiaries are and make changes if necessary. MBOS offers an abundance of information on other topics such as retirement, pension loans as well as all of the individual account updates that we used to receive in the mail. If you haven't already, take control over your information and register with MBOS today at: https://www.nj.gov/treasury/pensions/mbos-register.shtml
Let's Learn Linq!
Available Positions
Let's Celebrate!
February Holidays and Educational Celebrations
National Periodic Table Day (2/7)
National Safer Internet Day (2/11)
National Inventor's Day (2/11)
National No One Eats Alone Day (2/21)
President's Day (2/17)
World Thinking Day (2/22)
Digital Learning Day (2/13)
National Tell A Fairy Tale Day (2/26)
Introduce A Girl to Engineering Day (2/20)
February Weekly Events
February 14th-20th: National Random Acts of Kindness Week
February 16th-22nd: National Engineers Week
February Monthly Events
African-American History Month
Career & Technical Education (CTE) Month
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
Financial Aid Awareness Month