Connors "Supersized" School Scoop
August 23rd, 2024
Dear Connors Families,
I am delighted to bring to you our "Supersized" edition of the Connors School Scoop which contains an abundance of information for our upcoming school year. I kindly ask that you take the time to review this Connors School Scoop so you are aware of what to expect in the upcoming school year.
We are super excited about the upcoming 2024-2025 School Year! On, Friday, August 23rd, Class Placement Letters and School Information Packets are being mailed home via the U.S. Postal Service. While we realize that some of you may be away at that time, you will be able to call our main office to inquire about your child's class assignment beginning Friday, August 30th should you need to do so @ 201-356-3683. We kindly request that you do not call prior to August 30th to inquire about class assignments. In addition, class placement information will be available in the OnCourse parent portal on Monday, August 26th, so please ensure that your OnCourse parent account is set up. Please note that class placement and teacher assignments are administrative decisions and are not made based upon parent requests.
Please ensure that you fill out the Connors Parent/Student Information Google Form 2024-2025 by August 30th. Please complete one form per child if you have multiple children at Connors.
Please ensure that you have reviewed our Connors Family Manual and FAQ's. This document is critical to our school organization and operations.
Welcome to all of our new Connors Koala families joining us this coming school year. We will host Kindergarten Orientation and New Student Tours on Wednesday, September 4th at 2:00 pm. Please meet us in the Connors Playground.
The first day of school for students is Thursday, September 5th, from 8:15 am-3:00 pm. Please ensure that you drop off your child on time in the morning and you pick up your child on time at dismissal. Please fill out the Connors Parent/Student Information Form 2024-2025
by August 30th.
Please ensure that the following forms are complete. For any hard copy forms, please submit the forms to your child's homeroom teacher on the first day of school:
Free and Reduced Lunch Application. Here is the Free and Reduced Lunch Application in English and Spanish.
Health Forms
For ALL children - Universal Child Health Record
For children with Allergies - Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan
For children with Asthma - Asthma Treatment Plan
Hard Copies of the Emergency Contact Form (Enclosed in Class Placement Packet) Emergency Card
9/5-9/6 Lunch Order Form for School Lunch
- August 23rd-Class Placement Letters will be mailed home (U.S. Postal Service)
- September 4th @ 2:00-3:00 pm-Kindergarten and New Student Orientation
- September 5th @ 8:15-3:00 pm-First Day of School
- September 9th, First Day of Passport to Learning-MP1
- September 9th, Summer Assignments are Due
- September 10th, PTO Meeting- In-Person @ Connors @ 8:30 am, Virtual PTO Meeting Link if you would prefer to join virtually
- September 12th-Connors Kindergarten Parents Night Out @ 7:00 pm @ Dear Maud
- September 15th-October 15th-Hispanic Heritage Month
- September 15th-HPEF Back to School 5K Run, Walk, Stroll
- September 18th @ 6:30-8:00 pm-Connors Back to School Night
- September 18th, Parent Social at Schmitty's (359 1st Street) @ 8:00 pm, after Back to School Night
- September 22nd @ 4:00-5:30 pm- Back-To-School FALL FESTIVAL in the Connors Playground
- September 23rd-24th-Connors Pop-Up Library Grades K-2 w/ the Hoboken Public Library
- September 25th-Picture Day with Legacy Studios
Connors Family FAQ's 2024-2025
Connors School Faculty Directory 2024-2025
Who Should I Contact for Assistance? 2024-2025
Meet Our Connors Team 2024-2025
Connors Calendar of Events 2024-2025
Hoboken Public School District Calendar 2024-2025
Hoboken Public School District Website
We make it our priority to partner with parents in the academic growth and success of every child. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
All the best,
Principal Addi
A Note From the Connors PTO
Hello from the Connors PTO (Parent Teacher Organization). We are looking forward to a wonderful new school year ahead. We welcome involvement from all Connors families and look forward to working together for the benefit of our students, faculty, school, and the Hoboken community at large.
Syncing the PTO "Live" Calendar - In just a few easy steps you can have ALL the dates from the Connors Calendar and the District calendar synced with your personal devices! Never forget a date again, and it’s even updated in real time with any changes! We promise you won’t regret it.
Bookmarking the PTO Website - This go-to resource for all things PTO and Connors is a hub for information, links, events, calendars, etc. Take a few minutes to explore and visit often. Looking for something that’s not yet on the site? Let us know, and we will add it.
Joining our PTO Facebook Group - Event invites, real time reminders and updates, swag swaps, and a great way to connect with others in the Connors community.
Joining our PTO Email List - Ensure you receive all important PTO communications (no spam, we promise!). Just email us to say you’d like to be added to the list (and to say hi, share your ideas, ask a question, anything goes!).
Joining a Committee - A great way to get involved and make a big impact, no experience necessary. Committee info and sign up here.
Attending PTO Meetings - Our monthly PTO meetings are always in person and virtual. Guest speakers from across the District will join us throughout the year. Don’t miss our first meeting on 9/10 at 8:30am with guest speaker Principal Addi. More details below.
September PTO Meeting
"All About Connors" with Principal Addi
Don’t miss our first PTO Meeting of the school year on Tuesday, September 10 at 8:30am. Join us in person at Connors or virtually via Google Meet (this goes for all PTO meetings). Guest speakers from across the District will join us throughout the year, and we are thrilled to kick off with our very own Principal Addi.
Family involvement is part of what makes the Connors community so special, and PTO meetings are a great way to get involved and stay in the know. All parents and guardians are welcome and encouraged to attend! Please don’t worry if you need to leave early or if you have never been to a meeting before, join us!
8:30am - September PTO Meeting
Hear about upcoming events, new fundraisers, and exciting PTO activities for the year ahead. Meet the PTO Officers, and learn more about opportunities to be involved. Share ideas and feedback. Learn how you can support Connors school, faculty and students through the PTO.
9:00am - "All About Connors" with Guest Speaker Principal Addi
Principal Addi will share and discuss details about the ins and outs of Connors Elementary School as well as a peek into what’s upcoming for this school year. While this is especially great for new Connors families, everyone is welcome and can benefit from this session.
Connors Back-To-School Fall Festival
FALL FESTIVAL: Save the Date + Call for Volunteers!
Connors PTO invites you to join us at our annual Back-to-School Fall Festival on Sunday, September 22nd from 4:00pm-5:30pm in the Connors playground. Celebrate the start of school and officially welcome in fall with carnival-style games, crafts, music, refreshments, and more. Support the PTO by shopping our always-popular Connors swag sale and participating in our awesome raffle (with thousands of dollars in prizes!). All Connors families are welcome, including siblings that don't attend Connors. FREE + no RSVP required.
We need parent volunteers to make this a successful event. (No experience required; you can be a first-time PTO volunteer or a seasoned vet!) We will email you before the event to share more details, so you feel prepared and set up for success.
Sign up for a volunteer spot here.
Email ConnorsPTO@gmail.com with any questions about the event or volunteering.
Connors Back to School Night Parent Social
Join us for a Connors Parent Social at Schmitty’s (359 1st Street) immediately following Back-to-School Night on Sept 18. It’s a fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow Connors parents in an informal and fun setting. Please note: This is a "cash bar" event -- all attendees will be responsible for purchasing their own drinks. Schmitty's is co-owned by two wonderful Connors families, and they have generously agreed to donate 10% of the night’s sales back to Connors PTO! Please RSVP on the PTO's Facebook page event, so an estimated headcount can be provided to Schmitty's.
Connors Kindergarten Parents Night Out on September 12th
Calling all Kindergarten parents - this one’s for YOU! Join us on September 12 at 7pm for a casual get-together at Dear Maud (205 1st St) to connect with other parents in your child’s class and the overall grade. We are excited to welcome so many new families to our Connors community together with our veteran Connors families who have a younger sibling in Kindergarten now. Let’s cheers to a great year ahead!
Connors PTO Committees
Connors PTO is excited for a wonderful school year ahead. Parent involvement truly is a cornerstone of the PTO. Our goal is to have even more Connors parents involved in our "behind-the-scenes" operations to help plan and execute our events and activities this year. No previous PTO or volunteer experience required. Email ConnorsPTO@gmail.com with any questions!
Please review the committee list below and sign up HERE for any that interest you. More details about each committee are in the linked SignUp Genius.
Faculty Appreciation Committee
Halloween Committee
Bingo Night Committee
5th Grade Committee
Field Day Committee
Community Service + Green Team
Back to School HPEF 5K Community Run
CONNORS INFORMATION FORM: Fill out the Connors Parent/Student Information Google Form 2024-2025, one form per child at Connors.
HEALTH FORMS: Submit your Health Forms to Nurse Kristen by email at kmarotta@hoboken.k12.nj.us. Hard copies of all health forms will be sent home in late August, but the links are below as well.
For ALL children - Universal Child Health Record
For children with Allergies - Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan
For children with Asthma - Asthma Treatment Plan
EMERGENCY CARD: Fill out a hard copy of your child’s Emergency Card. An emergency card, printed on cardstock will be mailed to you in late August. Please fill this card out and return it to your child’s homeroom teacher on the first day of school.
- MY MealTime Account: To Set up a My MealTime Account, please click on this link: https://www.mymealtime.com/ Click HERE for more information, user guide, and support.
- FREE AND REDUCED LUNCH APPLICATION: Here is the Free and Reduced Lunch Application in English and Spanish. Please complete the application.
ON COURSE CONNECT: The OnCourse Connect parent portal allows parents/guardians to see Report Cards, Progress Reports, daily attendance record, assignments grades and more. If you do not yet have an account, an invitation will be emailed to you. To access the Parent Portal, click here and log in with the information you have been provided.
CLASS DOJO: This app is how teachers and school administrators share information, photos, important news, etc. with families as well as a way for teachers and parents to communicate via messages. Homeroom teachers will share log-in info, link and/or class code.
The Hoboken Public School District provides general school supplies for all students. No school supply lists are sent home to families. You may provide any specialty items that they would like for the year. If your child is in need of a backpack or daily snacks, please reach out directly to Principal Addi.
Please send the following items to school EVERY DAY:
Refillable water bottle labeled with their name (arrive to school with a full bottle each day)
A Connors water bottle is provided to every student on the first day of school. You may send a preferred water bottle for daily use. Please do not send in extra large water bottles such as “Stanleys,” as they often fall and spill.
Snack (see “snack” section for more information)
Lunchbox/Lunch (if you choose to send lunch from home)
Charged Chromebook (grades 2-5); We will be assigning 2nd grade chromebooks during the first few weeks of school.
Jacket during cold weather
Kindergarten and New Student Orientation
To our Kindergarten and New Grades K-5 Connors Families....Welcome to Connors! We have an absolutely incredible Connors Community. We are so excited to get to know you and your family as your child grows through our elementary school program. We want to partner with you on this lifetime adventure! What an incredible privilege it is to be a part of this journey with you and your family. Kindergarten and New Student Orientation will be on Wednesday, September 4th, 2024 from 2:00-3:00 pm. Please meet us in the Connors Playground.
Connors Back to School Night
Connors School will host Back to School Night on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 from 6:30 – 8:00 PM. We encourage you to attend this general information session to learn more about your child’s every day schedule and activities. More information will be sent regarding this event after the school year starts. Keep in mind this night is not for individual conversations or conferences regarding your child’s progress. We will host individual parent/teacher conferences on October 23rd from 1:45-5:30 pm.
**Connors Parent/Student Information Google Form**
**VERY IMPORTANT FORM** Click the link below to access the Connors Parent / Student Information Form Connors Parent/Student Information Form 2024-2025
The Connors Parent/Student Information Form asks questions regarding parent/guardian contact information, pickup authorization, photo-release permission, walking field trip permission, medical information and other important information about your child. Please fill out this google form by August 30th, 2024. If you have multiple children at Connors, please fill out a separate form for each child.
Morning Arrival Procedures
School begins promptly at 8:15 am. Starting on the first day of school, students will line up at their arrival location organized by homeroom. Students first period teachers will pick them up at arrival. Please review your child's homeroom class arrival location and ensure that your child arrives to school on time. 2nd Street next to Connors is for STUDENTS ONLY. Only children and staff are permitted on the sidewalk.
School Morning Breakfast
Time: Breakfast is available from 7:45-8:05am in the Connors cafeteria through Chartwells, our district’s food provider.
Cost: $2.00 per child per day, unless your child qualifies for free or reduced or free breakfast/lunch.
Menu: The menu can be found here.
Location: Any child who would like breakfast should enter through the cafeteria door in the alleyway. There will be staff at the door to greet you and your child. Additional staff members will escort your child to the cafeteria. There will be additional staff members supervising morning breakfast in the cafeteria.
Logistics: At 8:10am, students will be escorted by Connors staff to their homeroom line up locations.
Payment: In order to receive breakfast, please ensure that you have filled out the online lunch application as well as created a My Mealtime account. See below section on My MealTime.
You do not need to sign up in advance for morning breakfast.
Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal is at 3:00pm sharp, unless your child is enrolled in the Passport to Learning (PTL) district aftercare program. 9th period teachers will dismiss children at the designated homeroom spot only to someone authorized to pick up the child (as designated in the Connors Parent/Student Information Google Form 2024-2025 completed at the beginning of the year). The pickup person must ALWAYS connect with the child’s teacher before taking the child from the line or the dismissal area. Only children and staff are permitted on the sidewalk. Please note: 2nd Street is closed off to traffic during arrival and dismissal.
Who can pick up my child?
Parents MUST fill out the Connors Parent/Student Information Google Form 2024-2025 to designate which individuals are allowed to pick up your child.
Can my child self-dismiss?
Children in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade may walk home independently with parent permission during regular dismissal time. As part of our district protocol, children may NOT self dismiss from the Passport to Learning aftercare program. Parents MUST fill out the Connors Parent/Student Information Google Form 2024-2025 to designate if your child is allowed to self dismiss.
What if my child is signed up for Passport to Learning (PTL), the district aftercare program?
All children that are signed up for Passport to Learning (PTL), will be escorted to PTL by their 9th period teacher. Children will be dismissed from PTL through the Connors main doors on Monroe Street.
School Lunch
Menu: We offer hot lunch (as well as alternative options, including a daily vegetarian option) in our cafeteria through Chartwells, our district’s food provider. The menu can be found here.
Cost: Lunch is $3.75 per day per child per day, unless your child qualifies for free or reduced or free breakfast/lunch.
Lunch Form: Be sure to complete and submit the Lunch Order Google Form by Monday at 8:30am for the following week. The Google Form link is shared weekly in the Connors School Scoop on Fridays.
Payment: In order to receive lunch, please ensure that you have filled out the online lunch application as well as created a PaySchools account. See below section on MyMealTime
Each week in the Connors School Scoop, I will send a google form with the weekly lunch menu. Please sign your child up for the lunch that they would prefer. Please ensure that you review this menu with your child and that you together pick items from the lunch menu that your child will enjoy and eat at school. Here is lunch order form for September 5th and 6th. 9/5-9/6 Lunch Order FormHOME LUNCH
If your child will bring lunch from home, please ensure they have it with them upon arriving at school as parents may not drop off lunch once the school day begins.
Student home lunches may not be heated up at school.
Ensure your child lunch box and all components are labeled with their name.
- Set Up a MY MealTime Account: To Set up a My MealTime Account, please click on this link: https://www.mymealtime.com/ Click HERE for more information, user guide, and support.
Here is the Free and Reduced Lunch Application in English and Spanish. Please complete the application.
Homeroom WhatsApp Groups
Homeroom WhatsApp Group Guidelines:
The goal of a Homeroom Whatsapp group is to create a positive environment for Connors families to connect with other Connors families from the class. All family members on the WhatsApp group are responsible for maintaining a respectful, inclusive and safe environment within the WhatsApp group at all times.
The following are some acceptable use cases of a class WhatsApp group:
✔ Easily organize informal playground meet-ups among classmates
✔ Easily contact another family if your child forgot their homework instructions at school
✔ Easily find volunteers for PTO events
✔ Help to plan and/or organize class celebrations and/or events/birthday parties
When joining a WhatsApp group, all parents must identify themselves and their child (i.e., Nicole Jala, Emily’s mom). Families are prohibited from using the WhatsApp groups to discuss any concerns between students or with school faculty or staff. Disrespectful or inappropriate communication between members will not be tolerated. All concerns should be directed to Principal Addi, VP Hamlin, or the child’s teacher and should not be addressed on a Homeroom WhatsApp group. If you would like to (WhatsApp groups are completely optional), please join the WhatsApp group of your child's homeroom class, once you receive your child's homeroom class information.
Group Links:
Homeroom 102 Ms. Bartolotti
Homeroom 103 Ms. Fernandez
Homeroom 104 Ms. Fleischer
Homeroom 106 Ms. Criqui
Homeroom 107 Ms. Klag
Homeroom 201 Ms. Vayda
Homeroom 202 Ms. Severino
Homeroom 203 Ms. Sheridan
Homeroom 204 Ms. Rinaldi
Homeroom 205 Ms. Celentano
Homeroom 206 Ms. Garcia
Homeroom 208 Ms. Hall
Homeroom 210 Ms. Schmidt
Homeroom 302 Ms. Arciero
Homeroom 303 Ms. Yoo
Homeroom 305 Ms. Schultes
Homeroom 306 Ms. Ortiz
Homeroom 307 Ms. Schulz
Homeroom 308 Ms. Rodriguez
Homeroom 309 Ms. Stubbe
During the Lunch/Recess period, students have 20 minutes of recess and 20 minutes of lunch. Grades 1 and 3 alternate between lunch and recess period 5. Grades K and 2 alternate between lunch and recess period 6. Grades 4 and 5 alternate between lunch and recess period 7. Recess takes place in our Connors playground. Each homeroom class is supervised by a staff member during their lunch and recess period. Each kindergarten aide remains with their homeroom class during lunch and recess so they can assist their homeroom students. During inclement weather, when the temperature is below 35 degrees or when it is raining or there is snow on the ground, students will have recess in their homeroom classroom or in the gym. Please make sure that your child dresses appropriately for the weather, as we try to bring the students outside as much as possible.
What school supplies should I send with my child to school?
The Hoboken School District is providing general school supplies for ALL students. There are no school supplies lists that are sent home to families. You may provide a backpack and lunchbox for your child and any specialty items that they would like for the year. If your child needs a backpack or lunchbox, please reach out to me and I can provide you with one, as we have several brand new donated backpacks and lunch boxes. juliana.addi@hoboken.k12.nj.us We will give out Connors Water Bottles at the beginning of the School Year to all students. Please bring a water bottle and snack to school daily. If you are unable to provide your child with snack daily, please reach out to me as well, so we can provide your child with snack.
What should my child wear to school?
Students should dress appropriately for a school setting. Sneakers must always be worn for physical education classes.
Please label everything that comes to school as many items end up in the lost and found - especially water bottles, sweatshirts, hats, winter gear, jackets, lunch boxes.
You can even order labels from MabelsLabels.com and 20% of all orders will go back to the PTO -- plus you get free shipping on all orders.
Visit www.MabelsLabels.com
Click Support a Fundraiser
Enter Connors + select our school
Click “Get Shopping”
Attendance Procedures….What should I do if my child is going to be absent?
If your child will be absent from school, please email connorsattendance@hoboken.k12.nj.us along w/ your child’s homeroom teacher with the following information:
Child’s Name
Reason for absence
Date of expected return
Any documentation for your child’s absence (i.e. doctor’s note, court note, etc.)
If your child is well enough to complete their assignments at home, please share that information with your child’s teacher so they can send you assignments that your child can complete while they are absent.
Early Pick-Up From School
Please Email connorsattendance@hoboken.k12.nj.us along w/ your child’s homeroom teacher with the following information by 8:45 am.
Time that you will be picking up your child
NAME of the person picking up your child. If this person is not the parent or guardian, please ensure that this individual is listed on your child’s approved pick-up list shared at the beginning of the school year on the Connors Parent/Student Information Form 2024-2025. This is extremely important as per our safety protocols.
When you pick up your child, please ring the front doorbell. Please share with the security guard your name, your child’s name, and that you are here to pick up your child early. All parents must wait outside and your child will be brought out to you by our security guard or main office clerk. You will also need to sign-out your child in our early dismissal sign-out book. We request that you refrain from signing children out of school before the end of the instructional day unless there is an emergency need to do so. Parents will not be able to sign children out between 2:30 and 3:00 PM. After 2:30 PM, you must wait until regular dismissal time. On 1:00 pm dismissal days, parents will not be allowed to sign out their child after 12:30 pm and must wait until the 1:00 pm dismissal time.
HEALTHY Snack Time
A snack time is scheduled into ALL homeroom classes in grades K-5. Depending on the class schedule and lunch period, homeroom classes may have a snack in the morning or afternoon. Your child’s homeroom teacher will share your child’s snack time slot with you at the beginning of the school year. Please send in 1 small snack to school with your child daily. An appropriate serving size is 1 cup.
Suggested snacks:
Fruits: grapes, apple, pear, dried fruit (raisins)
Vegetables: baby carrots, celery sticks, cucumbers sices, bell pepper strips
Granola Bar
Sandwich: half sandwich, small bagel, tortilla wrap
Cheese: string cheese, cheese slices
Other snacks: popcorn, pretzels, goldfish, beef jerky
Do not send:
sticky or messy foods
candy or fruit snacks
Snacks that may spill or require a spoon such as yogurt cups
If a snack is too messy, students will be asked to eat it during lunch. Children may not share or trade snacks. Depending on the grade level of the child, children may have a working snack. If you are unable to supply your child with a daily snack, please reach out to Principal Addi so we can supply your child with a healthy daily snack.
Send your child to school every day with a full refillable water bottle labeled with their name. Your child may keep their water bottle in their backpack or at the side of their desk. They will have the opportunity to refill the bottle throughout the day at designated times. Please only send water to school.
A Connors water bottle is provided to every student on the first day of school, though you are welcome to send a preferred water bottle for daily use. Please be sure all water bottles are labeled with the child’s name and are an appropriate size for school use. Glass bottles should not be brought to school. Please do not send extra large water bottles such as “Stanleys” as they fall and spill.
NUT Sensitive School
What is a Nut Sensitive School?
We are a Nut Sensitive School, meaning we are sensitive to students who have nut allergies. We put an emphasis on preventing cross contamination through proper handling of food and proper hygiene, i.e. washing hands two times a day and not sharing food. We also provide a Nut-Free table in the cafeteria. Only nut-free prepackaged items can be brought to all class celebrations. Children may bring their own personal snack/lunch that may contain nuts. However, in a case where there is a student with a severe nut allergy, we will make that specific homeroom a nut-free homeroom. All homeroom parents will be notified in this specific case. If your child has a nut allergy, it is imperative that you reach out to our school nurse, kmarotta@hoboken.k12.nj.us and your child's homeroom teacher.
Class Food Allergies
There are some children with severe nut and dairy allergies at Connors. Families will be notified if there is a student that has a severe food allergy in their child’s homeroom class. In order to be inclusive of all students in the class, we kindly ask that you choose from the School Safe Snack list below for any class birthday parties in those specifically identified homerooms so all students can join in on the fun:
School Safe Cupcakes
Abe’s muffins
Abe's brownie bites
Made Good granola bars
Made good rice crispy squares
Made good granola bites
Made good cookies
Enjoy life cookies
Annie's fruit snacks
Nature's Bakery Fig Bars
Oreos (original and double stuffed only)
Barnum animal crackers
Skinny Pop Original popcorn
Lesser Evil popcorn - Himalayan pink salt
Partake foods cookies
Trader Joe’s sun butter cups (they are labeled allergen free)
Birthday Celebrations
We LOVE Birthdays! Here are the parameters for celebrating your child’s birthday at school.
Schedule your class celebration with your child’s teacher in advance. All small treats must be pre-approved by your child’s homeroom teacher. Due to allergies, the homeroom teacher will also check with our school nurse.
You may send in a small dessert treat such as cupcakes, individually wrapped cookies, fruit roll-ups or a healthy treat for the class birthday celebration. Do not send in drinks, pizza pies, cakes that need to be cut, ice cream, ices or candy. Please do not bring in any balloons.
All small desserts must be store bought, come to school in its original packaging, be sensitive to all class allergies and be nut free. Desserts made at home cannot be brought to school.
For each birthday, the class will sing happy birthday to your child and have a small birthday dessert treat. We will also announce the birthday over the morning announcements.
Parents may not attend the class birthday party, but there are many other events that parents can attend and participate in.
All treats must be sensitive to all of the allergies in the class so all children in the homeroom class can enjoy the birthday party treat. You will be notified by your child’s homeroom teacher regarding class allergies.
We are excited to share our summer assignments in order to continue to grow the learning from this past academic year! This summer we will have students focusing on ELA, Mathematics, and Social-Emotional Learning. We believe in the importance of a comprehensive and holistic approach to teaching and learning and we know you do as well.
In ELA, the focus of the Hoboken Public School District is not just summer reading, but rather summer projects that are thoughtful and relevant while highlighting the need for rigor. We have developed challenging and engaging tasks for learners rising to grades 1-12 which are tied to a novel/book. The theme of the summer work, which is Relationships with Self and Others: A Focus on Equity & Excellence, lends itself to this purpose. Please click here to read the ELA Task for your child's grade in September. Through Tic-Tac-Toe, Choice Boards, and Totally Ten students are provided interesting approaches to summer tasks that are developed in response to students’ needs, interests and learning preferences; allowing students the opportunity to be stakeholders in their work. The core assignment (⭐), will be the springboard for opening work in the classroom and will be due on Monday, September 9th. These assignments will be showcased during the Back to School Nights and this work will account for the first grade of the academic year.
In Mathematics: Rising Grade 1-11, students will reinforce both their mathematical skills and practices to begin the year ready for the challenges of new and rigorous math content via IXL’s 20 Day Summer Boost Skills Plans. Click here for the Math skills plans/access directions per grade level.
In Social-Emotional Learning: All K-12 families are welcome to engage in powerful Social-Emotional Learning content via the Move this World platform used in our schools. This is a 5-week series to support your child’s social-emotional development throughout the summer months. Families go to Move this World Summer Series and use the below login to access the content.
Username: mtwfamily
Password: summer24
Additional Questions/Answers:
What if my child wants to continue to read and grow literacy over the summer? All K-5 students will continue to have access to Learning A to Z over the summer. We sent home login access cards with your child.
What if my child has already completed one of the skills shared in the Math Summer Boost IXL course? You are encouraged to simply choose another skill from your recommendations wall;
What if my child is enrolled in a specialized Math course for next academic year? If your student is enrolled in a specialized Math course, the HHS admin team will provide copies of assignments prior to the end of year;
What if I want to limit screen-time for my child? If you would prefer to have your child engage in these tasks via pencil/paper model, simply request a hard copy from your school ‘s leadership team or email maritza.ramos@hoboken.k12.nj.us or aishah.tapia@hoboken.k12.nj.us
What if my child will be attending ESY/Has an IEP and needs modifications? If your student is attending ESY or has an IEP, modifications and support in both ELA and Math will be available during the program or via an email communication to Supervisor Hernandez from the Office of Special Services at specialservicessummer2024@hoboken.k12.nj.us.
The summer assignments will also be accessible via our website www.hoboken.k12.nj.us. Should you have any questions, or need additional information don’t hesitate to email us at summer2024@hoboken.k12.nj.us. Also, please feel free to reach out to me directly and email me, juliana.addi@hoboken.k12.nj.us.
Thomas G. Connors Elementary School
Email: juliana.addi@hoboken.k12.nj.us
Website: http://www.hoboken.k12.nj.us
Location: 201 Monroe Street, Hoboken, NJ, USA
Phone: 201-356-3684