Everitt Family Newsletter
~ For Everitt Families: October 13, 2023 ~
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Dear Everitt Families:
Happy Friday, Everitt families!
What a week! Our music department presented an amazing concert on Tuesday night. Our students are so talented and hard working. On Wednesday, our superintendent and cabinet visited our school along with all of the Wheat Ridge area principals. It was so fun to see our students catching up with their principals. The group was so impressed with our students -- how collaboratively they work together and how kind they were to each other. On Wednesday evening, we had our first information night of the year. Families spent the evening getting to know our teachers and doing activities in classrooms. Thank you to our parent panel, our amazing student council students, and our staff for a wonderful night. Our next information night will be on November 29th. Speaking of student council, they ran a wonderful and energetic spirit week all week and spirit assembly today. Our Penny Competition yielded more than $1000! While 7th grade won the spirit competition this week, 6th and 8th grade definitely gave them a run for their money. Below you can find some photos of our assembly. Special thanks to Wheat Ridge High School's student council, football, softball, and volleyball teams, band, cheers, and pom-poms for coming to lead our assembly. Tonight the Farmers have their homecoming game. I hope some of you can make it to cheer them on. Our band students will be playing with their marching band, too.
Next week, we will have family/teacher conferences. On Tuesday night, we would like to welcome all students (and their families) whose last names begin with A-L and on Wednesday night students whose last names begin with M-Z. If that schedule does not work for your family, it is fine to come on the opposite night. We just try to keep the lines a little shorter by splitting it by alpha. When you arrive on Tuesday or Wednesday evening, you will find your child's teachers in various places throughout the building. English Language Arts will be in the cafeteria. Math will be in the library. Science, Social Studies, and Electives will be in the gym. Diverse Learners will be in the lobby. Our counselors can be found in the main hallway and will have your child's MAP data from the fall and their CMAS scores from the Spring to share with you. We look forward to meeting with you. Attending conferences sends a strong message to students about how much you value their education so thank you in advance for coming! Please bring your Everitt student with you so they can be part of the conversations.
Thank you for supporting and believing in your neighborhood school. It is our privilege to partner with you!
Amanda Pouliot, Principal
Everitt Middle School
Assembly Fun With Wheat Ridge High
Props Needed for Zombie Musical
Our Musical Theatre class is looking for a few donated items for the upcoming show:
- Backpacks (backpacks that one is willing to part with, they can be old and damaged)
- Horror posters ("Army of Darkness" and "Night of the Living Dead" or any other zombie-like movie posters
- Old skateboard
- Lava lamp
- Lunch trays (Seems silly to ask as a school but maybe?!)
- Laundry basket
- Dolls (willing to part with, they can be old and damaged)
- Silver platters (4 total)
- Small CRT TV (A la '90s!)
- Twin-size air mattress
- Fairy lights
Thank you for any donations!
What's Happening Next?
10/17 ~ Family Conferences 4:15-6:30 pm
10/18 ~ Family Conferences 4:15-6:30 pm
10/18 ~ Qdoba Sea Camp Fundraiser 4:00-8:00 pm
10/19 ~ NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS - Staff Development
10/19 ~ Music Sky Zone Fundraiser 12:00-8:00 pm
10/20 ~ NO SCHOOL
10/27 ~ Hat Day $1 Sea Camp Fundraiser
10/27 ~ Family Fall Festival 5:00-7:00 pm
10/27 ~ Zombies Musical performances at 5:00 & 6:00 pm
11/1 ~ PTA/SAC Meeting in library 6:30/7:30 pm
11/7-11/10 ~ 6th Grade Outdoor Lab Week
11/20-11/24 ~ No School Thanksgiving Break
11/27 ~ Student Hearing & Vision Testing
11/29 ~ Everitt Information Night 5:30-6:45 pm
12/1 ~ $1 Hat Day Sea Camp Fundraiser
2023 Spring Assessments
Dear Families,
Spring 2023 student state assessment reports are available to families now. Counselors will have paper copies of your student’s assessment reports available for pick up at conferences on October 18 and 19th.
Please note that families can also access the 2023 CMAS and ACCESS for ELLs student assessment reports within Student Insights (https://jedi.jeffco.k12.co.us/). Student Insights can be accessed via the Parent Portal or via your Infinite Campus parent portal as well. Your username and password are the same as your Infinite Campus credentials. If you need support logging into this portal, please contact let us know.
Thank you and please contact us with any questions you may have.
Katie Piane and Elizabeth Burg
Everitt Information Night
Sea Camp Dine to Donate
Everitt Sea Camp is hosting a fundraiser at Qdoba (5095 Kipling Street) on Wednesday, October 18, 2023, from 4:00-8:00 pm. Just say you are supporting Everitt Middle School when you check out and Everitt will receive 25% of the sales from this evening!
Lost and Found
Please have your student check the table in the cafeteria for any lost items. Coats are really stacking up and the weather will be changing soon. Items are donated to Serving Kids when not claimed. Thank you!
Spirit Week at Everitt
Everitt Bell Schedule 2023-2024
Fall Music Concert
Student and Family Handbook
Conduct Code Slides
Student Math Support
How to support your students in math at home...
The following links contain information about what we are working on in math classes right now.
STEM Projects!
Our focus is on building lasting connections between families, getting to know our student’s teachers, and creating opportunities to come together as a community, valuing our diversity and celebrating our differences.
Everitt Info Night:
Kudos to the Everitt staff on a fantastic Info Night for prospective students this week! A special thanks to Roy Sakker and Emily Ceccanti who participated on the parent panel at the info night. Please let us know if you would like to be on the parent panel for the next Everitt Info Night on 11/29.
Help Needed - Teacher Conference Lunch:
There are still a few slots left on the signup genius for our Teacher Conference Lunch on Tuesday, October 17. To sign up and bring something please click here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050449AAAA22A75-44968414-october#/ Thank you in advance for your generosity! If you would prefer to make a monetary donation, Venmo @everitt-middle and label it "October Conference Lunch."
Elementary School Outreach:
Can you attend an elementary school PTA meeting on behalf of Everitt? We are trying to collaborate with our elementary feeder schools as much as possible. Please send us an email at everittPTA@gmail.com. We’d love to have you assist with these important connection points! Thank you to those of you who have already been doing this.
Join (or renew) Your PTA Membership TODAY!
Be a part of PTA! Even if you can't make it to the meetings, becoming a PTA member is a great way to show your support! Fill out the form HERE , and payment instructions are provided once the form is submitted. If you need assistance with dues, please email us at EverittPTA@gmail.com. Dues should never be a barrier to membership in the Everitt PTA Community.
Find us online:
Check out our PTA page for reminders, important dates and meeting minutes: https://everitt.jeffcopublicschools.org/family_resources/p_t_a , and join our FaceBook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/everittpta
Keep sending us your ideas on more ways to bring the Everitt community together and look forward to learning from each other. Please feel free to send any questions or suggestions to the PTA at EverittPTA@gmail.com or to me directly at dan.b.weinstein@gmail.com or 720-291-1435.
Thank you,
Dan Weinstein (PTA President)
Everitt Middle School Sports
Jeffco Middle Schools Cross Country
Congratulations to Taylor Greager for getting in the top 15 for girls for the final meet for Jeffco Middle Schools. We are so proud of her and this is a HUGE cross country accomplishment. She was the 13th fastest girl at the final meet which includes all the middle schools in Jeffco. Way to go Taylor!
Some of these clubs may change due to student interest and students are always welcome to start a club by asking a staff member to be their sponsor. We are always also looking for parents/guardians who are willing to support a club. Please reach out to Amanda Pouliot if you're interested in leading the following clubs.
Clubs looking for sponsors:
Spanish Club
French Club (Pouliot - Conference Room)
Tri-M (Music Honor Society - Letendre - Orchestra Room)
Jazz Band (Reardon - Band Room)
Cross Country Team (7:40-8:40 am - Meet at the flag pole)
Strength and Conditioning (Bauer/Scales - Small Gym)
Girls on the Run (Niemeyer/Burg/Mitchell/Ritchie - Niemeyer's Room)
GSA (Burt - Burt's Room)
Floor Hockey (O'Connor - Large Gym)
Theatre Guild - Actors (Pouliot/Adducci/Powers - Powers' Room)
Fiber Arts (Knitting, Crocheting, etc. - Gallagher - Gallagher's Room)
Book Club (Widtfeldt/Gordon - Widtfeldt's Room)
Upcycling Fashion Club (Allen & Cannon - Cannon's Room) ***NEW CLUB***
Mixed Martial Arts/Taekwondo
Junior Optimists Club
Sammy's Buddy Program - (Choi/SBP - Choi's Room)
Builder's Club (Maikranz/Kiwanis - Meet in the lobby)
Cross Country Team (7:40-8:40 am - Meet at the flag pole)
Cheerleading (Pineda - Meet in the Choir Room)
Dungeons and Dragons (Decker/Newell - Newell's Room)
Fiber Arts (Gallagher - Gallagher's Room)
Floor Hockey (O'Connor - Large gym)
Chess Club (Yankoviak - Yankoviak's Room)
Theatre Guild - Crew (Pouliot/Powers/Adducci - Powers' Room)
Book Club (Herr - Conference Room)
Mountain Biking Club (Miller/Mallory/Braun - Meet at the flag pole)
Girls on the Run (Niemeyer/Burg/Mitchell/Ritchie - Niemeyer's Room)
Strength and Conditioning (Bauer/Scales - Small Gym)
Yoga (Piane - Meet in the lobby)
Cosmetology Club (Martin - Meet in the lobby)
Students are welcome to join clubs that are already in session.
Teagan P. - Teagan never lets distractions get in the way of her success. She is able to focus on any given task and complete it to the best of her ability.
Wyatt A. - Wyatt, I really appreciate how hard you and your partner worked on your STEM project, even when you were not very interested and it was not the most exciting project! You both gave it 100% and did a great job! I really appreciated the constructive feedback you gave on the program, and it influenced the future projects I will assign. Thank you for being such a great leader!
Anakin S. - Anakin has been striving to succeed in my class, their work ethic has changed since the beginning of this school year considerably and even if he is boisterous he still continues to give each lesson ample effort. I hope to see this kiddo continue to grow.
Isla B. - Isla continues to be a beacon of knowledge for ample class discussion. They share this with the entire class to bolster learning for all. This kiddo has a wonderful mind and is not afraid to speak it.
Kateley M. - Kateley has been a wonderful presence in 4th period by being curious and having a growth mindset when completing activities. They're consistent, kind, and willing to ask questions that need to be asked. I continue to appreciate their presence.
Jameson K. - Finn has displayed a great amount of grit and resilience by continuing to work and collaborate with his group even when the class can be very disruptive or loud. He continues to champion a high grade and I am excited to see how he grows.
Jose H. - Jose has been a staple of the classroom both by asking thoughtful questions and acting as a guide for his fellow classmates. He is always on task, on time, and continues to work with a growth mindset.
Evan D. - Evan has been a great inclusion in the classroom especially being at the front both helping myself and working closely with his group mates. I continue to enjoy his presence and am excited to continue working with him.
Kolton B. - Kolton, I really appreciate your constant positivity in STEM! You always come in with a positive attitude and ready to learn! A perfect example is how you gave Stellarium a chance and did your best on the project, giving it 100%, even though you were disinterested! I didn't even know until the end! You gave constructive feedback and helped guide my teaching for the next cycle of projects! Thanks so much!
Zyon W. - Zyon, you try your hardest everyday and are a great role model! You are the calmest student in our class and it is such a relief to have you in here! Thank you for always doing your best and not being influenced by others!
Elisabeth M. - Thank you Lisa, for looking out for your fellow classmates. We appreciate you quick thinking!
Ryker U. - Ryker, your curiosity about most things is very infectious, almost too much so at times! ;) I love the things you are creating in Tinkercad, you are so creative and talented! Thanks for sharing your interests with me!
Robert P. - Robert, you joined our STEM class and it was like you had been there all along! You jumped right in and participated, engaged with your peers, and have worked hard from day 1! I really appreciate your positive attitude and hard work!
Charlie M. - Charlie, thank you for working hard in STEM and doing your best to stay focused! You are a hard working and intelligent young man and when you share your thinking it really helps push the others to dig deeper. I cannot wait to see how the bridge turns out! EMAW!!
Lincoln T. - Lincoln, I really appreciate the leadership you demonstrate in STEM on a daily basis! You do a wonderful job of staying focused and demonstrating grit and focus! You are such a deep thinker, I love how you share your thinking and challenge the class to think in a new way! I cannot wait to see how your bridge turns out!
Lily R. - Lily, you are an outstanding leader in STEM and it is a pleasure to have you in class! You are always willing to participate, ask questions, and work hard! I can't wait to see how your 3D creation turns out! Thank you for being a positive student!
Adam M. - Adam, you always put 100% effort into your work in STEM and it shows! I really appreciate the role model you are for our class! You guys have done a great job of taking initiative with your Vex IQ project and I cannot wait to see how it turns out! Thank you for always being such a great leader!
Henry P. - Henry, you always do a wonderful job of putting 100% effort into every project we have in STEM, and seeing you guys attack this Vex IQ project has been no different! I love seeing the initiative you both have put in and seeing how well it is turning out! Thank you for all your hard work and effort!
Amber K. - Amber, you are such a positive person to have in class and I have really enjoyed getting to know you! Thank you for always being such a good role model and being willing to give every project 100% effort! I can't wait to see how your 3D creation turns out!
Erin H. - Erin, I have really enjoyed having you in class and watching you all thrive as a group! You have excelled with your 3D creations, and it has been so fun to watch! Thank you for always coming to class with a positive attitude, engaging in our conversations, and being willing to try new things!
Lucia R. - Lucia, you are a joy to have in class, you are always smiling and engaged, and you and your team have really embraced the challenge with Tinkercad and are making fun creations! Thank you for your open-mindedness and being willing to come in and do your best everyday!
Han B. - Han, you are a dream to have in class! You are always willing to help anyone who needs it, even me! You are so kind to everyone, and you are so excited to challenge yourself and learn new things, it is infectious! Thank you for being a bright spot in my morning! Also, I love how much you enjoy my lame dad jokes!
Talon V. - Talon, you did a fabulous job of working through the challenges on your project and making it a success! You have shown great growth in STEM and I really enjoy interacting with you!
Viridiana S. - Viri has been a leader in class when it comes to finding answers in a text. She's always the first to engage and she helps her peers.
Austin G. - Austin has been amazing at helping everyone in class (including me) troubleshoot and solve technical issues.
Kamron K. - Kamron has continued to improve in his classroom behaviors, so much so he is now a class role model!
Everitt Middle School
With foundations of equity and excellence, Everitt empowers and inspires our students as individuals, lifelong learners, and creative critical thinkers to engage in authentic learning and contribute meaningfully to their communities and their world.
Email: amanda.pouliot@jeffco.k12.co.us
Website: https://everitt.jeffcopublicschools.org/
Location: 3900 Kipling St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033, USA
Phone: 303-982-1580