Carlson Courier
Home of the Champions
Use this link to report your child's absence or tardy. You can also use it to let us know if you are picking up your child early from school. Bookmark this link on your phone for convenience.
Carlson Families,
This week our hallways started to fill back up with lots of chatter and laughter as our teachers returned to prepare the the 2024-2025 school year. Please take some time to read the newsletter and review the important information for a successful start to the school year.
Academically yours,
Sarah Elliott
Important Dates
Teacher Assignments
Class lists have been finalized and no movements are taking place.
Meet the Teacher
Meet the Teacher
Monday, Jul 15, 2024, 04:00 PM
5400 South White Drive, Chandler, AZ, USA
Back to School To-Do List
Emergency Card
Be sure to log into your parent portal account and update your emergency contact information and or address if you recently moved. If you need to add anyone to your non household list for pick up purposes please do so when we check ID's they are up to date.
Student Handbook
Parents be sure to review the handbook with your student(s) in the coming days/week. We will be highlighting some of the key components here at school as well to ensure a successful year. There is a page that needs to be signed and returned to your homeroom teacher indicating you and your student(s) have read it. I have attached both a pdf of the handbook and the signature page here for your convenience. This year the handbook will be online only.
Dismissal Form
While at Meet the Teacher, please complete our new dismissal form and leave it with your child's teacher that night. All students must have this form completed before the 1st day of school.
Annual Update in Infinite Campus
Please login to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal and complete your annual update.
Step 1: Login Campus Portal Login (infinitecampus.org)
Step 2: Click the "MORE"
Step 3: Complete Annual Update
Parent Drop-off and Pick-up
Parent Drop Off / Pick Up Route
Just a reminder during the first couple weeks as we get in routine both drop off and pick up will be slower than usual. If the weather permits all students will be outside together under the shade structure near the double gates for pick up. However, on high heat days students will be dismissed from their classrooms. Most important is safety so please be alert and follow the traffic patterns and the following pick up procedures: Pull all the way up at all times, have your students' placards displayed in your window, students enter the car from the curbside only, do not get out of your car to help your child unless directed to do so by staff, once your child is secure you can use the inside lane to pull out and around the line to exit. Please be cautious and courteous to both staff and other drivers.
Due to the heat index, we will be doing indoor dismissal the first week.
First Day of School Drop Off
Kindergarten Parents Only
On the first day of school, kindergarten parents are welcome to walk their students on campus to the playground. When the bell rings, your child will line up at their teacher's cone. When students enter the building you may walk with your child and head into our Media Center to meet with our PTO for Tears and Cheers.
Campus Opens at 8:05 a.m. for Student Arrival
Morning Recess
Students can report o the playground starting at 8:05am. The main field is divided so that only age appropriate students play together. Review the map with your student(s) and let them know that the West half is for 4th - 6th while the East half is for 1st - 3rd grades. The basketball courts and playmaker are open to all students except Kinders. They have their own designated Kindergarten playground and small grass area reserved for them.
8:25 AM - First Bell Line Up
There are room numbers painted on the edge of the basketball court indicating where to line up. Students should put their backpacks down near their line and enjoy some time to play with friends before heading in to learn. Teachers will meet their students at the first bell to walk them in. They will be out early on the 1st day to help welcome all of our new students and help our returning Champions find their new grade's line as well.
Lunch Schedule
ParentSquare Communication
We are excited to announce that Chandler Unified has officially adopted a new form of school-to-home communication called ParentSquare. CUSD piloted Parent Square most of last school year so many families may already be familiar with the product.
However, beginning July 1 the platform will be used districtwide. This unified communications tool is designed to keep families informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with our schools and district. ParentSquare provides a safe way for district administrators, school principals, teachers, staff, and parents to:
- Send and receive school and class information
- Share pictures and files
- See calendar items
- Sign up to volunteer
- Schedule parent-teacher conferences
- and much more . . . all in one centralized place!
Parents—Getting Started Video
ParentSquare puts school and district communication in one place. If you have students at multiple schools, you can easily toggle between schools and classes. ParentSquare sends information to your computer or phone via email and/or text. Additionally, you as the user can set how you want to receive messages and when you want to receive them. ParentSquare also automatically translates into more than 100 languages.
For even more convenience, download the ParentSquare app (available for free for iOS and Android devices).
Health Services
If medications MUST be administered during school hours, they will ONLY be given in the school health office. Medications should be delivered to the school health office by the parent. The medication must be in the original container from the pharmacy. Pharmacies will provide a duplicate container for school use upon request. The appropriate consent for giving medication at school must be completed and signed by the parent and the physician. Limited over the counter medications are available as needed in the health office for treating minor conditions. The appropriate consent for giving acetaminophen must be completed and signed by the parent. Parents can drop off medication with our health assistant in the front office or at Meet the Teacher in the MPR.
Student Password Reset
Parent Portal Account
For anyone that is new this year or needs to set up their parent portal just click on the picture below and you will be taken to the home page to setup your account. The portal is where you can check your students grades, see messages from both the school and district and pay any fees that may arise throughout the year.
For Student Accounts
Click on the following link Student Access to log in as a CUSD student. For upper grade students its highly beneficial to make checking their grades a weekly habit.
All Student Passwords from last year have been reset, including Infinite Campus passwords. So, when getting started all students will use the following log in and password.
Student passwords (both Microsoft and Google) will be reset as follows and once you reset them they will work to access both platforms. No more two passwords!
Pattern: first initial 3x
Example: first grade student Cole Hernandez will have their password reset to ccc
K-1 students will not be forced to change their password after it is reset
Pattern: s + ID# + !
Example: a fourth grade student whose ID is 123456 will have their password reset to s123456!
2-6 students will be forced to change their password after it is reset
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
The following are your 2024-2025 PTO board members:
Nikki Macias, Carlson PTO President
Monica Jones - Treasurer
Elisa Gross, Director of Technology & Communications
Justine Krolikowski - Secretary
Andrea Klein- General Board Member
Natalie Cordova- General Board Member
Upcoming PTO Events
CUSD Nutrition
CUSD Nutrition is excited to kick off another great school year! Please use this link for any questions regarding food services Food & Nutrition / Nutrition Home (cusd80.com).
To find current meal prices, visit their website. On their website you will also find information on Free & Reduced Meals. Click here for a Free & Reduced Meal application. If you have additional questions on these updates, feel free to email them at nutrition@cusd80.com.
Name: John and Carol Carlson Elementary School
Mascot: Champions; ChampAddress: 5400 S. White Drive, Chandler, AZ 85249
School Hours: 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Office Hours: 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Principal: Sarah Elliott
Dean of Students: Bridgett Matson
Office Manager: (480) 224-3807 (Mrs. Kim Kleinholz, Office Manager)
Front Office: (480) 224-3800 (Mrs. Cindy Dasso and Mrs. Kathy Quillen-Robers)
Attendance: (480) 224-3803 (Mrs. Claudia Lang Attendance Tech/Registrar)Health Office: (480) 224-3802 (Mrs. Nohemi Franco, Health Assistant)
Fax: (480) 224-9443
Website: https://www.cusd80.com/Domain/4422
Location: 5400 South White Drive, Chandler, AZ, USA
Phone: 480-224-3800
Facebook: facebook.com/CarlsonChamps
Twitter: @CarlsonChamps