Words from West
February, 2025 - Newsletter
A Note From the Principal
As the days grow longer and the sunshine lasts a little bit longer each evening, we are excited about all the opportunities for students to get involved this season! From clubs and sports to special events, there’s something for everyone.
We encourage you to stay engaged in your child’s education by checking in on their progress, celebrating their successes, and partnering with us to support their growth. Your involvement makes a difference, and we value the strong school-home connection that helps our students thrive.
Thank you for being part of our school community,
Ms. Balbaugh, Principal
A Look Ahead
February 3-7
- BHM Spirit week - see dress up days below
- School Counselor's week
February 6 - School Assembly (morning)
February 6 - 100th Day of School
February 10 - 6:30p - Board of Education - Workshop
February 11 - 5:30p - PTO Meeting in Library
February 11 - GBHS Curriculum Night (see flier below)
- 6-8p - 9th grade parents and students
February 11 - Early Childhood Expo - GBCS - details below
February 12 - Winter Count Day
February 12 - *8th grade course request sheets due
- (scheduling for 2025-2026 has begun)
February 13 - *6th and 7th grade course request sheets due
- (scheduling for 2025-2026 has begun)
- Teacher/Team requests are due by April 1st
February 13 - No Absences/No Tardy Competition ENDS (January 13 - February 13)
February 13 - 11:29a - Dismissal for students (Teacher PD in afternoon)
February 13 - School Resource Officer Appreciation Day (observed)
February 14 - February 17 - No School (Mid-Winter Break)
February 18 - 7p - Pre-Festival Band Concert
February 21 - PTO POPCORN sales at lunch $1
February 24 - 6:30p - Board of Education Meeting - (WMS Student Showcase)
February 26 - 1:30-3p - Spelling Bee (permission slips needed - see details below)
February 26 - BHM Matinee Movie at WMS
- 3:10p - 5:30p - The Six Triple Eight (see details below)
February 27 - 3:15p - Staff vs. Student basketball game (Counseling Dept. Fundraiser)
February 28 - March 1 - Band and Orchestra Festival
A Look into March:
March 7 - 5am - 8th grade Washington DC Departure
March 7 - 11:29a - Dismissal for students (Teacher PD in afternoon)
March 11 - 4p -7p Parent/Teacher Conferences In-Person
- 4p - 7p - Mexi Food Truck at WMS, plan to purchase dinner with us
March 12 - 11:29a - Dismissal for Students
- 12:30p - 3:30p - Parent/Teacher Conferences - Virtual
March 13 - 11:29a - Dismissal for Students
- 4p -7p Parent/Teacher Conferences - Virtual
March 14 - 11:29a - Dismissal for Students
WMS BHM Matinee Movie - The Six Triple Eight
In honor of our shared American history, we are inviting students to watch the movie The Six Triple Eight. The film is based on events during World War II, when the only US Women's Army Corps unit of color stationed overseas took on an impossible mission. The movie is PG 13. Please watch the trailer & look at the movie review based on the rating. Transportation should be arranged for student pick-up at 5:30p on Wednesday, February 26th.
The Six Triple Eight (2024) - IMDb
The Six Triple Eight: Directed by Tyler Perry. With Kerry Washington, Ebony Obsidian, Milauna Jackson, Kylie Jefferson. During World War II, 855 women joined the fight to fix the three-year backlog of undelivered mail. Faced with discrimination and a country devastated by war, they managed to sort more than 17 million pieces of mail ahead of time.
2 Hour Delay Information
2-Hour Delay Possible Implementation:
We want to notify families well in advance that Grand Blanc Community Schools may elect to reinstate the “2-Hour Delay” in the future. This delay could be used to provide ample opportunity for road crews to clear streets or road conditions to improve in inclement weather. We have not gone this route as a district for quite some time. In that instance, buses and building schedules would be pushed back exactly 2 hours.
This practice would only be used under specific circumstances to prevent the addition of make-up days at the end of the year if we reach a point where we are at, or close to, our allotted 6-snow-day limit. There are numerous factors to consider when making these decisions, and we will continue to communicate as winter progresses. We appreciate your support as we maneuver safe practices in Michigan’s winter weather.
2 Hour Delay Start Times:
Elementary - 10:40 a.m.
Middle School - 10:05 a.m.
High School - 9:20 a.m.
Bobcat Innovation STEAM at Perry - 9:35 a.m.
Trevor Alward, Ed.D.
Superintendent, GBCS
Spelling Bee Information
Parent-Teacher Conference Details
Save The Date:
- Tuesday, March 11th from 4:00 pm-7:00 pm, In-Person
- Wednesday, March 12th from 12:30 pm-3:30 pm, Remote
- Thursday, March 13th from 4:00 pm-7:00 pm, Remote
Teachers will initially send parent-teacher conference links to families of students most at risk of failing. Spring conferences will focus on those who need the most time to discuss academics and behavior. However, if you do not receive a link and would like to meet with a teacher, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
When Scheduling a Conference (If You Receive a Sign-Up Link):
- Please reserve a time slot with each of your student's teachers, including Electives, ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, Intervention, and Special Education.
- Intervention, Electives, and Special Education teachers have separate sign-up links.
- You will receive an email confirmation with Meet links for remote conferences, along with a reminder two days before your scheduled meetings.
- Allow at least 10 minutes between conferences to ensure you can join your next meeting on time.
- For virtual conferences, parents will remain in the waiting room until their scheduled time begins.
- Conferences must start and end on time so teachers can meet with all scheduled families.
High School Curriculum Night Details
May 6 - NO INCREASE BOND - VOTE to keep our kids WARM, SAFE, & DRY!
Behavior Coach Updates
Tips from our Behavior Coach - Understanding Winter Behaviors in Our Students
Thank you for your continued support and engagement in your student’s education. I wanted to share some insights regarding the changes we often observe in student behavior during the winter months.
Research shows a clear correlation between weather and behavior. Starting back in 1898, Edwin G. Dexter studied children in several US schools and found that weather, particularly barometric pressure, significantly influenced behavior. The power of a full moon is real!! More recent studies, including those by Dr. Maria Simonson of Johns Hopkins, suggests that falling barometric pressure can impact oxygen flow to the brain, potentially leading to changes in how children feel and act. Ask any teacher, ER nurse, or police officer, there is a noticeable uptick in crazy choices when it comes to changing weather patterns.
During winter, we notice key behavior issues among middle school students, often due to factors such as, physical discomfort from the cold, changes in routine from holidays, limited outdoor activities and in extreme cases- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Common signs in students include increased talking, difficulty focusing, daydreaming, and irritability.
To help manage these challenges, the following are strategies that can be beneficial both in the classroom and at home:
Increase indoor physical activity: Incorporating movement breaks both at home and in the classroom to help students release excess energy.
Adjust lighting: Maximizing natural light and utilizing brighter artificial lighting to combat reduced daylight effects.
Promote healthy habits: Encouraging good sleep, nutrition, and hydration.
Open communication: Discuss winter challenges and expectations with students and providing them opportunities to express their feelings.
Positive reinforcement: Acknowledging and rewarding positive behaviors will help encourage engagement.
Your partnership is vital in helping our students navigate these winter months. Thank you for all you do to help our students succeed in the classroom.
Warm regards,
Pamela Canada
Academic Coach Updates
BAND Newsletter and Updates
Mexi Crunch Food Truck will be at WMS on March 11th from 3-7p! Come Eat!
Early Childhood Expo
Happy New Year!
We are excited to announce our 4th annual Early Childhood Expo on Tuesday, February 11th at the Perry Center from 6-7:30pm.
The purpose of this event is to educate our community on Early Childhood resources and programs offered in the area. In addition to the exceptional Early Childhood programs housed at Perry (Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP), Parents as Teachers (PAT) and Children’s Garden), we will also have representatives from many local organizations including Genesee District Library, PBS Kids, Flint Institute of Arts, Sloan Museum and many more!
All families with children aged Birth-5 are welcome at this free event where they can explore our facility, visit the classrooms, meet our staff, get program details from community partners, and much more!
NWEA Testing
Below you will find some details regard NWEA Testing
- 2 min Parent Video: https://www.nwea.org/resource-center/resource/what-is-map-growth/
- Students will be taking their SPRING NWEA test:
- May 21 - ELA
- May 22 - Math
- Monitor yearly growth
- Advise academic interventions for your child
- 1:30-3p - NWEA Growth Party Celebration IN SCHOOL - INVITATION ONLY
- **Students will be invited based on their scores/growth demonstrated on the NWEA
- Growth will be determined by NWEA's prediction of your student's expected growth from Winter to Spring scores!
This year at both middle schools our students will be analyzing their NWEA Math and ELA scores, creating goals to improve on them, and creating action plans to do so. Students will be doing this in conjunction with their ELA and Math teachers, along with their WIN Time teachers. It is important for our students to understand where they are academically along with their teachers so we can work together in creating an action plan to help all of our students find success in their education. Children learn better—and faster—when teachers have a clear picture of what students know and how they are growing academically. Using the progress monitoring NWEA assessment three times a year we are able to do this. More than 13 million students in the US and in 140 countries worldwide use the NWEA MAP Growth.
- The NWEA MAP Growth is a computer-adaptive test. If your child answers a question correctly, the next question is more challenging. If they answer incorrectly, the next one is easier. This type of assessment challenges top performers without overwhelming students whose skills are below grade level.
- The NWEA MAP Growth uses a RIT scale to accurately measure what students know, regardless of their grade level. It also measures growth over time, allowing you to track your child’s progress throughout the school year and across multiple years.
- Once your child completes a MAP Growth test, they receive a RIT score. Our students will be using this information to track where they are at and make goals for improvement for their next testing.
- RIT scores have the same meaning across grade levels. If a fourth-grade student and an eighth-grade student have the same RIT score in reading, then they are testing at the same level in that subject. This stable scale allows teachers to accurately measure each student’s academic growth throughout the school year and over time.
- You can use your child’s RIT score to help them meet their goals. You can also ask your child’s school about educational resources that will help them in their areas for improvement.
Tutoring - FREE
WMS FREE Tutoring
Student attendance in tutoring sessions is essential for reinforcing classroom learning and addressing individual academic needs. Regular tutoring participation allows students to receive targeted support in areas where they may struggle, build confidence in their abilities, and stay on track with grade-level expectations. Moreover, consistent attendance fosters a structured learning routine, ensuring that students gain the skills and strategies needed for long-term academic success.
- WHO - ALL students are welcome to attend (Sign up in Library)
- WHAT - FREE tutoring provided by WMS teachers
- WHERE - WMS Library
- WHEN - EVERY Week from 3:05pm - 4:10pm
- Monday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
Spanish Lab Tutoring
Spanish Lab is a virtual help session hosted by Sra. Weldon a few times each month on Wednesday evenings from 8:00-8:30 pm. Students are welcome to join this Google Meet at any point during the optional 30-minute session for extra support and help with their Spanish class. Please come with specific items, questions and concepts to practice during this time.
Google Classroom Code to Join the Meet: 5pelbz3
Scheduled session dates:
February 19, 2025
March 5, 2025
March 19. 2025
April 16, 2025
April 30, 2025
May 7, 2025
May 21, 2025
Esports spring season tryouts are next week, February 10, 11, and 12.
All potential participants need to be registered at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSclmQLcXcuQ1zQWq2RW-EUKX94EH9FxXbGgDv97gbsF0pRnEg/viewform?usp=sharing.
Sign up soon, as spots are limited and registration will be closed when we have reached capacity. This season, we are excited to launch our competition in the multi-national PlayVS league to test our skills against other middle school teams from around the country and around the world. Our game lineup has expanded as well, offering NBA 2K, Splatoon, Smash Bros, and Chess, alongside repeat team competition with Mario Kart and Rocket League. We hope to carry the strong performance of our fall team into the spring!!
East, West, and Bobcat Innovation have a middle school bowling meeting February 19th at GB Lanes in the conference room behind lanes 5-6 at 6pm.
Any questions they can contact Lisa Littlecalf at (810) 333-4088 or George Calvert at 810-919-8942.
Counseling Office Information
A Counseling "Note"
Counselors at WMS are available to assist your child with social, emotional, and academic concerns. Counselors are also able to assist families with community resources.
If you have any concerns with your child, please do not hesitate to reach out to counselors for assistance. For your convenience, we have listed many resources on our counseling office website found under “For Students” and then "Counseling Office" on the WMS homepage.
In early February, we will begin the process of scheduling classes for the 2025-2026 school year. Your child will be bringing home a course selection form for you to review.
Alateen is a support group to help young people affected by someone else's substance abuse. We are extremely careful to protect each other's anonymity.
Alateen members learn:
- Alcoholism/addiction is a disease
- They can detach themselves emotionally from the user's problems while continuing to love the person
- They are not the cause of anyone else's drinking , drug use, or behavior
- They cannot change or control anyone but themselves
- They have resources with which to develop their own potential, no matter what happens at home
- They can build satisfying and rewarding life experiences for themselves
If your student is affected by someone else's drinking or substance abuse, please call Mrs. Douglas at (810) 591-7339 to learn more about this group!
Easterseals School-Based therapists are master's level clinicians who are credentialed to provide services through counseling, psychology and social work. Clinicians address common issues such as anxiety, depression, stress, self-harm, trauma, truancy, poor social skills, suicidal thoughts/behaviors, substance use and attention deficit disorder. Referrals are being accepted and can be made by teachers, school-based counselors, principals, parents, and providers.
We are lucky to have Easterseals therapists working from West Middle School each day! If you feel your student needs some additional supports, please reach out to our counselors at (810) 591-7335 for more information.
Yearbook Pictures Needed
Grand Blanc West Middle School
West Middle School Main Office:
Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 3:30PM
Website: https://www.gbcs.org/Domain
Location: 1515 Reid Road, Grand Blanc, MI, USA
Phone: 810-591-7309
Facebook: facebook.com/gbwms
Other Important Phone Numbers
Athletics/Main Office 591-7309
Counseling Office 591-7335
Counselor (A-K) 591-7338
Counselor (L-Z) 591-7339