Wiggin Street Parent Update
May 26, 2023
Dear Wiggin Street Families,
This, being the last full week of school, was packed with fun times! Enjoy the many pictures from the week.
We will be wrapping up the year next week with a quick flag ceremony Tuesday morning in honor of Memorial Day. Then, we have the 5th grade vs. Staff Hockey Game at 2:00. If you are coming to watch the game, you may want to bring some ear plugs. The kids get very excited and the acoustics are not great in our gym. We are hoping that some of the issues will be remedied this summer. As for the hockey game, the first puck will drop no later than 2:15, so you will want to get a seat on the bleachers before that time.
The last day of school will include Kindergarten graduation at 9:30 am and 5th grade graduation at 10:30 am. There will be a quick 5th grade practice at 9:00 am, so Kindergarten parents will need to wait till 9:15 to take a seat. The all school 5th grade Clap Out will be at 11:45, and all students will be dismissed from school at 1:30 pm for the 2-hour early dismissal.
Lastly, we want to take this moment to recognize Mrs. Ballard for all the care and love she has shown Wiggin Street students over the years. She is retiring this year, and we are so happy for her that she can spend more time with her family, including her dogs, and travel more. We wish her the best.
Enjoy the long weekend.
Christy Grandstaff
Yearbooks for Sale
Field Day
Summer Reading Kickoff
Summer Reading Rewards
We are excited to announce the Summer Reading Goals and Rewards for this year! Everyone loves Water Day, and the goals are achievable! Please read this letter to learn more. Also, don't forget to send Mrs. Phillips pictures of you reading this summer.
Summer Reading Goals
Going into K&1 - 45 booksGoing into 2nd - 400 pages
Going into 3rd - 800 pages
Going into 4th&5th - 1,000 pages
Peer Mediator Picnic
Snow Cone and Extra Recess Reward
Class of 2023: Always "Wiggin Street Kids"
Art with Mrs. Biggerstaff
Making Baskets of Kindness in Mrs. Clippinger's Class
Mrs. Wegmiller's Class Played Math Board Games They Created
Lost and Found
Summer Reading Book List from IMSE
Your Kids Love Epic!
Fun Summer Learning Opportunity
2023-24 Class Lists
Upcoming Important Dates
29 Memorial Day (No School)
30 Morning Flag Ceremony/ Memorial Day Observance
30 Hockey Game 2:00 (puck drops by 2:15)
31 Last Day of School/End of 4th 9 wks (2-hour early dismissal, 1:30 pm)
31 5th Grade Grad Practice 9:00 am
31 KDG Graduation 9:30 am
31 5th Grade Graduation 10:30 am
31 5th Grade Clap-out 11:45 am
Principal-Wiggin Street Elementary
Email: cgrandstaff@mvcsd.us
Website: https://www.mt-vernon.k12.oh.us/wigginstreetelementary_home.aspx
Location: 207 Wiggin St, Gambier, OH, USA
Phone: 740-427-4262
Facebook: facebook.com/wigginstreet
Twitter: @wiggin_street