Wildwood Weekly
September 15, 2024
Attendance is Key!
We’re excited to highlight Attendance Awareness Month in September! This month is dedicated to emphasizing the instrumental role that regular attendance plays in a student's success. Consistent school attendance helps students build good habits, maintain academic progress, and strengthen their social connections.
Here are a few key points to consider:
Every Day Counts: Even a few missed days can add up and affect your child’s learning. Encourage your child to attend school daily and be on time.
Stay Engaged: Be involved in your child’s education by regularly checking their homework and communicating with their teachers. This helps us all stay informed about their progress and any challenges they might be facing.
Address Issues Early: If your child is struggling with school for any reason—be it academic, social, or health-related—please reach out to us. We’re here to support and provide resources to help overcome any obstacles.
Celebrate Success: Let’s celebrate good attendance and the achievements that come with it. Acknowledge and praise your child’s commitment to being present and engaged.
Your support is vital in helping our students succeed. Last year, Wildwood Elementary had the highest attendance rate of all CVUSD elementary schools. We would like to continue that standard of excellence this year as well. Together, we can foster an environment where regular attendance is a shared priority and a celebrated achievement.
Mr. Lynch
- Important Dates -
September, 2024
9/19: PTA Restaurant Fundraiser - Ameci's & TIFA (ALL-DAY)
9/23: GATE Parent Meeting from 5:00-5:30 on ZOOM
9/24: School Site Council Meeting from 4-5pm
9/27: Back to School Picnic & Movie Night (6:00pm)
9/30-10/4: Reflections Artwork Due to School (See Reflections message below)
October, 2024
10/3: No School: Rosh Hashana10/9: PTA Executive Board Meeting at 6:00pm
10/11: Cornerstone Picture Retake Day
10/14-18: Conference Week: Dismissal at 12:15pm for all students / NO ELO-P this week
10/16: Unity Day - Wear Orange
10/16: Reflections Gallery Night at 6pm
10/21: No School: Local Holiday
10/25: Pep Rally, Lunch with the Principal, and Special Dress Day: TBD
10/25: FALL FEST at 5:00pm
10/28-11/1: Wellness Week
10/29: School Site Council (SSC) Meeting at 4pm
10/31: All Grades Costume Parade at 8:15am
11/1: No School
Helpful LINKS
- PTA News -
Wildwood School Online Directory
Last call to submit the Google form for the Wildwood School online directory. The directory is a valuable tool for organizing playdates, carpools, party invitations, and connecting with other Wildwood families. It's available at no cost to PTA members and is exclusively for Wildwood School parents. Non-PTA members can access the online directory for a $5 fee, paid to the Wildwood office.
Please take a moment to complete the brief Google Form, or simply scan the QR code to get started.
Fall Fest Team Forming
FALL FESTIVAL! Our annual Fall Festival is just around the corner on Friday, October 25, and the planning is beginning NOW. We'd love to have you join us at our planning meetings on Fridays immediately after drop-off, beginning this Friday, September 13. There are jobs of all kinds so there is something for everyone. We hope to see you there! Any questions reach out to Tracy Yoder at tracyoder@gmail.com
- What: Fall Festival Planning Meetings
- When: Fridays (beginning September 13)
- Time: 8:15am
- Where: Room 21 (STEAM Classroom)
Enter Reflections’ Theme-Based Art Contest:
Students create art based on their interpretation of: “Accepting Imperfection”. Create art in any of the categories, write your statement on how your art relates to the theme, and turn in! Students’ work will be judged and displayed at our gallery show. You could win awards and move on through the PTA Shows!
1. Grab Rules & Entry Form in the Office or Click Here!
2. Choose a Category & Create (art inspired by theme w/o parent help)
3. Mount your Work: Pick-up Matting Material in the office or buy foam core
4. Turn in Mounted Art & Entry Form on: Week of 9/30-10/4 (NO EARLIER)
5. Awards & Gallery Show: Wednesday, 10/16 at 6pmWATCH REFLECTIONS KICK-OFF VIDEO!
Questions & Digital Files: ReflectionsWildwood@gmail.com
- Important CVUSD Information -
Stay Connected with "Five Key Takeaways" from Our Advisory Councils/Committees
Family participation and engagement is a key priority of the Conejo Valley Unified School District. Our seven Advisory Councils and Committees meet regularly for vibrant discussions, informative presentations, relationship-building activities and more. These meetings are open to all members of our CVUSD community to attend. However, we understand that attending meetings in-person is not always possible. Visit THIS CVUSD WEBPAGE to stay informed on updates and actions from each Advisory Council and Committee, with "Five Key Takeaways" from each meeting.
- School News -
STEAM Returns for the 2024-25 School Year
Dear Wildwood Families,
I am so excited that STEAM will be starting September 24th! STEAM is a 100% PTA funded program, and we are so lucky at Wildwood to be able to provide this opportunity for our students. I believe we are one of the only schools in the District offering STEAM to TK-5th grade students -simply amazing! We had so much fun last year, and I look forward to another year of experimenting and learning. I will try to share monthly updates in this newsletter so you can see what we've been up to, but if you want an inside look, I know a few teachers are still looking for volunteers! It is only 30 minutes every other week. Additionally, I occasionally have prep projects that can be completed at home. If you are interested please email me at scasey@conejousd.org.
Throughout the year, I may reach out asking for donations. Many of these can be found in your homes, and I have also created an Amazon STEAM Wishlist for those who wish to donate. There is a STEAM donation box in the front office for those looking to donate either from my wish list or maybe you have something you are getting rid of that you believe we can use.
Here is the Amazon list:
Household Donations Wish List:
- Toilet paper rolls
- Paper towel rolls
- Tissue paper (can be used and ripped etc- just needs to be clean)
- 9-inch Paper plates-the good old fashioned cheap kind (no wax, plain white. etc)
Thank you!
Sarah Casey
School Site Council (SSC)
Thank you to all of our School Site Council members that contributed to this year’s School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)! The draft version of our school’s SPSA is available now at this link. This plan will be provided to our community and Board of Education on 9/18/24 for discussion and again on 10/9/24 for approval.
Wildwood's GATE Program
Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) provides qualitatively differentiated learning experiences for students with unique abilities, interests and talents with the expectation that students will be successful learners capable of performing at high levels of ability. Research has shown that specialized instructional strategies, along with opportunities for gifted students to interact with each other on a regular basis, yield higher academic performance, as well as improved social and emotional well-being.
To learn more about CVUSD's GATE program and offerings, click HERE. To learn more about Wildwood's process of GATE identification and school offerings, please join us on Zoom for an informational meeting from 5:00-5:30pm on Monday, September 23. You may use this ZOOM link to access the virtual meeting.
Make it personal!
Now is a GREAT time to get student names on lunch bags and water bottles. Please do your part to prevent loss of personal items by labeling student belongings. This small act also saves school staff hours of time over the course of a school year trying to reunite students with their belongings.
NEW 2024-25 Lost & Found Protocol: All Lost & Found items will be removed from campus and donated to a good cause on the last day of EACH month. Please do your part to remind your children to bring personal items home each day, and we will assist as well.
Follow Us on Social Media
Wildwood Elementary has an official presence on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Click on each image below to access Wildwood's social media accounts. Be sure to like and follow to get an inside peek into daily happenings at Wildwood through videos, images, and reminders which are posted weekly by our Wildwood social media manager.
Visitors & Volunteers
Digital Backpack Fliers
Please click the "Digital Backpack" image to check if any new community fliers have been posted recently. Not all fliers will appear as images in our Wildwood Weekly newsletter, and we don't want you to miss out on community events, classes, or opportunities that are of interest to you. Fliers are organized under three tabs:
- School-Connected Organizations and Governmental Agencies
- Non-Profit Groups
- All Other Groups
From time to time, individuals or groups in the community will distribute information and advertisements to parents/guardians on the public sidewalks during school arrival or dismissal. This information is not affiliated or endorsed by Wildwood Elementary and CVUSD. Any approved communications (i.e. announcements, fliers) from Wildwood Elementary and CVUSD will be provided directly from the school to you via email, or given to your students to take home. If you ever are unsure whether or not materials are from Wildwood Elementary and CVUSD, please do not hesitate to contact the front office.
- Bell Schedule -
Wildwood Elementary
Email: klynch@conejousd.org
Website: www.conejousd.org/wildwood
Location: 620 Velarde Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
Phone: 805-492-3531
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WildwoodTigers
Twitter: @WildwoodTigers
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wildwoodtigers/