Mustangs in the Middle Newletter
August 9th, 2024
Principal's Message
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are excited to kick off another fantastic year of learning, growth, and new experiences at Strongsville Middle School. Whether you are new to our school or returning, we are thrilled to have you as part of our school community.
As the principal of Strongsville Middle School, I am committed to ensuring that every student feels safe, supported, and challenged to reach their full potential. Our dedicated team of teachers and staff have been preparing all summer to provide your children with the best educational experience possible.
John Telloni - SMS Principal
Important Dates to Remember
First Day of School: August 19, 2024
Open House: August 27, 2024, 5pm-7pm (5:30pm & 6:30pm Parent Meeting in the Auditorium)
School Picture Day: August 29, 2024
Parking Lot - Arrival & Dismissal
See the parking lot diagram below- It is imperative that ALL CAR RIDERS entering the school lot follow this diagram strictly.
* PLEASE DO NOT PARK AND WAIT for entry until 7:40. The loop is meant for movement not standstill. Feel free to drop your student off at an entrance prior to 7:30 if you arrive prior to the doors opening. They will not have entry to the building, but can wait by the doors.
Bus riders ONLY will enter the main entrance.
Car Riders- Enter Door Q and R
Cars need to wrap the building, similar as drop off. You can notify your student where in the loop you are if they have a device to look at when they finish their day. Students will exit the back and side doors to find their cars. Bus riders will exit the front doors.
DO NOT PICK UP your STUDENT IN THE FRONT MAIN LOT- this will block special bussing that loops in the front of the building.
Please do not encourage your student to meet you in other nearby locations to get into your car- this creates a HUGE safety issue as cars are exiting and entering, and affects our Pearl Road traffic. If we efficiently use our system and are patient, we hope to get all out of the lot efficiently and timely. Following these rules models to your student your support to SCHOOL RULES and following them as requested.
All students must have a lock on their locker at all times. If they do not bring back their own lock, they may purchase one from the main office for $6.60. Locks must be school issued, personal locks are not permitted. Students will receive their locker information on the first day of school. Teams will assign lockers to students.
CLICK HERE for directions on how to unlock a combination lock at school.
School Supplies and Materials
Students can bring their school supplies to their team pods the first day of school. Students begin their day with PRIDE Time/Intervention and Enrichment. They will arrive and go directly to their pods on the first day. Staff will list their assigned PRIDE TIME room in their pods- students will see this when they arrive that morning.
Pick Up During School Hours
Students who need to be signed out during the school day must be signed out by a parent, guardian, or an individual who has been approved by the parent or guardian. The person signing the student out must present a valid photo ID at the time of pick-up and come into the school to sign the student out. This policy ensures the safety and security of our students by verifying that only authorized individuals are permitted to remove students from school during the day.
Cell Phone and Earbud Policy for SMS
To maintain a focused and productive learning environment, we have established the following rules regarding cell phones and ear buds:
Classroom Guidelines:
No Cell Phones or Ear Buds in the Classroom:
Cell phones must be placed in the designated holder at the front of the room, or in your locker.
Earbuds must not be in your ears unless you have explicit permission from the teacher or a documented need (e.g., IEP or 504 plan).
Bathroom and Hallway Guidelines:
No Cell Phones in the Bathroom or Halls:
Students cannot leave the classroom without first placing their cell phone in the designated holder.
Permissible Use:
Academic Labs / Lunch:
Cell phones and ear buds may be used during study hall and lunch unless otherwise specified by school staff.
Progressive Discipline Plan:
1st Offense:
The student receives a warning to put the device away in the approved location (e.g., caddy, bookbag, locker).
2nd Offense:
The device is turned into the office and can be picked up by the student at the end of the day. The teacher will contact the parent to discuss the behavior.
3rd Offense:
The device is turned into the office. An administrator will contact the parent to discuss pick up and establish a plan of support.
4th Offense:
The device is turned into the office. The parent will be contacted to discuss pick up. An after-school detention will be issued.
5th Offense:
The device is turned into the office. The parent will be contacted to discuss pick up. Progressive discipline will be applied.
6th Offense:
The student will not be permitted to bring a cell phone to school for a determined period of time.
To summarize cell phones and airpods / earbuds are not permitted during any class or in the hallways. During class, cell phones will be stored in the classroom caddy / storage system or kept in a locker. During class changes, cell phones should be in a student’s pocket or purse. SMS students may use their cell phone in an academic lab or at lunch.
School Lunch
Breakfast is offered daily in our cafeteria for $2.25
Lunch is available for all students for $3.95
Payment: Cash or check in person, or you can put money on your student's account to purchase with their student ID at check-out. Your student can also bring money or check into the cafeteria to put money on the account as well.
Office Availability
Building is Open 7:30-3:30 Monday-Friday
School Information
School Counselors will be back in the building August 13th.
Mrs. Maroszan-6th grade
Mr. Greer- 7th grade
Mrs. Pietrocini- 8th Grade
School Information
Main Office: 440-572-7090
Building Secretary: Mrs. Hallie Malloy
6th Grade Principal: Mrs. Tera Thomas
7th Grade Principal: Mr. Chris Howell
8th Grade Principal: Mr. Bryan Szczepanski
Strongsville Middle School Principal: Mr. John Telloni
SCS Anonymous Reporting System
Parents/students have access to our anonymous reporting system. CLICK HERE to access. The more information shared when reporting, the better chance we have to investigate and support.