Oak Leaf Weekly Update
Charter Council and Parent Council News
Parent Council News
ROCS PC and Community,
This Thursday, June 2, will be our next PC meeting held INPERSON and on Zoom at 5:30p from the teachers' lounge, next door to the first grade.
We will have a special guests who will be joining us for a meet and greet session to interivew for the Charter Council.
Meeting Id - 830 0333 8895 Passcode - 289408
Charter Council Corner
Our last charter council meeting of the year is on June 15, 2022 at 5:30pm. Please see the school calendar on the website for the zoom link.
The Charter Council, ROCS school board, is looking for new members to help shape our school for the next school year. Parent Council is holding Open Interviews for parents interested in joining the Charter Council. There are currently vacancies, and your support is appreciated and needed now, especially before summer starts!
Interviews will be held in person, in the faculty lounge, next door to the first grade, at 5:00p.m. this Thursday, June 2nd. Please bring a letter of interest and your resume to the meeting for consideration.
Thank you!
River Oak Charter School
Website: https://www.riveroakcharterschool.org/
Location: 555 Leslie Street, Ukiah, CA, USA
Phone: 707-467-1855