ALCS Preschool Press
May 1, 2024

Upcoming Events:
6-10 Staff Appreciation Week
7- Early Release day 12PM
8- PTA Meeting
27-No School Memorial Day
31- Field Day
Save the Date:
Tuesday, June 4th: End of Year Preschool Celebration- Families Invited!
1030 Morning Celebration
130 Afternoon Celebration
Lake Erie Nature & Science Center Field Trip
On Thursday, May 9th our preschool students will have the opportunity to go the Lake Erie
Nature & Science Center.
While there, we will participate in the Twinkle Tots program in the
Planetarium. We will see the moon, stars and explore the sky lights, sounds and colors. Our
preschoolers will also get to explore the many different animal habitats and see a variety of
the center’s resident animals.
WHEN: Thursday, May 9th
WHERE: Lake Erie Nature & Science Center 28728 Wolf Road Bay Village 44140
TIME: AM Bus will Depart Redwood at 9:20 and Arrive back at Redwood at 11:15
PM Bus will Depart Redwood at 12:30 and Arrive back at Redwood at 2:25
COST: $5.00 per child
Chaperones: 4 parents per class will be taken
Chaperones will meet us at the Lake Erie Nature & Science Center. More info will be sent by the end of the week to all chaperones.
Early Release Day
This is just a reminder that the district will have an early release day, May 7th.
Students that typically attend the morning session will not have school on this day. Students who normally attend the afternoon session will attend on the 7th, but will be attending in the morning session timeslot. Afternoon students will attend the morning time session is 9:00-11:30. For those students that ride the bus, an email will be sent to you with times for pick-up and drop-off.
Avon Lake Preschool Family Survey
As a program, our goal is to be reflective in our practices and work to make enhancements that benefit all of students.
Please take a minute and fill out our Avon Lake Family Survey and let us know how we are doing. The survey is anonymous and all data collected will be used to drive our program decisions.
Notes from the Nurse
We are seeing an increase in pink eye across the district. Please read the below information so if you suspect pink eye in your child you can help prevent further spread. You can also find more information on our website under the “Health News” tab.
Pink Eye/ Conjunctivitis Information
Pink eye is a highly contagious infection of the eye. The major causes of pink eye include infection by a virus or bacteria, allergy, injury or systemic diseases. Infection, however, is the most common cause.
Incubation Period:
Symptoms usually occur within 24-72 hours after exposure.
Itching and burning of the eyes, redness of eye or eyelids, tearing, thick and purulent drainage, matted eye lashes, swollen eye lids, sensitivity to light or eye pain.
Method of Transmission:
Direct contact with drainage from eye (s) of infected person or indirect contact by touching items contaminated with drainage such as toys, pencils, crayons towels or clothing.
Suspected cases of pink eye will be sent home. Parents are advised to take child with suspected infection to a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Infected children are excluded from school until antibiotic therapy has been maintained for at least 24 hours and they are free of drainage.
Frequent, thorough hand washing by students and staff and disinfecting of shared articles.
Use a separate washcloth and towel for infected eyes and avoid sharing eye make-up and sunglasses.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your building nurse or more information may be found at https://www.cdc.gov/conjunctivitis/
Thank you,
Kim Rose, RN
Arrival/Dismissal & the PARKING LOT
For the safety and security of all of our Redwood students, PLEASE ONLY PARK IN DESIGNATED PARKING SPOTS!
School Attendance
Please remember that all daily absences must be reported to the school attendance line. If you do not call your student off from school, we are required by law to call and check on the reason for the student's absence . Please contact the school attendance line at 440-930-8291 prior to your preschool session starting if possible.
Preschool Sports
Preschool Sports (Ages 3-5)
Register now for April, May, June & July classes.
April / Saturdays / (Ages 3-5)
⚽️Soccer, ⚾️Indoor Tee Ball & 🏀Basketball
May / Saturdays / (Ages 3-5)
⚽️Outdoor Soccer & ⚾️Tee Ball
June / Weekdays
⚽️Soccer, ⚾️Tee Ball (Ages 3-5)
👟Track Clinic (Ages 3-5)
🏀K4 Basketball League (Grades K-2)
🏐K4 Volleyball Camp (Grades K-4)
July / Weekdays
🏀Basketball Camp ( Ages 3-5)
🏐Volleyball Camp (Ages 3-5)
🏐K4 Volleyball Camp (Grades K-4)
Indoor Tee Ball
Go to www.preschoolsports.org
Redwood PTA
We are here to help, guide and support you and your child so that they can have the best early learning experience.
Avon Lake City Schools Preschool (LEAPS)
Email: stacey.vince@alcsoh.org
Location: 32967 Redwood Boulevard, Avon Lake, OH, USA
Phone: 440-930-8226