East Weekly
September 27, 2024
Upcoming Dates
October 1: Parent/Teacher Conferences @ 4:00-8:00
October 1: Gahanna Lincoln Instrumental Music Boosters (GLIMB) Meeting, 7:00pm @ GLHS
October 2: Picture Day/Retakes
October 10: Parent/Teacher Conferences @ 4:00-8:00
October 13: Dash & Stash - GJEF Fundraiser
November 11: Veterans Day Program (morning time TBD)
Updates from staff
6th Grade
If you requested a conference for October 1 or October 10, you should have received a confirmation email or Google Meet link from your child’s House teacher. If you did not, please reach out to your child’s House teacher. We are looking forward to meeting with you!
With the quarter ending soon, please have your child check Infinite Campus to ensure missing work gets completed. The Launchpad is a great way to make sure tasks are done on time.
7th Grade
Western Field Studies
Current Gahanna 7th graders are invited to attend Western Field Studies annual field trip to Grand Tenton and Yellowstone National Parks. The trip will depart on June 4, 2025 and return on June 11, 2025. The link below has information about the trip and the evening parent meetings you can attend to get more specific information. This is not a school sponsored trip, however it is chaperoned by current and retired Gahanna teachers.
8th Grade
All Grade Levels
Interested in supporting a staff member with a t-shirt purchase?
As some of you know, Mrs. DeAnna Pentello-Less has been undergoing cancer treatment. In order to show support for her during this time, teachers and students have organized a t-shirt sale. To order your own DeAnna Strong T-shirt, please pay $14.00 by check or Venmo (info in form), then complete the form below.
T-shirt orders are due by noon on 10/4/24. We cannot accept any late orders since we would like everyone to get their shirts in a timely manner. Shirts will be delivered to your child’s house teacher during the week of 10/14.
If you would like more than 1 shirt then please complete this form for EACH shirt that you want. All shirts will be delivered to your student.
Thank you for your support!
New Information
Veterans Day Events
This year on Veterans Day we are excited to honor those who have served our country. To recognize Veterans for their contributions we will hold a Veterans Day Breakfast & Assembly on Monday, November 11, 2024.
We encourage students and family members to invite a veteran in their lives—whether it's a family member, friend, or neighbor—to be a special guest at the breakfast and assembly presentation.
Please RSVP by November 1, 2024 to help us plan for this meaningful event.
Thank you for your support as we honor those who have served!
For Veterans who plan to attend on November 11:
The veterans in attendance on Monday November 11, 2024 will be invited to a breakfast in the Library followed by an introduction by their MSE student at a whole-school assembly. The assembly will last until about 10:30 AM.
For veterans who can attend, I ask that you confirm their attendance by completing the form below on or before November 1st. An invitation will be emailed as a followup to completing the form.
For Veterans who cannot attend on November 11:
For veterans that cannot be in attendance, we still want to recognize them! Please complete the form below, by November 1, 2024 to include in a picture for the slideshow presentation.
If you have questions about your veteran’s participation, please do not hesitate to call or e-mail. Thank you for your help as we show our students the importance of honoring those who have served our country in this manner.
Previous Information
Sign-up for Parent/Teacher Conferences
6th grade conferences
All 6th grade students brought home a paper sharing details about conferences. ALL 6th grade conferences are scheduled directly with the 6th grade teachers. If your conference was scheduled on 10/1 or 10/10, your child's House teacher will email you no later than 9/27.
7th and 8th grade conferences
7th and 8th grade conferences are scheduled by calling the main office at (614) 478-5550. Families of students whose teachers have requested a conference will be notified via email and can call the main office to schedule.
SmartPass is a digital hall pass system that helps schools track and manage student movement throughout the day. By using SmartPass, we can ensure students are where they need to be, improving safety and accountability within the school.
Parents, please be on the lookout for access to the platform, which will allow you to monitor your student's pass usage and stay informed. Please reach out to your child's teacher with further questions about SmartPass.
PTA Update
Volunteer Opportunity:
Bring desserts and/or drinks for Parent/Teacher Conferences
Always here!
Talking Points Communication App
As a district, we use the Talking Points platform to communicate via text. You can download the app on your phone to receive quick messages as needed.
Attendance and Planned Absences
To report an absence, please call the front office at (614)478-5550 or email fischerj@gjps.org by 9:10am if possible.You also have the ability to login into Infinite Campus and mark your child's absence there. Please ONLY do this if your child will be absent for the entire day.
The GJPS Heart & Pride Award
The Heart and Pride Award recognizes two outstanding staff members each month who make a profound impact on our students and Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools.
The Heart & Pride Nomination Form will remain available year-round and is open to any member of our staff, regardless of position.
PTA meetings take place on the 2nd Monday of each month in the GMSE library at 7:00pm. All are welcome!
Meeting dates:
October 14
November 11
December 9
January 13
February 10
March 10
April 14
May 12
Help support and fund numerous initiatives for students and staff throughout the year. Stay tuned to our Facebook page, “GMSE Parents” (new members be sure to answer the questions to be admitted), and upcoming newsletters for more information about what we do and how you can help.
Please consider joining the Middle School East PTA.
Important Dates:
Oct. 21, 2024: Comp Day - No School
Oct. 22, 2024: Staff Work Day - No School
Nov. 8, 2024: PD Day - No School
Nov. 27-29, 2024: Thanksgiving Break - No School
Dec. 23, 2024-Jan. 2, 2025: Winter Break - No School
Jan. 3, 2025: Staff Work Day - No School
Jan. 20, 2025: Martin Luther King Day - No School
Feb. 14, 2025: PD Day - No School
Feb. 17, 2025: Presidents Day - No School
Mar. 10, 2025: Staff Work Day - No School
Mar. 31-April 4, 2025: Spring Break- No School
April 18, 2025: Comp Day - No School
May 2, 2025: PD Day - No School
May 23, 2025: Last Day of School for Students
May 24, 2025: Class of 2025 Commencement